Author Topic: assign a GL texture to an Object3D  (Read 26901 times)

Offline raft

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2014, 04:48:59 pm »
jPCT just detects the error at that stage. It might or might not have caused it itself. It might be a problem with the current GL state. You have to make sure that after setting up the texture, the state is 'clean' i.e. it should be like as if you have never done anything to it.
this may be a clue: that texture works fine as SurfaceTexture. i.e: camera output is redirected to it and jPCT can draw on top of it. the interesting part is, if jPCT world is empty the warning is printed just once by SurfaceTexture.updateTexImage(). if jPCT world is NOT empty, that warning is never printed.

Have you checked what actually causes this error? The problem with gl errors is that they persist until somebody reads them. They might have happened waaaaay before they surface. You can only be sure if you check for a gl error after each and every gl call.
this code checks error after all statements. so it's not happening at texture creation time.

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2014, 04:57:33 pm »
In this:

Code: [Select]
GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, mTextureID);

this looks like a potential problem: GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES

Of course, i'm not using that because i've no idea that i have to at that stage. I'll look into it later to see if i can simply extend the hack, so that you give both values to setExternalId or something like that.

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2014, 09:04:57 pm »
Added...please try this jar:

I've added a glTarget as second parameter to the new method, so your call should look like this:

Code: [Select]
texture.setExternalId(texId, GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES);

If that does any good...who knows. If it doesn't, you might want to set the log level to debug and set Config.glDebug to 1 and post the output.

Offline raft

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2014, 10:14:40 am »
unfortunately. there is no error in logs but I ended up with where I started, i.e, texture also contains printed debug material. I've checked texture id is an assigned value.

There shouldn't be any need to do some special treatment. It will harm more than it helps.
the TextureRender class I used calls this at every draw call, so you say this is not actually necessary? btw, it didnt help for my case calling it every frame before world.renderScene.

Code: [Select]
GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, mTextureID);
below are some logs of last part. btw, you should mention in docs that Config.glDebugLevel should be set before FrameBuffer is created ;)

