jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support


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how does DeSerializer work exactly ? plain java serialization or other format ? i've found java serialization is god damn slow on this thing :-\

No, it's some other format. Basically, it's all about writing int[]s and float[]s (converted into ints) directly into the stream. The basic idea was to have something that:

* Android/Dalvik can load fast
* doesn't consume much memory
* doesn't require any parsing
* stores normal, so that build() doesn't have to calculate them
It's not a full blown Object3D serializer. It serializes mesh data, vertices, texture ids and names and is able to reassign them even if the ids have changed at load time, normals...some Object3D attributes, but not even close to all.

i see. sounds good :D i guess it also stores compilation information, right ?

is it possible to add a method pair to serialize/deserialize only the mesh ? it can help saving/loading mesh animations. in this thing loading via regular serialization takes ages. i've sent a test app to my friend to load 130 keyframes of 810 poly's (and almost half of them are shared) and G1 timeouted while loading them ::)

i'm assuming Mesh and sequence data can be extracted from Animation and it can be reconstructed later on. looking at docs, it seems possible..

I wanted to add (de-)serialization of Animation (if attached to an object) anyway. Wouldn't that be sufficient?

Apart from that, 810 keyframes sounds a bit hefty for the device regardless of the loading method...


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