jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Activity switching



Well I'm confronting a problem but I'm unsure from where it comes.
I pass few hours checking around my code and found nothing yet.

So I wanted to know if you are encountering the same problem as me.

If you run engine, add objects etc.. then push the HOME button,
then with multi task selection return back to game are you models and textures still there ?

When I do this, I loose all my models and textures.

Thank you in advance for help, if don't come from JPCT I'll work harder to find what's wrong on my side.

Best regards.

I didn't have this problem with the demos on the Milestone.

maybe GL surface is re-created ? docs says, on such cases GL context is lost, for example textures..

Yes, that's most likely the problem. My demos try to handle this by resetting everything and loading it from scratch, which might be reason why they are not showing the problem.


Opengl context is definitely lost, you were true!

Thank you, so I reload the models each time now :P


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