jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Priorities for collisions

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I want to know if the collisions are calculated using a priority, or depends on the order of how the elements were added, set or whatever.

Maybe it's my fault and is not the engine, I have 1 Object (source) and 2 Objects (targets), everything is set properly and works as expected most of the time, but sometimes when the source will collied with both objects the engine always choose the same no matter if the non chosen is the closer one.

That depends on the kind of collision detection. Which one are you using...ray, sphere or ellipsoid?

I'm using the checkForCollisionEllipsoid method

Ok...then please elaborate a bit more on the actual problem. What does 'choose' mean in that context and why is order a problem. How do you define 'closer'? Actually, ellipsoid collision setwction is a swept collision detection, i.e. the first obstacle will the hit first, then the next and so on...

With "closer" you catch me ;D.

Actually is my fault, I've forgotten the CollisionEvent return a list of Targets and I was checking just the first one of the list! Sorry


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