==== Ambient lighting ====
==== Ambient lighting ====
World has a method to set [http://www.jpct.net/doc/com/threed/jpct/World.html#setAmbientLight(int,%20int,%20int) ambient lighting]. Usually, the values are in the range of 0..255, default is 100 for all three components for newer versions of jPCT and -100 for older ones. Negative values once had a purpose, but not anymore. Please ignore them. You may set values higher than 255, but that shows effect only when using the software renderer. If you want to look software and hardware as similar as possible, but do it.
World has a method to set [http://www.jpct.net/doc/com/threed/jpct/World.html#setAmbientLight(int,%20int,%20int) ambient lighting]. Usually, the values are in the range of 0..255, default is 100 for all three components for newer versions of jPCT and -100 for older ones. Negative values once had a purpose, but not anymore. Please ignore them. You may set values higher than 255, but that shows effect only when using the software renderer. If you want to look software and hardware as similar as possible, then don't do it.
==== Light sources ====
==== Light sources ====
jPCT supports an unlimited number of light sources for both, the software and the hardware renderer. However, when using compiled objects, the number of lights that shine on one object is limited to 8. jPCT will determine the 8 most important for this object automatically. Lights can be added to the world in two different ways, the legacy way and the more object oriented way. I prefer the latter, which is enabled by using the Light-class in the util package.
jPCT supports an unlimited number of light sources for both, the software and the hardware renderer. However, when using [[Compiled objects]], the number of lights that shine on one object is limited to 8. jPCT will determine the 8 most important ones for this object automatically. Lights can be added to the world in two different ways, the legacy way and the more object oriented way. I prefer the latter, which is enabled by using the Light-class in the util package.
The same is true for setting up attenuation and similar values...you may either configure this in a global way in Config or individually in either World or in the Light-class. Again, i prefer the latter way. The Config-settings are relic from the past, ignore them for new applications if possible.
The same is true for setting up attenuation and similar values...you may either configure this in a global way in Config or individually in either World or in the Light-class. Again, i prefer the latter way. The Config-settings are a relic from the past, ignore them for new applications if possible.
==== The Lights-class ====
==== The Lights-class ====
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