jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Bugs

Crash report while just messing around

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Makes no sense to me...jPCT simply tries to find the best matching mode. If that doesn't work out, it will either fail to initialize the display or (if Config.glUseUnappropriateMode=true;) does what you did in your code: Use whatever is there with no constrainst. Have you tried to set Config.glColorDepth=24; before creating the FrameBuffer? Maybe i should add some auto-adjustment to this setting that converts 32bit to 24bit on Linux...

Yeah I do have it to 24 before initializing the framebuffer.

As for the output I get when I try to let jPCT create the Display this is what I get.

--- Quote ---Can't find desired videomode (1024 x 768 x 24) - searching for alternatives
Can't find alternative videomode (1024 x 768 x 24) - trying something else
[ Sat Dec 17 13:46:07 EST 2011 ] - ERROR: Can't find any suitable videomode!
[ Sat Dec 17 13:46:07 EST 2011 ] - ERROR: Can't set videomode - try different settings!
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Display must be created.
   at com.bryan.testing.util.MouseMapper.init(
   at com.bryan.testing.util.MouseMapper.<init>(
   at com.bryan.testing.Game.init(
   at com.bryan.testing.Game.<init>(
   at com.bryan.testing.Game.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Display must be created.
   at org.lwjgl.input.Mouse.create(
   at com.bryan.testing.util.MouseMapper.init(
   ... 4 more
--- End quote ---

I see...that's because the driver doesn't report the proper resolutions.

Yeah so I guess instead of trying to find the correct videomode I will just supply my own (creating my own display).

That will work fine, thanks for letting me know about that.


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