jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

how to select the Triangle face which is in the Frustum


Hi All,

I want to use the jpct-ae to render a panorama in android device.

I create a cube and put the camera in the cube center, which is like a skybox.

and I put the texture tiles on the cube, about 4X4 pictures in each cube surface.

the picture tiles is in the network, so I want to load the picture when the trangle face is in the frustum, not load all picture tiles together, but I can't find the method to select the trangle face.

so I want to know how can I select the face in the frustum?

thanks for your suggest :)

You want to SELECT a triangle in the frustum or your want to DETECT if a triangle is in the frustum?

I want to DETECT how many triangles are in the frustum, if the triangles are in the frustum, then I put the texture in the triangle

You can do this only if you split the sides of your box into distinct Object3Ds and query Object3D.wasVisible();, but even then, you are one frame behind.


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