Code: [Select]
01-27 10:42:32.974: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 13375ns
01-27 10:42:32.974: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12666ns
01-27 10:42:32.974: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 10917ns
01-27 10:42:32.974: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10000ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 12917ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15917ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10417ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8500ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 8916ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11583ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 14250ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 16041ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 12917ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 35750ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 12708ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 10583ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 14584ns
01-27 10:42:32.979: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClear(16640) took 347458ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 29208ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 49291ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 24250ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 12250ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 19333ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 16750ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 13458ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 12500ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 11958ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1621625ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 27792ns
01-27 10:42:33.064: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 13417ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 24875ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 16250ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 10500ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 12709ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 14541ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 19542ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 15208ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 16792ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 77125ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 14583ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5889) took 8750ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 9542ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 14625ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2977) took 10042ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2896) took 12000ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2884) took 12125ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 15000ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8500ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 7583ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8125ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 9208ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 9666ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 9917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 10000ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 17583ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 9542ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14875ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 14458ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 14584ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 16500ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11458ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10958ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 15000ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 13917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 14750ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 11917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 49125ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 13917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8375ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 8417ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 16375ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 14459ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(false) took 10917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10541ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 16416ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8625ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 6042ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8375ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 11208ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 10167ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 8666ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 15084ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8917ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13541ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 13916ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 14500ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 19334ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 13500ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 13416ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 15208ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 12084ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 13917ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 51167ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 12209ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8375ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 8125ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 13791ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(true) took 10166ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 11500ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 8208ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 9042ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 14083ns
01-27 10:42:33.079: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 81792ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 11584ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 23250ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14416ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9000ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 12333ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10458ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15125ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 9250ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 7000ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 10083ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d45278, 0) took 16250ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 24292ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32888) took 13708ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 22541ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 12333ns
01-27 10:42:33.084: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 19708ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 45417ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11417ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 16542ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 29833ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10708ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 17875ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 29042ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11625ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 17250ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 29958ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10333ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 16459ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 30750ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 12000ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 20375ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 29375ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11375ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 16417ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 30000ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11875ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 16084ns
01-27 10:42:33.089: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 30083ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10958ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 16333ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 33333ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11791ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 18250ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 28833ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10750ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 9250ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 8084ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 19459ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13625ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9291ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12417ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 18792ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 18000ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 14584ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 12125ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10625ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 14625ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 20458ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14375ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9583ns
01-27 10:42:33.094: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10958ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 16708ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 21333ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 17125ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 20000ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 66292ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 17333ns
01-27 10:42:33.099: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 25917ns
01-27 10:42:33.104: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 28666ns
01-27 10:42:33.104: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClear(16640) took 584333ns
01-27 10:42:33.189: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 31458ns
01-27 10:42:33.189: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 48250ns
01-27 10:42:33.189: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 25292ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 14333ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 24666ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 18792ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 16375ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 13042ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 14666ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1612834ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 25708ns
01-27 10:42:33.194: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 13500ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 29083ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 16375ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 12292ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 13542ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 14500ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 22333ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 18750ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 19291ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 78333ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 17333ns
01-27 10:42:33.199: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5889) took 8291ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 11500ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 15834ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2977) took 18791ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2896) took 8084ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2884) took 19250ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 14083ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 18625ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 15875ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 6958ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8084ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 9750ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 10500ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 8625ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 10791ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 13375ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8750ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 19250ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 13625ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 18041ns
01-27 10:42:33.204: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 18708ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 18000ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12333ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 15292ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 17291ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 11417ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 11291ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 49416ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 12541ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7667ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 7833ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 13333ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 66417ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(false) took 11083ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10666ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 15000ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8083ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 6458ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8250ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 10417ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 10709ns
01-27 10:42:33.209: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 9125ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 11708ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 18167ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8625ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12833ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 12875ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 14958ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 15166ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10917ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 19875ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 11834ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 15708ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 13042ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 18375ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 51750ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 96375ns
01-27 10:42:33.214: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 17625ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 19625ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 18250ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(true) took 14333ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 47417ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 11042ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 12209ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 36375ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 11500ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 9083ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 25041ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 16334ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 11292ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 17209ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 9042ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 11167ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8458ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 8833ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8083ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d45278, 0) took 10292ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12500ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32888) took 10083ns
01-27 10:42:33.219: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8916ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 12041ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 18125ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 40708ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10708ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14791ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 22833ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9125ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13708ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 22792ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9667ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14292ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21166ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10083ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14125ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20833ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8416ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13833ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20792ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9000ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13791ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21167ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8791ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14417ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20125ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9208ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14041ns
01-27 10:42:33.224: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20666ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9125ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15250ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21000ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9291ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8750ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 7083ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15209ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11167ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 7625ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11375ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10083ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15458ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 12084ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 13833ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 11167ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 9750ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 13167ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15750ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10875ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8125ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9625ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 9833ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 14792ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 15708ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 13291ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 39833ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 11500ns
01-27 10:42:33.229: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 11375ns
01-27 10:42:33.234: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 15667ns
01-27 10:42:33.234: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClear(16640) took 337167ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 29917ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 46958ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 20792ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11458ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 17416ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 15292ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 11667ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 11083ns
