jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Lines not drawing correctly for S2

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Here is the screen shot(below) with the grid lines.

As you can see the line draws a number of sections and then stops.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Here is the screen shot(below) with no texture and transparency. The lines start working again...

[attachment deleted by admin]

Really strange. Just to be sure: If you keep transparency but don't set the texture, the lines show up too? Could you try to offset the complete line set by some amount in up-direction and post the result? I would also like to see the buggy case when viewed from the side to better understand what's going on here...


--- Quote ---Really strange. Just to be sure: If you keep transparency but don't set the texture, the lines show up too?
--- End quote ---
They don't show.

--- Quote --- Could you try to offset the complete line set by some amount in up-direction and post the result? I would also like to see the buggy case when viewed from the side to better understand what's going on here...
--- End quote ---
Sure thing, I'll grab the device again at work tomorrow.

Maybe it has to do with the alpha channel of the texture...but i would expect that the cut-offs would be cleaner then. Maybe you can try what happens if you shorten or lengthen the first segment(s)!?


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