Author Topic: Terrain grid issue..  (Read 3788 times)

Offline AugTech

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Terrain grid issue..
« on: February 09, 2014, 06:28:02 pm »

Can anyone give me some clue as to what is happening with the vertex coordinates here?

I'm trying to create an irregular sized plane in order to create a terrain (this is currently shown in Wireframe mode).
Firstly, for a given bounding box I calculate the number of cells required in X and Y, along with the size of each 'cell'.

Then I loop through generating the vertex positions for each corner of each cell/ quad as so;

Code: [Select]
    Coordinate[] quads = new Coordinate[(xNum * yNum * 4)  ];
    Coordinate ll, ur;
    int cnt = 0;
for (int yd=0; yd < yNum; yd++) {
for (int xd=0; xd < xNum; xd++) {
ll = new Coordinate(bbox.getMinX() + (xSize*xd), bbox.getMinY() + (ySize*yd) );//lowerLeft
//ur = new Coordinate(bbox.getMinX() + (xSize*(xd+1)), bbox.getMinY() + (ySize*(yd+1)) );//upperRight
ur = new Coordinate(ll.x + xSize, ll.y+ySize);//upperRight

quads[cnt++] = new Coordinate(ll); //lowerLeft
quads[cnt++] = new Coordinate(ur);//upperRight
quads[cnt++] = new Coordinate(ll.x, ur.y); //upperLeft
quads[cnt++] = new Coordinate(ur.x, ll.y); //lowerRight


Lastly I create triangles for the coordinates and add to an Object3D;

Code: [Select]
Coordinate[] quadCS = quadGeom.getCoordinates();

    SimpleVector lowerLeft=new SimpleVector();
    SimpleVector upperRight=new SimpleVector();
    SimpleVector upperLeft=new SimpleVector();
    SimpleVector lowerRight=new SimpleVector();
plane = new Object3D(xNum * yNum * 2);

for (int c=0; c < quadCS.length-1; c+=4) {
    lowerLeft.set((float)quadCS[c].x, (float)quadCS[c].y, (float)quadCS[c].z);
    upperRight.set((float)quadCS[c+1].x, (float)quadCS[c+1].y, (float)quadCS[c+1].z);
    upperLeft.set((float)quadCS[c+2].x, (float)quadCS[c+2].y, (float)quadCS[c+2].z);
    lowerRight.set((float)quadCS[c+3].x, (float)quadCS[c+3].y, (float)quadCS[c+3].z);


I've tried this a couple different ways but don't seem to get the edge of the plane correct - Is this something happening internally with the vertex indexing, or am I not completing the 'square' correctly...?

Incidentally I would love to use the in-built getPlane(int, int) function, but this doesn't allow me to create for odd sizes, hence doing this manually.

Many thanks for any assistance...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 06:30:45 pm by AugTech »

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Terrain grid issue..
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2014, 07:13:17 pm »
Is that jPCT or jPCT-AE?

Offline AugTech

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Re: Terrain grid issue..
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 07:18:35 pm »
Jpct-AE  I had to get the current beta version as well to get the wireframe to work, but pretty sure it was the same before (although I cant verify!)


Offline Lobby

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Re: Terrain grid issue..
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2014, 07:31:25 pm »
Are you sure that it is a failure of vertex coords? As I already had to learn the wireframe Rendering doesn't work properly.

Incidentally I would love to use the in-built getPlane(int, int) function, but this doesn't allow me to create for odd sizes, hence doing this manually.

You could also use the Terrain class I will release soon:
Code: [Select]
package com.example.myterrain;


import com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader;
import com.threed.jpct.GenericVertexController;
import com.threed.jpct.Mesh;
import com.threed.jpct.Object3D;
import com.threed.jpct.PolygonManager;
import com.threed.jpct.SimpleVector;
import com.threed.jpct.TextureInfo;
import com.threed.jpct.TextureManager;

 * Subclass of Object3D to create and manage terrains in jpct-ae. Only squared terrains are supported.
 * @author Lobby Divinus
public class Terrain extends Object3D {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 7329791217357939144L;

private float[][] heightData;
private int width;
private int depth;

private float size;
private float height;

* Creates a terrain with given number of width and depth quads.
* @param width number of quads in width
* @param depth number of quads in depth
public Terrain(int width, int depth) {
this(width, depth, new float[width + 1][depth + 1], 1f, 1f);

* Creates a terrain from grey values of a bitmap. Pay attention on that the actual number of quads in width and
* depth is 1 smaller than the width and height of the bitmap.
* @param bitmap to generate terrain from
public Terrain(Bitmap bitmap) {
this(bitmap, 1f, 1f);

