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Topics - Rellik

Pages: [1]
Hello ;D jPCT is great so far, but it seems like there might be an oversight in not bringing Object3D.setDepthBufferWrites over to the Android version.

My project makes use of textures with embedded alpha channels to allow for easily rendering skeletally-animated "paper dolls" using only a quad per limb or so.  Unfortunately Object3D's that have transparency enabled (using setTransparency(1)) don't write to the depth buffer - you can see the result of this in the attached image.

On the left is without transparency enabled (you see the correct draw order, with the legs behind the skirt) and on the right transparency enabled but draw order is out of whack (for instance the legs are in front of the skirt).

The documentation for Object3D.setDepthBufferWrites specifies that "This is only important when using the software renderer." so I imagine that it was left out for the Android port because there's no software renderer.  However, I think this function would save me here, because I don't want to do my project demo on Wednesday with wrong z-order  :-[ - am I wrong in my assessment, or is there any other workaround, or would it be possible to get a version that includes this function?

Pages: [1]