jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Menu System

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That game looks pretty damn awesome raft  :)

So all the individual in game objects are blits yes? But the menu screen at the bottom of the page is the android ui stuff? This is an interesting approach. So is this done by having a layout view that is just set to invisible unless its needed or do you render the components on the fly?

I know its not exactly part of this thread but Im interested in the control system in the bottom right of the pictures. Can you give me an overview of how that works? Even just a high level understanding. I have seen similar controls in various games but I wasn't sure how it was implemented. Are you just picking up touch co-ordinates or how does it work?

btw, Is it on the market yet? I searched for it but didnt find anything that looks like this?


thanks  :D

yes menu is made invisible during game. it's much easier to make a gui in android.

soft joystick works this way: user puts his thumb on it (exact position doesn't matter ) and slide to desired direction. I do the movement based on distance between touch point and slide point

jumpy is not complete and not in market yet. but you can download development version from the link in that thread

Hi Raft. Im now using your method for my menu system and its working out very well for me so thanks again for the suggestion.

i'm glad it helped :D i final note, make your view GONE instead of INVISIBLE. according to my tests it performs better

and... done :)


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