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Topics - xDonny

Pages: [1]
Support / Culling inner-cubes
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:38:46 pm »
My game is coming along quite nicely. Right now I have a plane of cubes rendered (20x20) and performance is great. However, when I add a lot of cubes to the scene, the frame rate slows down and eventually it becomes unplayable.

I had tried to use picking to get objects from the scene that are currently "on top" but this is even slower (<1 fps).

Does anybody have any experience with culling interior objects like this?

I have generated a new test (10x10x10) and when you look at the center the framerate drops very quickly, but if you look at a glancing angle the framerate is fine.

All the objects share compiled-data with a single cube, the only thing that changes is the texture.

Thanks for your help again,


Support / Disable texture resize
« on: November 27, 2013, 05:09:56 pm »
I have 64x64 textures but it always re-sizes to 256x256 and then looks blurry when applied to my object.

Support / Side detection for cube
« on: November 20, 2013, 06:11:56 pm »
I've been working for 2 days to figure out which side of a box i'm hitting when using picking. I get a SimpleVector from the picking and I have tried numerous things to figure it out but all to no avail.

I have tried:

a) adding the SimpleVector and the center of the box together, and finding which side it's closest too, unfortunately it's always closest to the character, even if the top is clicked it will put it on the side that's facing the camera.
b) pulling out my hair
c) crying

I need a fresh mind to help me with this



This is my picking code:

Code: [Select]
SimpleVector dir=Interact2D.reproject2D3DWS(, g.fb, (int) me.getX(), (int) me.getY()).normalize();
Object[], dir, 18 /*or whatever*/);

Object3D result = (Object3D) res[res.length-1];

some pseudo code of what I have tried:

Code: [Select]


Object3D temp = result.cloneObject();

temp.translate(0,-2,0); // up
float dist1 = dir.distance(temp.getTransformedCenter());

I use 6 distances (one for each side) and it still doesn't work!

Again, thanks

Support / Texture Jitter/moving?
« on: November 14, 2013, 12:42:55 am »
I'm rendering 100 cubes with a simple texture applied to them. The way the scene works is you can only see the top and you can rotate the camera, however. Whenever I rotate there are lines and the texture seems to expand and shrink rapidly on each cube. Why does this happen? How can I stop it? I'm stumped and frustrated.

Support / Rendering back faces.
« on: October 21, 2012, 03:48:55 pm »
Hello forum,

This is my first post so hello and I hope to be a contributing member.

Unfortunately my first post has to be in the Support forum because, well I need support.
I'm using the software renderer. I'm only interested in including jpct.jar. It all appears to be working fine,
however; when I load a model, you can see through some of the faces. The same behavior is apparent when
using the plane primitive.  When rotated you can only see one face.

Just wondering if this is a problem with the way I have it configured, or if it's just simply the way it is. If it does have to be
one way, what are some tips for blender to make sure everything looks solid?


Support / Textures - What am I doing wrong?
« on: February 08, 2012, 06:17:40 am »
I have a very, VERY large map. And when I goto a particularly high place, the textues look like they're being ENVMAPPED. Sliding and moving over the object, these are the only places where it happens, what can I do to stop it?

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