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Messages - jackjia

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: jpct-ae for iOS
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:22:11 am »
Agree with you - it won't be easy. Maybe easier than rewrite but it's hard to tell. Objective c is such a flexible language (doesn't necessarily mean it is better), it has a lot ammunition to express Java, so J2ObjC should be OK if they did it right - but honestly I haven't tried it yet. :-) Ok, maybe this is a bad idea.

Support / Re: jpct-ae for iOS
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:21:22 am »
The physics and geometry stuff should be similar though, and the structure and overall design is transferable too. Lots of iOS coding is probably needed and some iOS libraries needs to be plugged in etc. The benefit would be the games that are using jpct-ae then could be  ported easily to iOS. This is just a wild idea. Of course you don't own anybody, and we all own you for jpct.  :)

Support / Re: jpct-ae for iOS
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:05:04 am »
I did lots of android and ios coding so I know the UI stuff is easy; especially for game engine that is only a tiny part. The engine itself and opengl etc are the concerns.

Support / jpct-ae for iOS
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:45:16 am »
Hi Egon,

Google recently published a Java to Objective C translation tool:
Do you think it is possible to port jpct-ae to iOS using the tool? By the way, I'm really thankful for your jpct-ae engine, it works great!


Support / Re: Skybox does not work poperly
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:34:47 am »
I just got an android and tested on it. The skybox crashed for some reason while the other stuff worked fine. Yes you are right the device rendering is different from the emulator, so I need to recheck all the textures and rendering etc.
In general I feel hard to handle the background. I've tried the followings but all of them have some problems:
1. A terrain with/without a sky dome. Because of the device limitation, an efficient enough terrain is usually too small for a jet and even the sky dome is easily flied through by the jet. I tried your advanced sample application but found the land is very small. I also came up with a "skyball" idea but there is always some dark area.
2. Blit an image. Feels like a blit image too so it is not good.
3. Skybox - so far crashing as mentioned above. Will try a couple more.
4. No land, no sky, just some floating objects. Maybe go with this.
I am still not sure which way to go. I've seen some games using cloud and wind as background, but I am not sure how to do 3d cloud in JPCT. If you have any suggestions on this please let me know. Really appreciate.

Support / Skybox does not work poperly
« on: October 11, 2011, 01:35:52 pm »
Thanks a lot for providing JPCT such a great game engine. It makes my dream easier to touch. :)
I am using JPCT's skybox but it doesn't work properly for me and I couldn't figure out what I have done wrong. Please see the following video:

I set the textures as required and have the following related code:
skyBox = new SkyBox(10000);
skyBox.render(world, fb);

Here is the camera:
   private void moveCamera() {
      SimpleVector oldCamPos = camera.getPosition();
      SimpleVector carCenter = car.getTransformedCenter();
      SimpleVector zOffset = car.getZAxis();
      SimpleVector camPos = new SimpleVector(carCenter);

Any ideas about what is wrong? Is it because the camera is not in the right place? Your help is highly appreciated.


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