Author Topic: would anyone want a sound engine for JPCT?  (Read 10908 times)

Offline MichaelJPCT

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would anyone want a sound engine for JPCT?
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:58:16 pm »
since JPCT doesn't provide a sound engine, and openAL looks too complicated for me, i searched for a sound engine which can play sound with volume and pitch control like this: setVolume(0.6) , setPitch(0.8).
i ended up using socket and a sound server made with a Python module.
socket is chosen for IPC because it's easy to program and another(and same) machine can be used as server.
Python module PyGLET is used as the server app because it's simple to use and it fullfils my need to control volume and pitch directly.
i have used the engine to play several sounds simutaneously and it looked reliable on local machine.
i can post all source code here, would anyone be interested in this?

Offline Gatobot14

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Re: would anyone want a sound engine for JPCT?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2017, 10:23:56 pm »
If you could made a ready-to-use engine of course someone will be interested,(i am)
Paul made a sound engine too with a tutorial an a jar to include in your peoject, its very good so far,
but i like to see how yours is working, an specially how easy to use is.

Offline MichaelJPCT

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Re: would anyone want a sound engine for JPCT?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2017, 07:58:47 am »
here are all codes.
note that in my own code, i didn't write comments, these comments were added in about 2 hours as quick explanation.
these posted codes are a bit different from my own codes, as my codes have dependencies which other people don't have, but they should work with little modification.
and i am not a professional programmer, so some codes can be stupid.

Code: [Select]
// NOTE: this is prototype and lacks error checking etc.

// sck=socket buf=buffer snd=sound grp=group
// upd=update serv=server fn=function

// short2string is a function that converts a short value to 2 characters,
// store in 2nd arg, 3rd arg is position offset

import*; import;

public class Snd {
static byte fps; // used for timing, in this case framerate is constant
static float[] updResult=new float[2]; // pass data from game to this module
static byte[] outBuf=new byte[8]; // pass data from this module to socket
static Socket sck;
static boolean servOn=true, muteSnd;
static int servPort, maxVol=64000, maxPitch=64000;
static OutputStream outStream;
static String servFolder, sndFolder;
static SndType[] sndType;
static SndChannel[] sndChannel=new SndChannel[512];
static SndGrp bettyGrp; // example sound group

static short[] sndUpdFn={0,1,2};
static short[] sndTypeID={0,1,2};

static short[] sndGrpUpdFn={0,1,2};
static short[][] sndGrpItem={{0},{1},{2}};

static byte exampleFn1(SndChannel a) { updResult[0]=0f; return 1; }
static byte exampleFn2(SndChannel a) { updResult[0]=0.9f; return 1; }
static byte exampleFn3(SndChannel a) { updResult[0]=0.6f; updResult[1]=0.8f; return 2; }

interface GrpEnable { boolean enable(SndGrp a); }
interface UpdChannel { byte upd(SndChannel a); }

static GrpEnable[] grpEnable=new GrpEnable[] {
new GrpEnable() { public boolean enable(SndGrp a) { return true; } },
new GrpEnable() { public boolean enable(SndGrp a) { return true; } },
new GrpEnable() { public boolean enable(SndGrp a) { return true; } },

static UpdChannel[] updChannel=new UpdChannel[] {
new UpdChannel() { public byte upd(SndChannel a) { return exampleFn1(a); } },
new UpdChannel() { public byte upd(SndChannel a) { return exampleFn2(a); } },
new UpdChannel() { public byte upd(SndChannel a) { return exampleFn3(a); } },

static void shutdown() { if (!servOn) return;
try { outStream.close(); sck.close(); }
catch (Exception e) {} }

static void init() {
try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(servFolder+"pysound.exe",null,new File(servFolder)); }
// in case python server app is not compiled as exe,
// run "python.exe folder/"

catch (Exception e) { servOn=false; return; }

if (!servOn) return;

for (byte m=50;m>0;m--) {
try {
sck=new Socket("localhost",servPort); // only local machine, as example
m=0; }
catch (Exception e) { if (m>1) continue; servOn=false; return; } }

outBuf[0]=-128; // one byte 0x80
bettyGrp=new SndGrp(0,null);

// setting.txt specifies socket port, same as python side.
// must be 5 digits in this simple function.
static void readCFG() {
short e=1024;
char[] u=new char[e];
int i;
String s,w="";
try { FileReader r=new FileReader(servFolder+"setting.txt");,0,e); r.close(); }
catch (Exception x) { servOn=false; return; }

s=new String(u); i=s.indexOf("PORT=");
if (i<0) { servOn=false; return; }

for (byte q=0;q<5;q++) { char h=u[5+i+q]; if ((h>47)&&(h<58)) w+=h; }
try { servPort=Integer.parseInt(w); }
catch (Exception x) { servOn=false; return; }

