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The future of jPCT

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--- Quote from: "Remo" ---How about a demo show. Some of us could write a little app using jPCT :). Something little that shows the strenght and capabilities of jPCT, nothing HUGE.
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Feel free to contribute in any way you like. I will gladly host and/or link to any good demo you are throwing at me.

the thing that is nice about jpct is that it doesn't require a native dll download. it would be nice though if you could create an applet using the software-based renderer, but have an optional download to plugin a hardware-based renderer, so the the same software runs in either way.


--- Quote from: "Anonymous" ---it would be nice though if you could create an applet using the software-based renderer, but have an optional download to plugin a hardware-based renderer, so the the same software runs in either way.
--- End quote ---
I don't quite can already do that!


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