* Creates a terrain from grey values of a bitmap. Pay attention on that the actual number of quads in width and
* depth is 1 smaller than the width and height of the bitmap.
* @param bitmap to generate terrain from
* @param size quadsize
* @param height factor of height scalation (default is 1)
public Terrain(Bitmap bitmap, float size, float height) {
this(bitmap, size, height, new BitmapGreyHeightExtractor());

* Creates a terrain from grey values of a bitmap. Pay attention on that the actual number of quads in width and
* depth is 1 smaller than the width and height of the bitmap.
* @param bitmap to generate terrain from
* @param size quadsize
* @param height factor of height scale (default is 1)
* @param extractor to get height data from bitmap
public Terrain(Bitmap bitmap, float size, float height, IBitmapHeightExtractor extractor) {
super(2 * bitmap.getWidth() * bitmap.getHeight());

this.size = size;
this.height = height;

width = bitmap.getWidth();
depth = bitmap.getHeight();
heightData = new float[width][depth];

for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
heightData[x][z] = extractor.extract(x, z);


* Creates a terrain with given number of width and depth quads.
* @param width number of quads in width
* @param depth number of quads in depth
* @param heights array that contains height value for each vertex, must have size [width - 1][depth - 1]
* @param size quadsize
* @param height factor of height scale (default is 1)
public Terrain(int width, int depth, float[][] heights, float size, float height) {
super(2 * width * depth);
this.heightData = heights;
this.width = width + 1;
this.depth = depth + 1;

this.size = size;
this.height = height;


* Returns number of quads in width.
* @return number of quads
public int getEdgeWidth() {
return width - 1;

* Returns number of quads in depth
* @return number of quads
public int getEdgeDepth() {
return depth - 1;

* Returns height scale.
* @return height
public float getHeight() {
return height;

* Returns quad size
* @return quad size
public float getQuadSize() {
return size;

public float getCenteredSmoothedY(float x, float z, float smooth) {
return getSmoothedY(x / size - 0.5f + width / 2f, z / size - 0.5f + depth / 2f, smooth);

public SimpleVector getCenteredSmoothedNormal(float x, float z, float smooth) {
return getSmoothedNormal(x / size - 0.5f + width / 2f, z / size - 0.5f + depth / 2f, smooth);

public float getCenteredY(float x, float z) {
return getY(x / size - 0.5f + width / 2f, z / size - 0.5f + depth / 2f);

public SimpleVector getCenteredNormal(float x, float z) {
return getNormal(x / size - 0.5f + width / 2f, z / size - 0.5f + depth / 2f);

public float getSmoothedY(float x, float z, float smooth) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {
return 0f;

float result = 0f;
result += getY(x - smooth, z);
result += getY(x + smooth, z);
result += getY(x, z + smooth);
result += getY(x, z - smooth);
result /= 4;

result += getY(x, z);
result /= 2;

return result;

public SimpleVector getSmoothedNormal(float x, float z, float smooth) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {
return new SimpleVector(0f, -1f, 0f);

SimpleVector result = new SimpleVector();

float height = getY(x,z);
SimpleVector v0 = new SimpleVector(smooth, getY(x + smooth, z) - height, 0);
SimpleVector v1 = new SimpleVector(0, getY(x, z + smooth) - height, smooth);
SimpleVector v2 = new SimpleVector(- smooth, getY(x - smooth, z) - height, 0);
SimpleVector v3 = new SimpleVector(0, getY(x, z - smooth) - height, - smooth);
v0 = v0.calcCross(v1);
v2 = v2.calcCross(v3);


return result;

public SimpleVector getSmoothedQuadNormal(float x, float z) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {
return new SimpleVector(0f, -1f, 0f);

int ix = (int) x;
int iz = (int) z;
float mx = x % 1;
float mz = z % 1;

SimpleVector normal1;
SimpleVector normal2;

normal1 = getNormal(ix, iz);
normal1.scalarMul((1 - mx) + (1 - mz));

normal2 = getNormal(ix + 0.8f, iz + 0.8f);
normal2.scalarMul(mx + mz);


return normal1;