// an example: provide a binary file that stores sound type attributes
// the binary file also used by python side
static void readSndType() {
int h; byte[] u,q=new byte[8];
try { FileInputStream d=new FileInputStream(sndFolder+"snd.dat");
h=d.available(); u=new byte[h];; d.close(); }
catch (Exception x) { servOn=false; return; }
sndType=new SndType[h/8];
for (h=0;h<sndType.length;h++)
{ System.arraycopy(u,h*8,q,0,8); sndType[h]=new SndType(h,q); }

static void upd() { if (gamePaused||muteSnd||(!servOn)) return; bettyGrp.upd(); }

static void pause() { if (!servOn) return;
SndChannel s;
for (short z=0;z<sndChannel.length;z++)
{ s=sndChannel[z]; if ((s!=null)&&s.playing) { s.playing=false; s.endFrm=0; } }

static void send(int a) { outBuf[1]=(byte)a;
try { outStream.write(outBuf); } catch (Exception i) {} }

static void delChannel(int a) { if (sndChannel[a]==null) return;
sndChannel[a].play(0f,0f); sndChannel[a]=null; }

static int findEmptyChannel() {
for (short n=0;n<sndChannel.length;n++)
{ if (sndChannel[n]==null) return n; } return -1; }

static class SndType { int typeID; float duration; boolean loop, single;
public SndType(int a,byte[] b) { typeID=a;
duration=b[3]*0.2f; single=(b[5]>0); loop=(b[3]==0); } }

static class SndChannel { boolean playing; SndType sndType;
byte[] chID=new byte[2]; short updFnID,channelID,servGrp; Object hostObj;
float vol=1f,pitch=1f; long endFrm;
// endFrm is frameID for timing in case framerate is constant
// servGrp means sound group in server, not used

// constructor: this sound channel is store in java and sent to python side
public SndChannel(SndType a,int b,int c,short d,Object e)
{ sndType=a; channelID=(short)b; servGrp=(short)c; updFnID=d; hostObj=e;
short2string_unsigned(b,chID,0); outBuf[4]=chID[0]; outBuf[5]=chID[1];
short2string(c,outBuf,6); send(80); }

void play(float a,float b) {
if (a>0) { boolean s=false;
if (Math.abs(a-vol)>0.003f) { s=true; vol=a; }
if ((b>0)&&(Math.abs(b-pitch)>0.003f)) { s=true; pitch=b; }
if ((!playing)||(!sndType.loop)) { s=true; playing=true; }
if (!s) return;
short2string_unsigned(Math.min(maxPitch,(int)(pitch*16000)),outBuf,6); }

else if (!playing) return;
else { outBuf[4]=0; outBuf[5]=0; playing=false; endFrm=0; }

outBuf[2]=chID[0]; outBuf[3]=chID[1]; send(81); }

void upd() { if (updFnID<0) return;
byte r=updChannel[updFnID].upd(this);
if (!sndType.loop)
{ if (updResult[0]!=0) { endFrm=currentFrameID+(int)(sndType.duration*fps);
if (r==1) play(updResult[0],0);
else play(updResult[0],updResult[1]); } }
else if (updResult[0]!=0)
{ if (r==1) play(updResult[0],0);
else play(updResult[0],updResult[1]); }
else if (playing) play(0f,0f); }

static class SndGrp { boolean on; SndChannel[] item;
short grpTypeID,updFnID; Object hostObj;

public SndGrp(int a,Object b) { grpTypeID=(short)a; hostObj=b; short x;
short[] k=sndGrpItem[a];
item=new SndChannel[k.length];
for (byte m=0;m<k.length;m++)
{ x=k[m]; int i=findEmptyChannel();
item[m]=new SndChannel(sndType[sndTypeID[x]],i,-1,sndUpdFn[x],b);
sndChannel[i]=item[m]; }

void upd() { boolean v=on;
if (updFnID>=0) on=grpEnable[updFnID].enable(this);
if (on) { for (byte j=0;j<item.length;j++) item[j].upd(); }
else if (v) { for (byte j=0;j<item.length;j++) item[j].play(0f,0f); }


Code: [Select]
import os,sys,time,socket; import
r=os.getcwd(); folder=[r+'\\',''];
# folder[0] is sound program folder , folder[1] is sound data folder, modify to suit your case

sndChannel=[0 for r in range(512)]
sndGrp=[0 for r in range(256)]
netFn=[0 for r in range(256)]

def f020(a):
for h in xrange(len(sndChannel)):
if o and o.playing:
o.player.pause(); o.playing=0
if o.sndType.duration:

def f032(a): setGrp(string2short_unsigned(a[2:4]))

def f033(a):
if k:

def f034(a):
if k: k.pause()

def f080(a):

def f081(a):
if j:[4:6])*0.0000625,string2short_unsigned(a[6:8])*0.0000625)
# 0.0000625=1/16000, max 64000

def string2short_unsigned(a): return ord(a[0])+ord(a[1])*256

def string2short(a): b=ord(a[0])+ord(a[1])*256; return b-65536*bool(b>32767)

def setGrp(a):
g=sndGrp[a]; sndGrp[a]=SNDGRP(a)
if g:
for m in xrange(g.qty): sndChannel[g.item[m].channelID]=0

