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Messages - EgonOlsen

Pages: 1 ... 796 797 [798] 799 800 ... 823
Support / my 3DS files dnt work
« on: December 26, 2004, 12:43:36 pm »
It should work. I think that your path is somehow wrong or something like that. Please post your loading code (or at least the important parts).

Support / Help with the collision detection
« on: December 26, 2004, 12:40:37 pm »
If you want to use that kind of collision detection for the camera, make sure that you use the CAMERA_XXX constants for both, moveCamera() and checkCameraCollision(). Currently, you are feeding a -1 into the checkCameraCollision() which isn't even a supported constant for this method. It should work, if you are using CAMERA_MOVEIN and _MOVEOUT instead of 1 and -1, but then again, you should really have a look at the checkCameraCollisionEllipsoid()-method, because it's much more powerfull then the ray-polygon-method you are using now.

Hope this helps.

Support / Transparency
« on: December 26, 2004, 12:34:52 pm »
No, the "problem" is, that the transparency only works on an per object level in jPCT, i.e. you can't make parts of an object transparent, while others are not. If you want to do this, you would have to split the objects into transparent and opaque ones (or just don't merge them but connect with an addChild() in your example).

Support / Help with the collision detection
« on: December 20, 2004, 07:47:17 pm »
Are you really using checkCameraCollision()? If so, you should better use checkCameraCollisionEllipsoid() instead. If it still doesn't work, maybe the scale of you scene is too large. Play around with Config.collideOffset in that case.

German corner / Welche Programme zur Objekt erstellung?
« on: December 18, 2004, 07:36:07 pm »
Vielleicht ist Milkshape eine Alternative. Davon gibt es eine 30-Tage Version und die Lizenz ist auch nicht wirklich teuer (denke ich, kann mich auch irren...musst mal gucken).


Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 18, 2004, 02:07:52 pm »
There's a post about it in the news section of the forum.

Bugs / 3DObject.rotateMesh() does not reset the exsisting rotation.
« on: December 15, 2004, 12:04:46 pm »
No, that's a correct behaviour. By calling rotateMesh(), the actual vertex data will be rotated in object space by the current rotation matrix, i.e. at first, it will be rotated by 0.07, in the second run by 0.14, which results in a combined rotation of 0.21 and so on.
I don't think that you really want to rotate the object in object space in your example, so i suggest to skip that call to rotateMesh() in this case and you should be fine.

News / LWJGL 0.94 released
« on: December 14, 2004, 11:43:18 pm »
jPCT should work with it out-of-the-box. Get it here:

News / Super Dudester is fun
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:53:47 pm »
Not jPCT or site related but nobody can ban me from this forum, so:

This is a really great, commercial game written in Java. Give it a try!

Albeit i'm more the 3D guy, i have to admit that this is something that i really like (but it really HATE some of the levels... :wink: )

A screeny:

Support / my 3DS files dnt work
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:50:46 pm »
No, it's most likely not different. It's just uppercase against lowercase. In anything but windows, case matters. So maybe your files are not loaded correctly because you are loading an uppercase file by using a lowercase name or vive versa. If it's not a valid 3DStudio format (i.e one that jPCT doesn't understand), it will tell you so in the console.

Support / my 3DS files dnt work
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:09:22 pm »
What are you talking about?

News / Forum updated to 2.0.11
« on: December 14, 2004, 08:30:45 am »
This should fix a serious security problem.

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 13, 2004, 11:07:17 pm »
Sound still seems to be broken on my 1.5 "powered" machine. I don't hear a thing after a turn or two. Sound really sucks under 1.5...
However, have you tried the 1.04 preview release of jPCT already? I've modified some parts that maintain the World's object list and while it works in every way i'm using it, i would be very interested if it works for technopolis too. One last thing: I noticed that you are loading the lwjgl.jar. Are you actually using anything from this package in your applet? jPCT only needs this for OpenGL support, so if you are not using anything else, you may skip loading it.

Support / Flashing screen on applets.
« on: December 13, 2004, 08:09:46 am »
Try to not only override paint() but also update() and let your new update()-method call your paint()-method. That should help to get rid of the flickering. Personally, i'm used to override both with nothing and doing the updates myself using the Applet's Graphics-Instance directly, but it depends on what you are doing exactly (i.e. are you still using AWT-components or does your game fills the whole applet?) if this is good idea or not.

German corner / große Scenen laden und speichern
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:03:29 pm »

Probleme beim Laden von großen Szenen sind mir zumindest keine bekannt. Außer denen die man zwangläufig bekommt...alles wird halt langsamer.
Was den Rest angeht: Ein Exporter für 3DS ist nicht geplant. Es gibt einen Export ins eigene XML-Format. Vielleicht kannst du damit was anfangen (d.h. selber nach 3DS umwandeln oder in 3DS ein Skript schreiben, welches das tut). Wichtig ist für dich vielleicht, das jPCT nur Single-Texturing unterstützt (aufgrund des Software/Hardware-Hybrid-Charakters der ganzen Engine).

Zu Xith kann ich auch nicht soooo viel sagen...Texturen nachträglich ändern geht damit aber nicht (mit jPCT geht das), du musst dort mit den Texturkoordinaten arbeiten, d.h. deine Texturen müssen alle möglichen Varianten bereits enthalten. Oder du musst die Objekte aufwändig selber splitten, wobei einem vermutlich graue Haare wachsen... :wink:

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