jPCT presetting

Started by bobson, November 14, 2012, 07:49:13 AM

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Hi Egon Olsen, i so in one app that it has preconfigured WASD-key and mouse actions to control world's camera for move, is some similar in jPCT?


You mean as a class that's ready to use? No. jPCT isn't a game engine, it's a 3d engine.
It's primary focus is on graphics, not on game logic. However, the wiki has a little snippet for creating a fps like camera (but without any code to handle input) and the fps example also contains some movement code of that kind.


I'm working on a game library that has jPCT at the core, if you are interested I have a thread here about it. It includes a 3D and 2D GUI as well as an optional Canvas GUI system that's simpler than Swing, since most games don't need the whole Swingset.
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