jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Out of memory

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Yea, I was afraid of that....
I am using a 256x256 texture for heightmap and run it through Terragen, a Heightmap2Serialized object generator (based on wiki page Heightmap),
Maybe there are some modifications possible in the terrain generation there.
Then I scale the terrain object times 20 (terrain.setScale(20)).
Also when closing my game I run System.gc() in the Activity.onClose(), and it's required to wait for that to done before running game again without the error.

Maybe it is possible to 'stream' the terrain somehow?
Or only load x*x around the player into the memory, and as the player walks, unload the parts of the terrain that are not visible anyway..
Don't think that is easy to do, if at all possible.

A 256*256 texture for the heightmap...ok, but what exactly does this mean for polygon/vertex count? You might want to have a look at the wiki where paulscode wrote a nice tutorial about how to reduce polygon count with free tools. I did this for the terrain in the An3DBenchXL bench and it worked pretty well. Maybe that's an option...

I have been looking at that page before and well,
I really don't like blender, that just doesn't work for me at all.. (+ I cant design for shit =p even in 3dsmax7 back in the day)
Also, I am a Linux user, and those programs are for windows.

Maybe an unappropriated question but could I have the terrain that you used in An3DBenchXL? (at least for testing purposes)
Then I could focus more on the 'more important' stuff and add/change terrain, models etc later.

Sure you can have that one. I'll upload it tomorrow now. I still would like to know the actual polygon/vertex count of your terrain to get an idea of what we are talking about here.

Terrain (ser file (named .mp3) and the texture):

use for example

--- Code: ---Camera cam = world.getCamera();
cam.setPosition(17552.824f, -1755.2219f, 9189.418f);

--- End code ---

as a starting position.

I'm doing this to initialize it:

--- Code: ---terrain.forceGeometryIndices(true);;

--- End code ---

Ok, Thanks for the object, really appreciate it.
About the polygon/vertex count.. how would I be able to get that? using the PolygonManager?

Edit: When loading your terrain object, it tells me it's an Unsupported version: 1347093252 and wont load.


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