jPCT - a 3d engine for Java > Support

2 questions


I have two questions:

1) Does the openGL render works with Linux and other operating systems?
2) Is there a set-method to change the samplingmode?


--- Quote ---1) Does the openGL render works with Linux and other operating systems?
--- End quote ---

It should. There are binaries of LWJGL for Linux or you have to compile it yourself. Have a look at the LWJGL homepage at I never tried it though because i don't have a system running Linux (just FreeBSD... :wink: ).

--- Quote ---2) Is there a set-method to change the samplingmode?
--- End quote ---
You mean switching between under-/over- and normal sampling without constructing a new FrameBuffer? No, there isn't because each change of the used mode actually requires the construction of a new FrameBuffer (because the backbuffer as well as some minor things are different everytime). Encapsulating this in a innocently looking setXXXX()-method doesn't express this well enough IMO. I promise to have a second look at this decision though.

Thanks for your help.


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