01-27 10:42:33.304: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 12042ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1535292ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 20833ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 12000ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 23750ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13625ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8334ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11000ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12416ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15542ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14542ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 13542ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 64459ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 12125ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5889) took 8083ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8083ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 12084ns
01-27 10:42:33.309: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2977) took 8834ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2896) took 40126ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2884) took 11208ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11333ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 13125ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7334ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 7792ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 7834ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 8084ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 9708ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 8250ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 9083ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 12542ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8459ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10958ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 11416ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 13000ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 13125ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9458ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10292ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 12084ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 12708ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 10667ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 11000ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 38708ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11334ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6416ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 7208ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 12334ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12250ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(false) took 9041ns
01-27 10:42:33.314: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 9333ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 11583ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7459ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 5500ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 6916ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 8667ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 8667ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 7500ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 8708ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 11750ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8084ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11417ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 11292ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 12083ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 13583ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10208ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10584ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 11750ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 13000ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 10834ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 10834ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 32125ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11792ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7333ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 6833ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 11166ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(true) took 9000ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 10042ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 7709ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 7750ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 12833ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 7500ns
01-27 10:42:33.319: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 7625ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 16542ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11250ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9167ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 8792ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 8083ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 9667ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6583ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 6125ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 7292ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d45278, 0) took 8000ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10416ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32888) took 7542ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 7542ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10792ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14459ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 29375ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11958ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14333ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21000ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9458ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15542ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21792ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9959ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14084ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20834ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8916ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13541ns
01-27 10:42:33.324: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20875ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9458ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14500ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 23750ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9292ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13791ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21416ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9417ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13916ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20917ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8875ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14250ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 22125ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8875ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14083ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20250ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9459ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7458ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 7000ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 14459ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11709ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9042ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11291ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11416ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16584ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 12750ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12333ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 10292ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 9208ns
01-27 10:42:33.329: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 12083ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15791ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11583ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8084ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9125ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11083ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15334ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 13875ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 14041ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 36834ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 11375ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 10375ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 14458ns
01-27 10:42:33.334: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClear(16640) took 336042ns
01-27 10:42:33.404: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 27916ns
01-27 10:42:33.404: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 45208ns
01-27 10:42:33.404: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 20917ns
01-27 10:42:33.404: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11375ns
01-27 10:42:33.404: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 16500ns
01-27 10:42:33.404: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 14417ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 12375ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 10875ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 14458ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1472625ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 18542ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 11791ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 20292ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13042ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10709ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10958ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16084ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14333ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 13083ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 60458ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 12541ns
01-27 10:42:33.409: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5889) took 7542ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8333ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 12750ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2977) took 9709ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2896) took 8333ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2884) took 11291ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11375ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 13166ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6625ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 6208ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 7084ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 9084ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 8792ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 8166ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 8625ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 13500ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8459ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12334ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 12083ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 12958ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 13958ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9917ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 46875ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 30959ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 21417ns
01-27 10:42:33.414: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 13250ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 16000ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 51000ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 13875ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 13667ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 9459ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 13750ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 13833ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(false) took 11166ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 12042ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 15125ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7708ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 16375ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 12833ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 9958ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 9750ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 8625ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 9250ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 14875ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8708ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11916ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 12792ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 14834ns
01-27 10:42:33.419: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 14167ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10417ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 11458ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 12750ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 10541ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 11000ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 43750ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 12208ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6917ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 6708ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 12583ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(true) took 9542ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 9792ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 8250ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 7541ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2884) took 10083ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2896) took 7667ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2977) took 7500ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 16167ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10667ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 7750ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9167ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 7833ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 9166ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7125ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 5583ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 6375ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d45278, 0) took 8041ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11000ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32888) took 8709ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8416ns
01-27 10:42:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10750ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13916ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 27291ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9250ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14583ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20667ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9833ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13791ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20458ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9042ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14292ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21916ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8792ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14666ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21875ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8583ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13541ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21292ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9042ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14208ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20625ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9334ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13459ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20000ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9000ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13875ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21667ns
01-27 10:42:33.429: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8458ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13917ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21708ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9417ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7042ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 6750ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15333ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10833ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 7875ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9291ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10584ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15292ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 11167ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 13583ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 10459ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10000ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 12541ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 14708ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10792ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8167ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 8917ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10500ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 14417ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 13666ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 13167ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 34625ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(3042) took 11500ns
01-27 10:42:33.434: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 10250ns
01-27 10:42:33.439: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 16417ns
01-27 10:42:33.439: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClear(16640) took 339459ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisable(2929) took 27917ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 46000ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 21417ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 12291ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 17000ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 14875ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 11833ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 11250ns
01-27 10:42:33.509: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 11084ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1502458ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 21750ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 12041ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 23000ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 15875ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8834ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9334ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11500ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 18417ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14500ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32886) took 15125ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 62042ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2929) took 11750ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5889) took 9084ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 7042ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 12417ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2977) took 9000ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2896) took 9250ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(2884) took 11041ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11084ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 12458ns
01-27 10:42:33.514: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6667ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 6792ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8416ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 9000ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 8750ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 9875ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 8292ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 13958ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8291ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12500ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 11459ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 12625ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 13958ns
01-27 10:42:33.519: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9750ns
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 12:35:26 pm by EgonOlsen »

