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Version 1.32 has been released!


Get it from here (links should be fixed!):

Changes of the desktop version:

* Fixed a bug with cloning certain objects.
* Added the option to leave the inputstream open when loading a texture.
* Added support for transparency to (de-)serialized objects.
* Added the option to set the TextureManager into "forgiving" mode.
* Converted int parameters in blit()-methods to float.
* Added a compileAllObjects() method to World.
* Improved batch size for compiled objects.
* Added option to set specific lights for an Object3D.
Changes of the Android version:

* Fixed a bug with cloning certain objects.
* Fixed a bug which caused wrong clipping when setting a bounding box for a one-polygon object.
* Added the option to leave the inputstream open when loading a texture.
* Added support for transparency to (de-)serialized objects.
* Fixed a rare problem with blitting buffers.
* Added the option to set the TextureManager into "forgiving" mode.
* Fixed point sizes in ES 2.0 modes.
* Converted int parameters int blit()-methods to float.
* Improved batch size for compiled objects.
* Added option to set specific lights for an Object3D.
* Fixed the clearAll-option for render targets.

Awesome. Thanks very much.

But it's still missing Polylines in SoftGLRenderer...

Amazing! :D

Thank you for the continuous support on the library!
Very stable and full of functionalities


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