Author Topic: quake 3 maps  (Read 3404 times)

Offline draga

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quake 3 maps
« on: January 14, 2010, 04:33:41 pm »

I was wondering that I the screenshot section of the page, there are pictures of a rendered quake 3 map..
How can I load Quake3 maps in jpct??

best regards,

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: quake 3 maps
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2010, 05:14:05 pm »
Not directly, i'm afraid. I can use the kludgy workaround that i was doing to convert them into something that jPCT can load. I'm quoting myself from a years old thread here:

There's a converter for Q3 to VRML, which i used to convert the geometry. I unzipped the textures from the *.pk3 and converted them with Deep Exploration into JPGs. I then loaded the VRML-file of the level into DE (with the textures in the same dir so that it could use them). I then exported it into *.rh (don't know what exactly this is), because it can include the textures into the file and replaces the names with "levelname"x...Finally, i loaded this file and exported it to 3DS-format (including the textures). Why the *rh-step you may ask...well, 3DS can only store 12 chars for naming a material's texture but DE doesn't export the textures that way, i.e. you'll end up with a 3DS-file with a material pointing to "blahblah_is_" but the actual filename is still "blahblah_is_a_great_thing.jpg" save me from renaming bazillions of files by hand or writing a program to do this, i added the *.rh step.

In fact, i'm doing this two times. One time or the texture maps and one time for the light maps. At runtime, i'm loading both models and merge them in a multi textured one. That's a workaround for the fact that neither 3ds nor OBJ format support multiple texture layers.

Edit: I think i have two or three converted levels lying around. If it helps, i can search for them and upload them.