jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

SurfaceView Transparent without glsurfaceview.setZOrderOnTop(true);


Good day!

I want to make transparent the surfaceview to view the image background behind of it.
How i can do that i did a lot of research but i always search the setZOrderOnTop the surfaceview make transparent but it overlay the ather view.

IIRC, you have to create a GL context with an alpha channel and clear the framebuffer with the RGBColor variant of the clear method to set an alpha while clearing. There should be a simple example of how to combine the camera view with a rendering on top, which is a similar task, somewhere here in the projects section. Though it's hard to find for me ATM too, because I'm on mobile right now...

Edit: There's a sticky topic here in the support section about that camera overlay thing...maybe that helps.


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