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Topics - Geemili

Support / Shaders
June 25, 2012, 06:34:38 PM
Hi, this is my first time venturing into 3D and am trying to use shaders. Specifically, outlining and cel-shading. I have made the cel-shading following some tutorials, but cannot figure out the outlining.

I have found two ways of doing outlining, the first is editing the rendered image and applying a sobel filter or another of similar effect. When I tried doing this, I didn't get it to work, but it required me to use FrameBuffer.getPixels(), which seems to be slow. Also, my fault here, I don't understand the images format, at least, not enough to change into a 2d array of colors.

The second way is to first draw a wireframe version of the current object with its front faces culled and the rendering it regularly. This one is supposedly easier, but I don't know where to place the code.

Also, less important (In My Opinion) is how to get the lightVec variable to glsl. I saw it used in the shader example and put:
varying vec3 lightVec
into the .glsl, but it did not seem to work.

Thank for reading my post. I am sorry for any ignorance, but I feel impatient to get this done. Ask if you need code.