jPCT-AE - a 3d engine for Android > Support

Object/ Polygon draw order

<< < (3/3)

Well, then maybe it just doesn't help in this case. It helps most on far away objects, which might not apply here. If your map stays flat, it might be feasible to split rendering into two world that are using the same camera and clear the depth buffer between both world render as i suggested above.

Thanks for the info Egon. I'll have a think around how to proceed...!

I would really appreciate to see a feature to define a draw order for transparent objects. It would be helpful for the 2D (3D based) engine I'm currently working on.

You can apply a sort offset to transparent objects. If you do this with some foresight, you can use it to define an order.

You mean Object3D.setSortOffset()? I didn't know that method yet but it works good. Thank you very much :D .


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