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2014, 10:59:47 am »
it's the same scenario. somehow texture is not used. if i omit blitting camera texture to back, plane uses GLFont's texture.

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2014, 02:06:20 pm » there something else that one has to do to enable these textures?
As you can see in the log output (second line), it binds the texture with id 1 (which should be your external one) with the proper constant, makes it's draw calls and then binds another texture with the GL_TEXTURE2D constant and renders other stuff. No errors are triggered (the debug output checks for errors after each call).

I'm not sure what's wrong here...

Code: [Select]
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11125ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 15000ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8500ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPushMatrix() took 7583ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadIdentity() took 8125ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d44e30, 0) took 9208ns
01-27 10:42:33.069: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d44e58, 0) took 9666ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d9c7a0, 0) took 9917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32885) took 10000ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 17583ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 9542ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14875ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 14458ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 14584ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDisableClientState(32886) took 16500ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11458ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10958ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 15000ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 13917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 14750ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 11917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 49125ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 13917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8375ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glPopMatrix() took 8417ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glEnable(3042) took 16375ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 14459ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glDepthMask(false) took 10917ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10541ns
01-27 10:42:33.074: I/jPCT-AE(23719): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 16416ns

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2014, 02:25:24 pm »
One question: How are you creating the texture? You are using ES you have to use this static GLES20 class to do it. Are you?

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2014, 02:38:04 pm »
I'm not sure what's wrong here...

that makes 2 of us :-\

please have a look at this code. it uses OES texture and works fine for displaying camera content in GLSurfaceView. later jPCT can draw on top of it without any issues.

while searching I've found this page. some users report similar errors, i.e. last texture is used instead of OES one when both textures are used in same shader. maybe relevant?

One question: How are you creating the texture? You are using ES you have to use this static GLES20 class to do it. Are you?
yes GLES20 is used, i'm using the code I had given the link in the previous lines.

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2014, 03:36:41 pm »
while searching I've found this page. some users report similar errors, i.e. last texture is used instead of OES one when both textures are used in same shader. maybe relevant?
Seems like as if you have to use another sampler in the shader in addition. That shouldn't be much of a problem. Just grab one vertex/fragment shader combination that fits from the set of default shaders in the jar (like for example defaultFragmentShaderTex0.src and defaultVertexShaderTex0.src), replace the "sampler2D" in the fragment shader by "samplerExternalOES", create a GLSLShader instance that uses both files and assign it to your object...profit! Well, maybe not...but it's worth a try...

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2014, 04:40:22 pm »
like this?

Code: [Select]
#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require

precision mediump float;

uniform samplerExternalOES textureUnit0;

varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec4 vertexColor;

void main() {
gl_FragColor= texture2D(textureUnit0, texCoord) * vertexColor;

this works, doesnt throw any exception but I got a black texture.

I also tried without multiplying vertexColor, but result is same
Code: [Select]
gl_FragColor = texture2D(textureUnit0, texCoord);

I just created a GLSLShader with defaultVertexShaderTex0.src and the code above and set to my plane before calling build.

