jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Significant transparency difference on different GPU's

<< < (3/3)

Ok I see how it works now, setSortOffset has resolved the problem in the test app, I'll try it in my other app later today.

I need it to be transparent for the effect I need, and I realize the performance impact. The performance is borderline acceptable on the Tegra2, but has virtually no impact on the Omap. But in saying that, the Tegra2 was never good at 32bit framebuffers anyway since the core is optimized for 16bit dithered color if I recall correctly.

Appreciate the help, thanks.

It's all good in the other app as well.

I got a few more FPS by making the furthest skydome's opaque, which obviously made that dome much brighter. Using negative values in setAdditionalColor() doesn't make it darker but that's fine I'll just adjust the ambient lighting or darken the texture itself.


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