* Determines the height of a x, z position in quad coordinate system.
* @param x coordinate
* @param z coordinate
* @return height of x, z or 0 if x, z is out of terrain
public float getY(float x, float z) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {
return 0f;

float mx = x % 1;
float mz = z % 1;

if (Math.min(mx, 1 - mx) < 0.001f && Math.min(mz,  1 - mz) < 0.001f) {
return getPointY((int) (x + 0.5f), (int) (z + 0.5f));

int lX;
int lZ;
int o1X;
int o1Z;
int o2X;
int o2Z;

if (mx + mz < 1) {
lX = (int) x;
lZ = (int) z;
o1X = 0;
o1Z = 1;
o2X = 1;
o2Z = 0;
} else {
lX = (int) x + 1;
lZ = (int) z + 1;
o1X = 0;
o1Z = - 1;
o2X = - 1;
o2Z = 0;

float lH = - height * heightData[lX][depth - lZ - 1];
float o1H = - height * heightData[lX + o1X][depth - lZ - o1Z - 1];
float o2H = - height * heightData[lX + o2X][depth - lZ - o2Z - 1];

SimpleVector o1V = SimpleVector.create(size * o1X, o1H - lH, size * o1Z);
SimpleVector o2V = SimpleVector.create(size * o2X, o2H - lH, size * o2Z);
o1V.scalarMul((1 - o1Z) / 2 + o1Z * (mz));
o2V.scalarMul((1 - o2X) / 2 + o2X * (mx));
return lH + o1V.y + o2V.y;

* Determines height of a vertex at given position in quad coordinate system. If position is out of the terrain
* 0 will be returned.
* @param x coordinate
* @param z coordinate
* @return absolute height value
public float getPointY(int x, int z) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {
return 0f;

return this.height * (- this.heightData[x][depth - z - 1]);

* Sets height for the vertex at the given position in quad coordinate system. If position is out of the terrain
* the call will be ignored.
* @param x coordinate in quad coordiante system
* @param h new height value, by convention this is in 0..1
* @param z coordinate in quad coordinate system
public void setPointHeight(int x, float h, int z) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {

heightData[x][depth - z - 1] = h;

* Calculates normal vector for given x, z position in quad coordinate system. If position is out of the terrain
* null will be returned.
* @param x coordinate in quad coordinate system
* @param z coordinate in quad coordinate system
* @return normal vector
public SimpleVector getNormal(float x, float z) {
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x > width - 1 || z > depth - 1) {
return null;

int lX;
int lZ;
int o1X;
int o1Z;
int o2X;
int o2Z;

if (x % 1 + z % 1 <= 1) {
lX = (int) x;
lZ = (int) z;
o1X = 0;
o1Z = 1;
o2X = 1;
o2Z = 0;
} else {
lX = (int) x + 1;
lZ = (int) z + 1;
o1X = 0;
o1Z = - 1;
o2X = - 1;
o2Z = 0;

float lH = -height * heightData[lX][lZ];
float o1H = -height * heightData[lX + o1X][lZ + o1Z];
float o2H = -height * heightData[lX + o2X][lZ + o2Z];

SimpleVector o1V = SimpleVector.create(size * o1X, o1H - lH, size * o1Z);
SimpleVector o2V = SimpleVector.create(size * o2X, o2H - lH, size * o2Z);
return o2V.calcCross(o1V);

private void buildMesh() {
// Prepare vertices
SimpleVector[][] v = new SimpleVector[width][depth];
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
v[x][z] = new SimpleVector(size * (x + 0.5f - width / 2f), - height * heightData[x][depth - z - 1], size * (z + 0.5f - depth / 2f));

// Create quads
float uC = 0f;
float vC = 1f;
float uStep = 1f / (width - 1);
float vStep = -1f / (depth - 1);
for (int x = 0; x + 1 < width; x++) {
vC = 1f;
for (int z = 0; z + 1 < depth; z++) {
addTriangle(v[x][z + 1], uC, vC + vStep, v[x][z], uC, vC, v[x + 1][z], uC + uStep, vC);
addTriangle(v[x + 1][z], uC + uStep, vC, v[x + 1][z + 1], uC + uStep, vC + vStep, v[x][z + 1], uC, vC + vStep);

// Use other diagonal for quads (made calculations more complex :/ )
//addTriangle(v[x][z + 1], uC, vC + vStep, v[x][z], uC, vC, v[x + 1][z + 1], uC + uStep, vC + vStep);
//addTriangle(v[x + 1][z + 1], uC + uStep, vC + vStep, v[x][z], uC, vC, v[x + 1][z], uC + uStep, vC);

vC += vStep;
uC += uStep;

private void applyHeightData() {
Mesh mesh = getMesh();

mesh.setVertexController(new GenericVertexController() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void apply() {
SimpleVector[] source = getSourceMesh();
SimpleVector[] dest = getDestinationMesh();
for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
int x = (int) Math.floor(source[i].x / size + width / 2.0);
int z = (int) Math.floor(source[i].z / size + depth / 2.0);
dest[i].y = -height * heightData[x][depth - z - 1];
}, false);


