jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Version updates!

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quite impressive indeed ;D

very similar results on G1. 17, 10, 6 fps with 1,2,3 ninjas. 26, 16, 11 fps when converted to keyframe meshes. here is the apk. definetely a boost

so i suppose you dont cast floats to ints, but use Float.floatToIntBits(..) or Float.floatToRawIntBits(..) method ?

i wonder how this will perform on nexus one ? maybe dl.zerocool may test it if he's around ;)

Nope, it's a cast. I'm using this floatToIntBits() in some other locations like the normal calculations but not here.

However, i somehow have to add support for float[] back in, because int[]s are too limiting in some situations. I just have to find a good way to do it without hurting performance of the int[]s...

i see. so model scale should be appropriate.

Another update, now with the option to revert to floating point. Object3D has a new method (setFixedPointMode(<boolean>)) for this, default is true. If set to false, vertex data will use floating point again. The rest remains in fixed point, i.e. animations will still run faster than before...just not as fast as with fixed point only.


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