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Suggestions for Next Release

(1/5) > >>

Apart from better lighting controls (already promised in the docs), how about a Camera.follow(Object3D)? Could either start its own thread, or take the Object3D's current position plus the camera's delta from it once. That would be cool.

The improved light source handling is already done and will be part of the next release. It'll leave the current implementation untouched but adds a little helper class to the util-package that wraps each light into an object. Handling is much better with this IMHO.
About the camera stuff...i'm not really sure if i fully understand what to want this method to do!?

Just that: follow an object. Like the camera follows the X-Wing in the Rogue Squadron series, or like you would want a camera following a character who is walking around an environment (over the shoulder) for an RPG. Example of the camera following the x-wing:

Egon, Can I take your lack of response to indicate that you aprove of my camera suggestion?

No, you can indicate that as my lack of time due to the fact that i have to install my new Core2 Duo machine... :wink:
Anyway, i don't think that such a method belongs into the engine. It depends too much on the game's/application's needs IMHO. The car example already contains an example on how to do something like this and so do the Paradroidz sources. I don't think there is a generic solution to this that fits everyones needs.


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