Code: [Select]
GLSLShader shader = new GLSLShader(vertexShader, fragmentShader);

below are some debug output

Code: [Select]
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 6583ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d4afd8, 0) took 8625ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10709ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32888) took 7792ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9000ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11084ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15500ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 28750ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8792ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15084ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 22292ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10625ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15209ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21708ns
01-27 17:30:26.499: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9667ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14708ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21583ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9541ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15833ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20833ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8833ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13708ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 19625ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9708ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13833ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20625ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9417ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13416ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21375ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9291ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14375ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20667ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8916ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13959ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20333ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8833ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8167ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 6958ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15125ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12541ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8375ns
01-27 17:30:26.504: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10000ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11417ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15875ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 12292ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12750ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 11291ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 9375ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 12666ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 14000ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10709ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8250ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9666ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11166ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15583ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14917ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 12291ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 33666ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 11333ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 10166ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 15584ns
01-27 17:30:26.509: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClear(16640) took 344541ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 28500ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 44042ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 20875ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 12166ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 15958ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 14750ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 13541ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 12292ns
01-27 17:30:26.584: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 10834ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1431250ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 20750ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 11958ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 23083ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14792ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 10750ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10459ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11792ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16125ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 15125ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 14583ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 61625ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 11833ns
01-27 17:30:26.589: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5889) took 10541ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7125ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 13334ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2977) took 9250ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2896) took 7667ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2884) took 10292ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10459ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 10917ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7375ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6250ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7250ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 9250ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 9083ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 8208ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 11666ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 13625ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 12083ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11333ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 11416ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 11291ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 15166ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9042ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10791ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 11333ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 12750ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 11917ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 10917ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 37500ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11042ns
01-27 17:30:26.594: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6708ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 7167ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 11292ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12541ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(false) took 9667ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 11792ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6875ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6459ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7250ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 8458ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 9167ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 7958ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 7833ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 11334ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 7792ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10083ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 11375ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 12250ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 12875ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9417ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11125ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 14584ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 14750ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 11833ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 11250ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 33458ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 12333ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7250ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 8375ns
01-27 17:30:26.599: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 13208ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(true) took 9375ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 10375ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 7792ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 7958ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 10583ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 8875ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 8000ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 18333ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12416ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8250ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10584ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 8250ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 9459ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6709ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 5500ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 6958ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d4afd8, 0) took 9542ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11125ns
01-27 17:30:26.604: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32888) took 7875ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8458ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11250ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14500ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 31792ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9875ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14750ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 23041ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9167ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14583ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 19959ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8917ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14291ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20708ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8875ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13667ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 19958ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9959ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14167ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21250ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9000ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14250ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20250ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9292ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13583ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20542ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14542ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20833ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9541ns
01-27 17:30:26.609: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13833ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20584ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 19458ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 12500ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 9958ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 21000ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13042ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9417ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 12250ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12125ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 19042ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 37167ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 17333ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 13291ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 13417ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 17209ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 19875ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13208ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8667ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11208ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12667ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16583ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14667ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 13125ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 51417ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 11416ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 12333ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 16292ns
01-27 17:30:26.619: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClear(16640) took 345583ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 30375ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 43542ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 21667ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11917ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 18709ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 14292ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 12583ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 11459ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 10792ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1399333ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 19792ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 12625ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 21709ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14459ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9416ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10792ns
