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Find an object at a 3D location

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Suppose I have a cursor in 3D space and want to perform a click.  I want to know what object the cursor is intersecting.  Is there a way to ask the world what object is at X,Y,Z location?  The checkCollision functions only check collision with the polygons of an object, so it only detects collisions on entering/exiting the object.

The best solution I can come up with is to constantly check collision whenever the cursor moves,  and keep track of entering/exiting objects. 

However, this solution isn't perfect, and I can think of many ways that this will fail.  An obvious example is that the object moves far enough away, without the cursor moving / updating, and next time the cursor moves, it doesn't realize it has left the object.

Is there any way to get the bounding box of the object?  I know you can setBoundingBox, and calculationBoundingBox, but there is no getBoundingBox, as far as I can tell.

Okay, I found that you can get the BoundingBox using


This solves my problem.

But just to confirm (it works now), I would do:

--- Code: ---boolean doesIntersect;
SimpleVector cursorLocation = new SimpleVector(x,y,z);
SimpleVector centerOfObject = object.getTransformedCenter();
SimpleVector relativeLocation = new SimpleVector(cursorLocation);

float[] bb = object.getMesh().getBoundingBox();
if(relativeLocation.x < bb[0]) doesIntersect = false;
else if(relativeLocation.x > bb[1]) doesIntersect = false;
else doesIntersect = true;

--- End code ---

Is there any other way?  And will object.getTransformedCenter() always be good?

What if there are child objects? Will this method still work?

You are mixing object and world space with that approach. In this case, it might not matter that much, but it's better to use world space bounds anyway:

Thank you, that will help.

But, what if the object has children?  I would have to do getWorldSpaceBounds() on every child, and their children recursively. 

For instance, I loaded a 3DS file of a car.  The wheels are different objects than the car body.  I then created a new empty Object3D and added these loaded Object3Ds as children to it.  However, of course, getWorldSpaceBounds() only works on the object itself, not its children.  How do I get the objects children?  There is no getChildren() method?

Alternatively (and I don't want to do this), is to check collision for every object (including the children) and then follow the parent trail up.  A problem here is an object can have multiple parents.

Another solution that I haven't tested, and I think will have other drawbacks, is to use mergeAll().  Will this remove animations / ability for the wheels to rotate?  It seems that it would merge the meshes so that getWorldSpaceBounds() would work.

One solution would be to create an invisible bounding object (like a box) that includes all sub-objects and use that for your checks. I'm doing that for collisions too (which is why i usually call this approach "collision mesh") and prevent the player from climbing up NPCs for example...


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