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Topics - lancew

Pages: [1]
Support / animation performance
« on: February 02, 2012, 09:43:35 pm »
Before committing to this engine I needed to verify that it could handle 22 uniquely animated meshes (same base model) concurrently.    Here's the setup code:

Code: [Select]
models = new Object3D[22];
for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
models[i] = new Object3D(model, false);
        //spread them out in a line for viewing them all at once
        models[i].translate(i*30, 0 0);

I also have the app setup with a Primitive Plane representing the ground:

Code: [Select]
Object3D ground = Primitives.getPlane(10, 200);;
//function from
tileTexture(ground, .5f);
//rotate by 90 degrees to put it on the x-z plane
ground.rotateX(0.0174532925f * 90f);


as well as the exact skydome model and code from

and then later in the render function:

Code: [Select]
//repeat the animation every 5 seconds
float anim = (float)(System.currentTimeMillis() % 5000)/5000;

for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++)
        //set them all to a slightly different key frame
float index = anim + (float)(i*5)/1000;
if(index > 1f)
index -= 1f;

The compiled app comes out at 488kb.

When all the animations are visible I am getting ~6-10 fps.  With only 1 animation running, it runs at 58-60 fps.  My phone is
Is this low fps what you would expect, or might I have some other problem going on?

The animation I am using is attached (i got it from

[attachment deleted by admin]

Support / question about object3d.translate
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:33:02 pm »
I basically want to move the horse based upon user input, and have the camera follow the horse.  moveVec.y will always be 0 so that the horse will always move in the x-z plane.  The problem is that the horse moves, but the camera doesn't follow it.  The camera just sits at its initial position.  Heres the code:
Code: [Select]
SimpleVector horsePos = horse.getTransformedCenter();
//want cam up to match horse up
SimpleVector up = horse.getYAxis();
up.y *= -1;
//horse is facing along x axis
SimpleVector dir = horse.getXAxis();
cam.setOrientation(dir, up);
//move back according to zoom input
cam.moveCamera(Camera.CAMERA_MOVEOUT, currentZoom);
//move up, but move up less if looking up
cam.moveCamera(Camera.CAMERA_MOVEUP, (currentZoom - lookUp) * .5f);
SimpleVector look = horse.getXAxis();
//look at position ahead of horse
look.scalarMul(currentZoom * 2f);
//look at position above horse if user input indicated to do so
look.y -= lookUp;

I'm assuming I'm doing the translation wrong in some way, but have no idea how, or what else it could be.
Thanks in advance

Pages: [1]