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"Visual" JPCT

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Hi, thx for the replies. I don't want to use only awt because well it does look horrible. And it takes LOTS of work to implement things like a proper tree view without Swing. So its swing or a suitable replacement (like swt/jface).

Yes, it is possible to use heavy weight components with swing. But the options are very limited, especially when the two cross on the z-axis – basically heavy weight will always lie above light weight components. (As an example, the awt canvas will be drawn above the scroll bars of its container, which breaks the whole concept of containers (or JDesktopPane for that matter))

As opposed to swing, swt/jface doesn’t have those problems because all components are drawn by the operating system anyway, so all components are “heavy weight”, in the awt/swing sense. Since opengl works like that anyway (machine not java drawn), one seems to be predestined to combine  swt/jface and lwjgl (for rich gui stuff). But then I really wanted to use MDIs, which swt/jface don’t handle at all. (And the swing implementation is very limited.)

On a whole I tend to discard the whole MDI concept (read a lot of criticism) but still stick to swing because I’m used to it. I will use the software renderer as a preview and popup an awtcanvas in a new window when the user wants one. Then Windows can sort out the problem and not me :)  It seems like the best trade-off to me at the moment, I’ll show you how it goes ;)

If you’d like to have a look at the work in progress, here is a first early beta.

You can’t do much, but I am very proud of the undo/redo :)
Unzip and it should run. All apis are included in the zip. (oh, and its jave 5 stuff)


import md2s
move/rotate camera
move objects
load/save scene
undo/redo object opperations

have fun  :P

Hey nice work so far!

I would suggest making it so 3ds files can be imported since that is what I use for the most part. I would also include a demo map or something with the release, but that's not a big deal. I can just go download some md2 files.

Also I would suggest adding shortcuts for the undo/redo functions. Again, not a big deal though and you might have already done it, but as I'm typing this I haven't had a chance to mess with a scene on this program yet.

Anyways this is looking very nice, espcially for a first release. Good luck, and I can't wait to see the next release.  :D

Thx for trying it out! I've just finished a new version. You can get the new jar here:


Just copy it over the jar from the zip posted above. The external apis remain the same, but are needed - so get the above zip if you don't have it yet.

New features:

Import .3ds files
Changed scene save/load to enable saving/loading objects based on .3ds
Object rotation is in
Added menu mnemonics and accelerators for the guys at OHgaming :wink:

Again - if you have any suggestions, they are very welcome.
Have fun!

Nice work on that :D.

Will it come with an animation window also?


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