jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Projects

"Visual" JPCT

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animation is coming - maybe.

I'm adding features as I need them, currently I want to be able to create objects by adding/removing triangles.

When I need animation, I will try and put it in, but that will be a big task, since animation is quite a complex thing.

maybe may sense not add animatino on 1 file
but create some files
so you have: pers.3ds and got pers1.3ds and so on.

I'm not 100% sure I know what you are trying to say...

The download link seems to be broken...
Where can I get it to give it a try?

Hi, sorry I'm currently very stuck with my daytime job. ;) Currently the server is down. I will repost a link as soon as I get proper web-space and add a new version as well.



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