jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

checkForCollisionEllipsoid() framerate drop

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This was a really stupid bug that remained unnoticed for months. My test case for collision detection simply didn't cover this and as long as most objects are in sight, you don't notice the reduced rendering performance either.

Hi Egon

Sorry to re open this, but I am having the same issue. That's most likely due to the phone I am using for development which is quite low end (600 Mhz CPU, 256 MB RAM, v2.1) but basically when activating the Elipsoid collision detection the frame rate drops from 30FPS to 18-20...

The model I am using is roughly 1800 vertices with 4 frames of animation, and the world has got around 20 models, all very low poly, only 5-10 of which are set to collision_check_others (I too noticed that reducing the amount of these or simply the amount of visible objects makes quite a difference)... and the recursion depth I am using is only 1. The objects are all stripped loaded from serialized files....

Is there any other step I could try to improve the framerate while maintaining the ellipsoid collision?

Thanks a lot

If it's a 600 Mhz thingy, it's most likely something like the G1 uses. Which means that it has no fpu and does all floating point calculations in software emulation on the cpu. I don't see much room for improvement. I can upload a new jar tomorrow that includes some additional performance tweaks for ellipsoid collision detection, but i doubt that it'll help much.

Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes it's a very skimpy thing, so I thought as much... I need to get a better one... However I can see now that the keyframe animation plays a big part in it, disabling it while keeping the ellipsoid detection gives me 25FPS instead of 18 which, for this device, I think it's quite good...

Can the animation be optimized in any way? Does the number of frames affect performance? Currently I'm stripping all the animations...

Thanks for your prompt help.


If you did find the time to upload that optimised Jar I'd really appreciate it! So I could let you know if it does make a difference on performance on low end devices such as mine...

And Number 2: how do you handle animations and variable frame rate? Do you always advance the animation by a fixed increment regardless or do you modify it with the delta time? I'm guessing that both ways there will always be a bit of stutter.....

Thanks very much for your time Egon!


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