jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Projects

"Visual" JPCT

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Here is a little project I'm working on. I've called it "Visual JPCT" for lack of a better name. (I hope you don't mind, Egon.)

It's basically a small swing frontend for the jpct engine. I was tired of having to recompile every time I fiddled with my models  :wink: And it is a great way to learn the engine!


I've mapped the following jpct functions to the gui:

importing md2/3ds models
adding objects to world
setting objects origin
moving camera
rendering solid/wireframe

Things to be done (some ideas):

manipulating objects
adding/changing lights
saving/loading scenes (xml)
adding primitive objects
adding triangles
animation (yeah, right)
scripting (yeah, right!)

I hope you like it so far. If it gets to some sort of solid state, I will release it.


That's a great idea! I really like it and i think that it will help the engine to get more popular. Is this based on the software renderer only or will you add support for the AWTGLRenderer as well?

I've done some changes to the gui, it now uses JDesktopPane so that I can move and scale windows as needed. Also made some icons  :wink:

thats a good question egon, I'll look into it  :wink:

Edit: Currently I'm using only the software renderer. It does what I need and adding more functionality to manipulate the scene is top on my list. But support for the awtGl canvas would be cool, so it may come a little later.  :wink:

Hey Crate I think this is a great idea! I've been fiddling around with jPCT as my team and I have been trying to decide what graphic engine to use for our project. I have to say an interface just to add and remove lights and objects from the world would be really useful IMO. I was actually thinking of taking a swing at doing something like this, but now I guess I don't have to  :wink: .

Anyways if you need any help or whatever I'd be gald to help and my team will be very grateful if you get a working version going at all.


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