# arg: typeID, channelID, grpID
# sound group in server is not used yet
def setChannel(a,b,c):
n=sndChannel[b]; e=sndType[a]; sndChannel[b]=0
if n and n.grpID+1: sndGrp[n.grpID].subItem(n)
if e.src==0: e.loadSrc()
if e.src<0: return
if c+1 and sndGrp[c]: sndGrp[c].addItem(sndChannel[b])

# in example, all wav files are named like "00000000.wav" "00000001.wav" etc.
# sound type definition binary file format:
# each 8 bytes define a sound type, where:
# byte 0: file extention name type - wav ogg mp3
# byte 1/2: volume multiplier / pitch multiplier
# byte 3: sound duration, should be longer than sound file
# byte 4: preload or not
# byte 5: only allow single instance
class SNDTYPE(object):
def __init__(s,a,b):
s.typeID=a; s.fileName=('0'*8+str(a))[-8:]+sndFileType[ord(b[0])]; s.src=0
s.volMul=ord(b[1])*0.01; s.pitchMul=ord(b[2])*0.01; s.duration=ord(b[3])*0.2
s.preload=bool(ord(b[4])); s.single=bool(ord(b[5])); s.loop=bool(s.duration==0)
if s.preload: s.loadSrc()
def loadSrc(s):
if s.src: return
except (IOError,MediaException): s.src=-1; return

class SNDCHANNEL(object):
def __init__(s,a,b):
s.sndType=a;; p.queue(a.src); p.eos_action=sndEOS[a.loop]
s.pitchMul=p.pitch=a.pitchMul; s.volMul=p.volume=a.volMul; s.playing=s.tmpStop=0; s.vol=s.pitch=1
s.grpID=-1; s.channelID=b
def play(s,a,b):
if a>0:
if a-s.vol: s.player.volume=a*s.volMul; s.vol=a
if b and b-s.pitch: s.player.pitch=b*s.pitchMul; s.pitch=b
if s.playing-1:; s.playing=1
elif s.sndType.duration:;
elif s.playing:
s.player.pause(); s.playing=0
if s.sndType.duration:

class SNDGRP(object):
def __init__(s,a): s.qty=0; s.item=[]; s.grpID=a
def addItem(s,a): s.item.append(a); s.qty+=1; a.grpID=s.grpID
def subItem(s,a): s.item.remove(a); s.qty-=1; a.grpID=-1
def play(s):
for h in xrange(s.qty):
if i.tmpStop:; i.tmpStop=0; i.playing=1
def pause(s):
for h in xrange(s.qty):
if i.playing: i.player.pause(); i.tmpStop=i.sndType.loop; i.playing=0

def initSnd():
try: w=file(folder[1]+'snd.dat',mode='rb');; w.close()
except IOError: sys.exit()
for y in xrange(len(r)/8): sndType.append(SNDTYPE(y,r[y*8:y*8+8]))
for y in xrange(256):
try: netFn[y]=eval('f'+('000'+str(y))[-3:])
except NameError: continue

class CFG(object):
def __init__(s):
i=file(folder[0]+'setting.txt');; i.close()
if p<0 or r<0: sys.exit()
except (IOError,ValueError): sys.exit()

class SERVERSOCKET(object):
def __init__(s,a):
s.port,s.remote=a.servPort,a.acceptRemote; s.running=1
k=s.sck=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM); k.bind(('localhost'*(1-s.remote),s.port))
k.listen(1); k.setblocking(1); s.conn,s.connAddr=k.accept()
def shutdown(s): s.conn.close(); s.sck.close(); s.running=0
def run(s):
while s.running:
if not n: s.shutdown(); break
if n[0]=='\x80':
if netFn[u]: netFn[u](n)
except socket.error: s.shutdown()

cfg=CFG(); initSnd(); servSck=SERVERSOCKET(cfg);

Offline MichaelJPCT

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Re: would anyone want a sound engine for JPCT?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2017, 08:12:36 am »
1) python and pyglet must be installed, tested python version is python 2.7, pyglet version is 1.24
2) in java main module, call these functions at the right time: Snd.init() -> Snd.upd() / Snd.pause() -> Snd.shutdown()
3) if any object is to have a sndGrp, call upd() of the sndGrp after the object is updated (updated in graphics frame).
4) in example, bettyGrp is not attached to any object, so Snd.upd() should be called, say, each graphics frame.