* Applies multiple textures on the terrain. A base texture, given with mask, will be used to select which of the
* other (up to three) textures should be shown at a specific position. For stage 1 color channel red will be used
* and so on.
* The base texture is stretched over the whole terrain. Other textures can be scaled using xScale and yScale.
* In order to use more than two texture in total on the terrain you should modify Config.maxTextureLayers to a
* value of 3 or more (is 2 by default).
* To use this method you should also apply a specific shader. You can use the default one by calling
* applayTerrainShader().
* @param mask name of the ground texture to use
* @param maps other texture names
* @param modes blending modes, use TextureInfo.MODE_ADD to gain good results
* @param xScale x scale for textures
* @param yScale y scale for textures
public void setTerrainTextures(String mask, String[] maps, int[] modes, float[] xScale, float[] yScale) {
TextureManager mgr = TextureManager.getInstance();
int[] texIds = new int[1 + maps.length];
TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(texIds[0]);
texIds[0] = mgr.getTextureID(mask);
for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
texIds[i + 1] = mgr.getTextureID(maps[i]);
info.add(texIds[i + 1], modes[i]);

PolygonManager pmgr = getPolygonManager();
for (int poly = 0; poly < getMesh().getTriangleCount(); poly++) {
SimpleVector v0 = pmgr.getTextureUV(poly, 0);
SimpleVector v1 = pmgr.getTextureUV(poly, 1);
SimpleVector v2 = pmgr.getTextureUV(poly, 2);
info.set(texIds[0], 0, v0.x, v0.y, v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y,TextureInfo.MODE_REPLACE);
for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
info.set(texIds[i + 1], i + 1,
v0.x * xScale[i], v0.y * yScale[i],
v1.x * xScale[i], v1.y * xScale[i],
v2.x * xScale[i], v2.y * xScale[i],
pmgr.setPolygonTexture(poly, info);

* Applies terrain texture shader on the mesh so that it can use up to 4 textures for multitexturing. The texture
* at stage 0 defines where the other textures should be drawn (red = state 1 etc.).
public void applyTerrainShader() {


private final static String TERRAIN_VERTEX_SHADER = "uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;" +
"uniform mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;" +
"uniform mat4 textureMatrix;" +
"uniform vec4 additionalColor;" +
"uniform vec4 ambientColor;" +
"uniform float alpha;" +
"uniform float shininess;" +
"uniform bool useColors;" +
"uniform float fogStart;" +
"uniform float fogEnd;" +
"uniform vec3 fogColor;" +
"uniform int lightCount;" +
"uniform vec3 lightPositions[8];" +
"uniform vec3 diffuseColors[8];" +
"uniform vec3 specularColors[8];" +
"uniform float attenuation[8];" +
"attribute vec4 position;" +
"attribute vec3 normal;" +
"attribute vec4 color;" +
"attribute vec2 texture0;" +
"attribute vec2 texture1;" +
"attribute vec2 texture2;" +
"attribute vec2 texture3;" +
"varying vec2 texCoord[4];" +
"varying vec4 vertexColor;" +
"varying vec3 fogVertexColor;" +
"varying float fogWeight;" +
"const vec4 WHITE = vec4(1,1,1,1);" +
"void main() {" +
" texCoord[0] = (textureMatrix * vec4(texture0, 0, 1)).xy;" +
" texCoord[1] = texture1;" +
" texCoord[2] = texture2;" +
" texCoord[3] = texture3;" +
" vec4 vertexPos = modelViewMatrix * position;" +
" vertexColor = ambientColor + additionalColor;" +
" if (lightCount>0) {" +
" vec3 normalEye   = normalize(modelViewMatrix * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz;" +
" float angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[0] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[0] * angle + specularColors[0] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[0] -*attenuation[0])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>1) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[1] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[1] * angle + specularColors[1] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[1] -*attenuation[1])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>2) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[2] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[2] * angle + specularColors[2] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[2] -*attenuation[2])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>3) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[3] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[3] * angle + specularColors[3] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[3] -*attenuation[3])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>4) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[4] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[4] * angle + specularColors[4] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[4] -*attenuation[4])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>5) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[5] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[5] * angle + specularColors[5] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[5] -*attenuation[5])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>6) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[6] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[6] * angle + specularColors[6] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[6] -*attenuation[6])), 1);" +
" }" +
" if (lightCount>7) {" +
" angle = dot(normalEye, normalize(lightPositions[7] -;" +
" if (angle > 0.0) {" +
" vertexColor += vec4((diffuseColors[7] * angle + specularColors[7] * pow(angle, shininess))*(1.0/(1.0+length(lightPositions[7] -*attenuation[7])), 1);" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" if (fogStart != -1.0) {" +
" fogWeight = clamp((-vertexPos.z - fogStart) / (fogEnd - fogStart), 0.0, 1.0);" +
" fogVertexColor = fogColor * fogWeight;" +
" } else {" +
" fogWeight = -1.0;" +
" }" +
" vertexColor=vec4(min(WHITE, vertexColor).xyz, alpha);" +
" if (useColors) {" +
" vertexColor *= color;" +
" }" +
" gl_Position = modelViewProjectionMatrix * position;" +

