jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Bugs

OpenGL on a Canvas


Hi, I am using a canvas inside a JApplet to render a car and change its color.

I can run the applet inside the IDE but when I try to run it from the web page I receive 2 exceptions and the applet doesnt appear, and also when I close the applet.

I was wondering if youŽd mind checking my code Egon. can I send it to your mail? there are two classes

The main one called aplication and the RenderThread that renders the image and manage the events.

Applet's default permissions won't allow you to load native libraries which GLCanvas require. I bet permissions are not checked when you run the applet from IDE. You would need to sign the applet to get more permissions.

Here is a link that proves that it is actually possible ;)

ok, thanks. I learned java almost alone, and there are many things like this one that I dont know. (yet)


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