01-27 17:30:26.694: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11292ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 17917ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14333ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 14792ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 63041ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 12000ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5889) took 8334ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7000ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 11917ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2977) took 11458ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2896) took 7750ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2884) took 11042ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10250ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 11666ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7334ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 7042ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 6875ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 8750ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 10042ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 8542ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 11166ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 13083ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 12292ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11583ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 11750ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 11708ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 14833ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10917ns
01-27 17:30:26.699: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11042ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 11167ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 13500ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 10875ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 10833ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 36500ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11208ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7375ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 7667ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 12125ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12750ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(false) took 10375ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10375ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 11666ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7875ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6208ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 6584ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 8125ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 9250ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 8084ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 8125ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 11250ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8041ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12584ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 12208ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 11792ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 13416ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10333ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 12000ns
01-27 17:30:26.704: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 13417ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 10875ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 11083ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 29750ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11166ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6792ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 8750ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 13250ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(true) took 9375ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 10083ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 7625ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 9459ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 9750ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 8417ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 7959ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15500ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11916ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8000ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10958ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 8208ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 9333ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 6792ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 5500ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 6625ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d4afd8, 0) took 8000ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10791ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32888) took 8083ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 7375ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11084ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14958ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 25500ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9250ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14000ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21375ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9333ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13833ns
01-27 17:30:26.709: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21042ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9292ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 36292ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 53917ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 14333ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 18708ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 23875ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11458ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14541ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 27167ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 19083ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 21083ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 47791ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 11792ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 19209ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 33125ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 12209ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15292ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 26333ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9667ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14416ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 24042ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9167ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7583ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 7833ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 15292ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12083ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8500ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11583ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10541ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16334ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 11958ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 13750ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 11750ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10500ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 13042ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 14750ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10250ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8583ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12375ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15041ns
01-27 17:30:26.719: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14375ns
01-27 17:30:26.724: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 14166ns
01-27 17:30:26.724: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 40916ns
01-27 17:30:26.724: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 12750ns
01-27 17:30:26.724: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 11500ns
01-27 17:30:26.724: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 15041ns
01-27 17:30:26.724: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClear(16640) took 347458ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 29000ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 44042ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 21459ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 12958ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 18167ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 14750ns
01-27 17:30:26.794: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 11917ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 11459ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 11875ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1420166ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 20083ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 12292ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 23791ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13917ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8500ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10667ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12333ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15791ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14958ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 15959ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 60834ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 13167ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5889) took 8041ns
01-27 17:30:26.799: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7625ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 12375ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2977) took 9083ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2896) took 7875ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2884) took 10875ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 10625ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 12084ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8000ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 8291ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 6625ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 8708ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 8792ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 7916ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 13000ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 12834ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 12458ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 20541ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 21708ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 17834ns
01-27 17:30:26.804: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 21291ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 13750ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 15000ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 17042ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 16417ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 15541ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 14708ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 53250ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 13875ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 11541ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 9042ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 16333ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 15291ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(false) took 13417ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 13875ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 16083ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 9792ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6792ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 9875ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 11625ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 11250ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 9791ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 10167ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 16916ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 9167ns
01-27 17:30:26.809: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 15292ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 16166ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 15459ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 20292ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 13000ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 12708ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 14084ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 18208ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 34208ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 20875ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 54667ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11834ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8084ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 10250ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 15458ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(true) took 13708ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 23750ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 9500ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 8708ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 13417ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 11834ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 8584ns
01-27 17:30:26.814: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 24542ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 18125ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9500ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 17500ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 13542ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 11584ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8584ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 8958ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 10167ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d4afd8, 0) took 13875ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 20208ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32888) took 11125ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 10208ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 16708ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 23917ns
01-27 17:30:26.819: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 44458ns
01-27 17:30:26.834: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 19041ns
01-27 17:30:26.834: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 25708ns