private final static String TERRAIN_FRAGMENT_SHADER = "precision mediump float;" +
"uniform sampler2D textureUnit0;" +
"uniform sampler2D textureUnit1;" +
"uniform sampler2D textureUnit2;" +
"uniform sampler2D textureUnit3;" +
"uniform int textureCount;" +
"uniform int blendingMode[4];" +
"varying vec2 texCoord[4];" +
"varying vec4 vertexColor;" +
"varying float fogWeight;" +
"varying vec3 fogVertexColor;" +
"const vec4 WHITE = vec4(1,1,1,1);" +
"void main() {" +
" vec4 mask = texture2D(textureUnit0, texCoord[0]) * vertexColor;" +
" vec4 col = vec4(0,0,0,0);" +
" if (textureCount>1) {" +
" if (blendingMode[1]==0) {" +
" col *= mask.x * texture2D(textureUnit1, texCoord[1]);" +
" } else if (blendingMode[1]==1) {" +
" col += mask.x * texture2D(textureUnit1, texCoord[1]);" +
" } else if (blendingMode[1]==3) {" +
" col *= mask.x * (WHITE - texture2D(textureUnit1, texCoord[1]));" +
" } else if (blendingMode[1]==2) {" +
" col = mask.x * texture2D(textureUnit1, texCoord[1]);" +
" }" +
" if (textureCount>2) {" +
" if (blendingMode[2]==0) {" +
" col *= mask.y * texture2D(textureUnit2, texCoord[2]);" +
" } else if (blendingMode[2]==1) {" +
" col += mask.y * texture2D(textureUnit2, texCoord[2]);" +
" } else if (blendingMode[2]==3) {" +
" col *= mask.y * (WHITE - texture2D(textureUnit2, texCoord[2]));" +
" } else if (blendingMode[2]==2) {" +
" col = mask.y * texture2D(textureUnit2, texCoord[2]);" +
" }" +
" if (textureCount>3) {" +
" if (blendingMode[3]==0) {" +
" col *= mask.z * texture2D(textureUnit3, texCoord[3]);" +
" } else if (blendingMode[3]==1) {" +
" col += mask.z * texture2D(textureUnit3, texCoord[3]);" +
" } else if (blendingMode[3]==3) {" +
" col *= mask.z * (WHITE - texture2D(textureUnit3, texCoord[3]));" +
" } else if (blendingMode[3]==2) {" +
" col = mask.z * texture2D(textureUnit3, texCoord[3]);" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" if (fogWeight>-0.9) {" +
" = (1.0-fogWeight) * + fogVertexColor;" +
" }" +
" gl_FragColor=col;" +

private static GLSLShader terrainShader = new GLSLShader(TERRAIN_VERTEX_SHADER, TERRAIN_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
Code: [Select]
package com.example.myterrain;


public interface IBitmapHeightExtractor {

void init(Bitmap bitmap);

float extract(int x, int y);

Code: [Select]
package com.example.myterrain;


public class BitmapGreyHeightExtractor implements IBitmapHeightExtractor {

private Bitmap bitmap;

public void init(Bitmap bitmap) {
this.bitmap = bitmap;

public float extract(int x, int y) {
int col = bitmap.getPixel(x, y);
int grey = ( + + / 3;
return grey / 255f;


Not ready yet, so don't expect to much ;) .
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 07:39:17 pm by Lobby »

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Terrain grid issue..
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2014, 07:34:17 pm »
Well, in that case it's normal behaviour. The docs mention that the result of a wireframe rendering might not look very good. That's what you are seeing here. The problem is that someone had the great idea to remove some stuff from OpenGL ES that would have been useful to render meshes in wireframe. The way it is now, rendering a correct wireframe would require a complete new set of geometry data that's different from what you would use for normal rendering...and i'm not going to add this just for that.
I suggest simply not to use wireframe rendering for this.

Offline AugTech

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Re: Terrain grid issue..
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 12:41:03 pm »
Okay, thats good to know.

Lobby; Thanks for posting the code - I'll take a look through, although I'm working off of Geographic coordinates, so I'm not sure how it will port.

Once I get the texture coordinates right I'll post a screenshot.
