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Topics - idanh

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Support / Help with setting image as background and 3d object on top
« on: November 25, 2012, 06:33:33 pm »

I've just started with 3d but have some knowledge in Java.
My problem which I'm trying to solve (and hopefully you could help me) is:

1. Getting a picture from the library (this step is done, but) putting it as a background image - The problem here is that i'm trying to use the picture as texture - but this requires me to make it power of 2. Is it possible to just use the image as background?

2. Loading a 3d object (this step is done) and moving it around. Here, I can load the object but I dont get why I cant see it. when the origin is 0,0,0. Also, I need to rotate it by PI to rotate to the front. Is this a problem with the camera or the object it self? And also - Why is 0,0,0 or 0,50,0 does not seems to display anything? (my frame buffer is created in onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int w, int h) and using w,h as params)

Hopefully you could see what i'm thinking/doing wrong here and give me some tips.
I've got some code done, but I cant overcome those problems.

Thank you!

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