01-27 17:30:26.834: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 39792ns
01-27 17:30:26.834: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 14958ns
01-27 17:30:26.839: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 38834ns
01-27 17:30:26.839: D/dalvikvm(24090): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1669K, 12% free 17271K/19527K, paused 2ms+12ms, total 36ms
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 55084ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 19875ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 24542ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 26500ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10833ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15875ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 23834ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9334ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14458ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20916ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9458ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13833ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20792ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8791ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14458ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 163958ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9000ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 13750ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20250ns
01-27 17:30:26.844: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9709ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 39334ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 46667ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 12292ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 14958ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 12000ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 19875ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 13292ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9209ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10708ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10916ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15459ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 13833ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 15042ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 11083ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 9417ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 11792ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 13834ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 11166ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8042ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9208ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 9541ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16666ns
01-27 17:30:26.849: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14084ns
01-27 17:30:26.854: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 196126ns
01-27 17:30:26.854: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 46250ns
01-27 17:30:26.854: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 12583ns
01-27 17:30:26.854: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 10291ns
01-27 17:30:26.854: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) took 12834ns
01-27 17:30:26.854: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClear(16640) took 325750ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 29000ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDeleteTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 47542ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glGenTextures(1, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1 position=0 limit=1) took 20875ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11708ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 17542ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10241, 9729) took 14792ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10240, 9729) took 12083ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10242, 10497) took 11250ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexParameterx(3553, 10243, 10497) took 12209ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexImage2D(3553, 0, 6408, 512, 512, 0, 6408, 5121, java.nio.ReadWriteHeapByteBuffer, status: capacity=1048576 position=0 limit=1048576) took 1400292ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 20167ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 2) took 13166ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 22875ns
01-27 17:30:26.939: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 14167ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 9042ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 11875ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11375ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 16250ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 14417ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 14500ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 62625ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2929) took 12375ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5889) took 7750ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7375ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glFrustumf(-0.25, 0.25, -0.140625, 0.140625, 1.0, 10000.0) took 12416ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2977) took 9875ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2896) took 7709ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(2884) took 10292ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 12542ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(36197, 1) took 13083ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8000ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6417ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7542ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 9292ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 8875ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 8375ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 11292ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 5) took 13125ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 12458ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10125ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 6) took 11458ns
01-27 17:30:26.944: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 12209ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 56542ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 19042ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 15958ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 7) took 17834ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 17125ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 11458ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 8) took 11167ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 6, 5123, 0) took 55375ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11792ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 20625ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 13750ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 18833ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 17125ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(false) took 14541ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 13667ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 3) took 18375ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7375ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6875ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7667ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLightModelfv(2899, [F@41d4ab90, 0) took 8709ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMaterialfv(1032, 5632, [F@41d4abb8, 0) took 8583ns
01-27 17:30:26.949: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d0c228, 0) took 9875ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32885) took 11375ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 1) took 15500ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glNormalPointer(5132, 12, 0) took 8834ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12417ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 2) took 14042ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, 0) took 14167ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32886) took 15708ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9917ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11583ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 3) took 11750ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, 0) took 13916ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34962, 0) took 10459ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 4) took 10667ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 1374, 5123, 0) took 41084ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindBuffer(34963, 0) took 11625ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7208ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 7667ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(3042) took 13625ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDepthMask(true) took 9709ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 10375ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 7708ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 7750ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2884) took 10542ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2896) took 7917ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2977) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 16958ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10875ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8333ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9375ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 8292ns
01-27 17:30:26.954: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 9542ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 8167ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPushMatrix() took 6083ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadIdentity() took 7875ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLoadMatrixf([F@41d4afd8, 0) took 8500ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10542ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32888) took 8084ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 7709ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10875ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15334ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 31417ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10125ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14459ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 22416ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9875ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15333ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21708ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9083ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14416ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21250ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 10667ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14334ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20167ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9667ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14333ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20875ns
01-27 17:30:26.959: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 8709ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 37542ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21125ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14500ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 20167ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9500ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 15042ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 21042ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9125ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5126, 12, java.nio.FloatToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=15 position=0 limit=15) took 14042ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawArrays(3, 0, 5) took 19916ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glLineWidth(1.0) took 9375ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glMatrixMode(5888) took 7458ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glPopMatrix() took 7750ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 14208ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 12167ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 8083ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 9334ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 10000ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 14958ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnable(3042) took 13125ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBlendFunc(770, 771) took 12583ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisable(2929) took 11209ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glActiveTexture(33984) took 11625ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glBindTexture(3553, 4) took 11708ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glVertexPointer(3, 5132, 12, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1800 position=0 limit=1800) took 14041ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32884) took 10875ns
01-27 17:30:26.964: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDisableClientState(32885) took 10791ns
01-27 17:30:26.969: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glClientActiveTexture(33984) took 10250ns
01-27 17:30:26.969: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32888) took 11917ns
01-27 17:30:26.969: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glTexCoordPointer(2, 5132, 8, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 15375ns
01-27 17:30:26.969: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glColorPointer(4, 5132, 16, java.nio.IntToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=2400 position=0 limit=2400) took 15375ns
01-27 17:30:26.969: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glEnableClientState(32886) took 12958ns
01-27 17:30:26.969: I/jPCT-AE(24090): glDrawElements(4, 12, 5123, java.nio.ShortToByteBufferAdapter, status: capacity=1200 position=0 limit=1200) took 38084ns
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 05:21:16 pm by EgonOlsen »

