jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

glError 1280 on Android 4.2


My game crashes on Android 4.2(test with only one device who has a heavily customized system based on Android 4.2), but runs well on other versions(2.3 - 4.4).

First, seems the engine can't find the default shader-files in jar, so I push all sharder-files into a zip named "", and put it in "assets" of project, then call

--- Code: ---GLSLShader.setShaderLocator(new ShaderLocator(getAssets()));

--- End code ---

When I run game again, the engine found shader-files, but crashed when gen VBO, logs:

--- Code: ---12-12 14:40:07.394: W/dalvikvm(10293): threadid=15: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41578930)
12-12 14:40:07.416: W/System.err(10293): java.lang.RuntimeException: [ 1386830407375 ] - ERROR: before: glError 1280
12-12 14:40:07.416: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log(
12-12 14:40:07.416: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.GL20.checkError(
12-12 14:40:07.416: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.GL20.glGenBuffers(
12-12 14:40:07.416: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.CompiledInstanceFP.compileToVBO(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.CompiledInstanceFP.render(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.zwenyu.woo3d.components.GameRenderer.renderWorld(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.zwenyu.woo3d.components.GameRenderer.handleGameRender(
12-12 14:40:07.417: W/System.err(10293): at com.zwenyu.woo3d.components.GameRenderer.onDrawFrame(
12-12 14:40:07.418: W/System.err(10293): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
12-12 14:40:07.418: W/System.err(10293): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

--- End code ---

Could be everything...most likely a driver problem of some kind. Try to set to true. It helped with a similar problem on some other device.

Setting "Config.internalMipmapCreation = true" resolve it, thanks.

I want to always set this option to true in order to support most devices, but I don't know if there is any disadvantages than GPUMipmapCreation(such as loading time、memory usage\peak、performance and so on).

Not really...rumors are that doing it on the cpu is slower, but i never really noticed that. I'll make this setting default in the next version anyway.


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