jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Bugs

Fogging problems

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These logs don't look complete to me. Neither of them contains output about setting the fog values nor a call to glClear. Anyway, i'll try to create a test case for this myself this evening. If that doesn't work out, i'll need your project to track this down.

Previously, the game had the "Config.glDebugLevel=1;" line in the creation of the render (which currently renders the menu and gameplay, I'm working on switching them to different activities). So I switched the line to be in onDrawFrame part of the render.

--- Code: --- public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl)
if(Screen == 1 && Screens.size() == 1)
Screens.put(1, new Gameplay());




--- End code ---

but, the log seems to show nothing besides loading the objects and compiling them. There isn't even any gl calls like in the previous 2 logs.

I also changed the gameplay render function so it would draw the objects every frame...and nothing :-/

--- Code: --- boolean firstR = true;
public void Render(FrameBuffer fb)
if((Touching || resetting) || firstR)
firstR = false;


--- End code ---

note: the renderer doesn't contain a world, only a framebuffer which it sends to the menu and gameplay classes. The creation of the gameplay/ menu class makes a new world just for that class.

I tried to create a test case, but i can't reproduce the problem. I created a fogged main world and a non-fogged additional world, rendered them in that order in GL 2.0 mode and everything looked fine even for the first frame. I need to project or a simplified test case to track this down...

Hmm...ok. Well, currently, I don't have a stable release. Last night I started converting the project from one activity to multiple activities and the process isn't complete yet. I can't even give the classes in question because I've already changed them for the activity conversion. But, as soon as it's at a stable spot, I'll send the project.
What email can I send it to when it's ready (if the problem still persists)?

Edit: The game is at a stable release now and the problem is still there

Just send it to I'll look at it this evening.


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