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2014, 05:03:01 pm »
i stripped down the vertex shader to below and got a totally transparent texture. although not sure what i do is nonsense or not, i'm a total shader dumb ???

Code: [Select]
uniform mat4 uMVPMatrix;
uniform mat4 uSTMatrix;
uniform mat4 textureMatrix;
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 aTextureCoord;
varying vec2 texCoord;

void main() {
  gl_Position = uMVPMatrix * position;
  //texCoord = (uSTMatrix * aTextureCoord).xy;
  texCoord = (textureMatrix * vec4(texCoord, 0, 1)).xy;

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2014, 05:51:40 pm »
Your modifcations to the fragment shader in the first post are exactly what i meant. Too bad, that it doesn't seem to work or at least doesn't render anything but black. Removing the "* vertexColor" was a good idea. If everything is still black, it comes black out of the texture.

I've no idea. To me, everything looks fine now. I would try some other things, but i don't expect much...anyway:

  • Keep the separate shader, but replace the samplerExternalOES with sampler2D

Doesn't work? Try this:

  • Revert to samplerExternalOES again
  • Don't set the texture as single texture, but create a TextureInfo that contains three layers with the external one on the so:

Code: [Select]
TextureInfo ti=new TextureInfo(<jPCT-ID of external texture>);
ti.add(<jPCT-ID of some dummy texture>, <some blending mode>);
ti.add(<jPCT-ID of some dummy texture>, <some blending mode>);

Still no luck? How about this:

  • Modify the shader like this:

Code: [Select]
#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require

precision mediump float;

uniform sampler2D textureUnit0;
uniform samplerExternalOES textureUnit1;

varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec4 vertexColor;

void main() {
gl_FragColor= texture2D(textureUnit1, texCoord) * vertexColor;

  • Assign the texture via a TextureInfo like so:

Code: [Select]
TextureInfo ti=new TextureInfo(<jPCT-ID of some dummy texture>);
ti.add(<jPCT-ID of external texture>, <some blending mode>);

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2014, 07:39:04 pm »
thx for the suggestions, i'll try them tomorrow.

did you look at the sample code i've sent? it uses that texture, assigns it to a plane and draws it with gl strips. it works, so maybe it gives a clue?

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2014, 08:29:04 pm »
... so maybe it gives a clue?
No, at least nothing that's obvious. It's all basic stuff and i fail to see the difference between that and what i'm doing. Just to be sure: You are setting the filter and clamping attributes in the same way:

Code: [Select]


If nothing else helps, can you provide a test case so that i can see for myself?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 08:35:12 pm by EgonOlsen »

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Re: assign a GL texture to an Object3D
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2014, 08:37:26 pm »
Just to be sure: You are setting the filter and clamping attributes in the same way?
yes, i'm using the exact same class, just not calling draw on it.

If nothing else helps, can you provide a test case so that i see for myself?
sure :)