jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Transparency lost after deserialization

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I used the DeSerializer to speed-up loading of the model I had in OBJ:

--- Code: ---class SerializeEngine {
private Object3D[] objects;
private String sourceModelFileName;
private String sourceMaterialFileName;

SerializeEngine(final String obj, final String mtl) {
sourceModelFileName = obj;
sourceMaterialFileName = mtl;

int loadObj() throws IOException {
try (InputStream modelFile = new FileInputStream(sourceModelFileName);
InputStream materialsFile = new FileInputStream(sourceMaterialFileName)) {
objects = Loader.loadOBJ(modelFile, materialsFile, 1.0f);
for (Object3D o : objects);
return objects.length;

String serialize() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
if (null == objects) throw new NullPointerException("Object not loaded");
if (0 == objects.length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Object is empty");
int l = sourceModelFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
String destModelFileName = ((l <= 0) ? sourceModelFileName : sourceModelFileName.substring(0, l)) + ".j3d";
try (OutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(destModelFileName)) {
(new DeSerializer()).serializeArray(objects, dest, true);
return destModelFileName;
--- End code ---

Then, instead of slow loading from .obj:

--- Code: ---elements = Loader.loadOBJ(modelStream, materialStream, 1.0f);
--- End code ---

I loaded the model in Android from a serialized form:

--- Code: ---elements = Loader.loadSerializedObjectArray(modelStream);
--- End code ---

and got the model loaded in application in jus about one second. The dispalyed model looked fine except for transparent elements. They lost their transparency. Did I do something wrong or the transparency isn't written to/read from the serialized form? I was looking at the jPCT-AE DeSerializer's code and couldn't find any code related with transparency but It's hard to believe this information is just lost.

No, that information isn't a part of the serialized data. The idea of the serialized format is to handle the actual data the defines the object, not the attributes of an object.

When I load object florm .obj, the attributes are taken from .mtl, assigned to objects by material names when the parser finds o or g lines. The material name is 'forgotten' but material's attributes are kept in object. When serializing some of them, like texture names are exported but some are not. If the object is not bound to a material anymore, how can I retrieve it's attributes?

The point is, I have a nice looking model in .obj & .mtl and I want it look nicely when I load it, faster, from a serialized form. And I cannot rewrite code whenever I change a model. For now I have retrieved from .mtl transparency data like that:

--- Code: ---Map<String, Float> transMap = new TreeMap<>(); // <MaterialName, d attribute>
transMap.put("glass", 0.34f);
transMap.put("windscreen", 0.44f);
transMap.put("lights", 0.52f);

--- End code ---

Only because I split earlier all objects to face groups by material, adding material to group names (because transparency is assigned by object an I had multimaterial objects) I could strip the object name from the original name and _jPCTnn suffix and reassign transparency after importing serialized model.

--- Code: ---for (Object3D element : elements) {
  String elementMaterial = extractMaterialName(element.getName());
  Float transparency = transMap.get(elementMaterial);
  if (null != transparency) element.setTransparency((int) (100f * transparency)); // is this formula correct?

--- End code ---

This, however, is an workaround that I cannot use in production because each model would need some implementation.

Of course, I can add all needed material attributes to object names (is there a limitation on object length?) but if we went to binary serialization to avoid text parsing overhead, it's not the direction we'd like to go.

I guess I didn't consider it to be important. I had to make a cut somewhere and transparency didn't make it into the format. I'll look into it. Should be easy to add it.

Thank you, Egon! Material data is important and so small, compared to the geometry, that adding it cannot harm :)


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