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Version 1.31 has been released!


Get it from the download page:

Changes of the desktop version:

* Fixed Loader.readTextureNames3DS() to handle ill-formatted files better.
* Fixed getTransformedNormal() in the PolygonManager to not destroy a cached transformation matrix.
* Added a containsObject()-method to World. Synchronized the add- and remove-methods for Object3Ds.
* Moved settings for clipping planes from World to Camera, deprecated the setClippingPlanes()-method in World.
* Fixed Polylines in combination with viewport offsets.
* Fixed some near plane related problems in Interact2D.
* Added the option to shift the frustum in x-direction.
* Fixed a bug with setting the blitting shader.
* Added getters for name and type to VertexAttributes.

Changes of the Android version:

* Minor performance tweaks for shaders.
* Fixed Loader.readTextureNames3DS() to handle ill-formatted files better.
* Fixed getTransformedNormal() in the PolygonManager to not destroy a cached transformation matrix.
* Improved performance of internal matrix multiplications in OpenGL ES 2.0 mode.
* Increased light source culling performance.
* Added a containsObject()-method to World.
* Synchronized the add- and remove-methods for Object3Ds.
* Added the option to Config to calculate ray-polygon-collision with floats again instead of doubles.
* Moved settings for clipping planes from World to Camera, deprecated the setClippingPlanes()-method in World.
* Fixed Polylines in combination with viewport offsets.
* Added the ShadowHelper class to the util-package. While this class is similar to the one in desktop jPCT, it differs in some aspects.
* Fixed some near plane related problems in Interact2D.
* Worked around a blitting bug in the PowerVR 6xxx drivers.
* Worked around a bug with VBOs in the PowerVR 6xxx drivers.
* Added the option to shift the frustum in x-direction.
* Fixed a bug with setting the blitting shader.
* Added getters for name and type to VertexAttributes.
* Fixed a bug with specular lighting in OpenGL ES 2.0 mode.
* Improved compatibility with Vivante based devices.
As always: Have fun!  ;)

Thanks very much, pal. I appreciate it.

I'd just like to reiterate that the software renderer should handle Polylines.


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