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Messages - EgonOlsen

Pages: 1 ... 781 782 [783] 784 785 ... 823
Support / Re: Question: Models, lighting, and more.
« on: October 28, 2005, 02:51:54 pm »
Quote from: "Raven"
1. I've been playing around with loading various 3ds models. After realizing that objects must be merged, everything works great except that with complex models everything slows *extremely* down when I look at them. Even down to 2FPS in worst cases. This can hardly be due to processing power since I'm running a 2x2.5ghz 64bit powermac with 2GBRAM.

- So what am I doing wrong? (I load the models the same way as the levels are loaded in the FPS demo).

I think that the models you are using are simply too complex for the engine to handle. jPCT is not a "polygon pusher" due to the way it works internally. For real time 3D graphics, you should opt for low poly models, not for these great looking, but huge things that can be found on most free model sites. How many polygons do the models have that are causing the problems? You may also set Config.glVertexArrays to true (or download jPCT 1.08 which does this by default). It may help a little, but as said: Use lower poly models for real time stuff.

Quote from: "Raven"

2. Regarding levels in the FPSdemo. How is the playerPosition originally calculated, as well as the lighting?

I assigned a key to Camera.getPosition(), walked through the level, pressed that key where i wanted to add a lightsource and wrote down the position...

Quote from: "Raven"

3. Can objects emit light? For example, could I create a Flashlight object?
In Paradroidz, the Player-instance includes a light that moves with the player (i.e. i'm setting it's position to the player's one). So no, Object3D can't emit light, but you can move the lights so that it looks like that.

Quote from: "Raven"

4. I still haven't been able to try object animations; I don't know yet how to animate 3D and I can't find any md2 files -- does anyone know where I can find an example MD2 file to test animation?

Have a look at They once had a nice collection of MD2s. MD2s are Quake2 models. I hope they are still offering it. If not, let me know. I can send you some models for testing purposes.
Edit: The site seems to be gone...what a pity! I'll upload some md2-files to for you...

Quote from: "Raven"

5. Just for interests sake: You can have more than once instances of a camera, right? Would it be possible to project the input of one camera to an object in game? An example of the usage: 'Security' cameras placed in a map can be viewed by the player on Monitor Objects?
To a degree, but only by using a strange combination of hardware and software rendering which includes texture uploading and stuff. That's because jPCT doesn't support "render to texture". Basically, you would have to render the monitor image using the software renderer in a different FrameBuffer, copy that into a texture and render the scene with that texture using the hardware renderer. Could be a little slow depending on how often you are planning to update the monitor's image.

News / Version 1.08 has been released!
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:00:33 pm »
A new version with a lot of new stuff for you to play with. Most noticable, this version can do multi texturing at least for the OpenGL renderer (the software one simply ignores it). Have a look at the TextureInfo class on how to set it up.


Changes can be found here:

Have fun!

BTW: Adding MT support required a lot of changes, so i'm not sure if this one is as stable as jPCT used to be. Just to be sure, save your 1.07 version somewhere before upgrading... :wink:

Feedback / Another link of jpct
« on: October 27, 2005, 08:45:05 am » was my old homepage from around 1999/2000. It doesn't exist anymore but the link on that site still points to it. It's not the only one doing that...

Support / Re: Mac
« on: October 27, 2005, 01:50:57 am »
Quote from: "Raven"
I'm guessing that my first step would be to divide the demo into seperate classes, for example: Items, Player, etc...
Yes, that's a good idea. The fps example doesn't do this to stay as simple as possible, but for a "real" application, it's definitely needed. The car example does something like this by introducing an Entity interface, letting an AbstractEntity implements that interface as well as extending Object3D and the actual objects in the "game" are extending the AbstractEntity.
That's not entirely great because even if there is an interface like Entity, you have to code against AbstractEntity sometimes (or wrap the required methods from Object3D into the interface) because there is no interface for Object3D in jPCT due to historical reasons. However, depending on your needs, you may come up with something completely different (more MVC-like for example).

Support / JPCT on MacOS X - Beginner help
« on: October 26, 2005, 07:26:52 pm »
Good to see a Mac guy around here. I have seen jPCT running on Windows, Linux, Solaris 10 and even on a PDA, but never on a Mac (Well on an old iMac, but that doesn't count...:wink: ). Macs are virtually none existent here in germany.  :(

Projects / aptal karga (foolish crow)
« on: October 25, 2005, 08:21:14 am »
I promise that i'll look into that topic once again if i find the time. But i can't promise that it will lead to something... :wink:

Support / lightmaps
« on: October 25, 2005, 12:48:11 am »
Multi texturing for the hardware renderer is on its way...

Support / Undersampling
« on: October 25, 2005, 12:45:17 am »
Quote from: "raft"
i didnt make any comprehensive tests but it seems this way peforms better than under sampling. furthermore one can use any sampling ratio.
Undersampling simply renders at half the resolution and doubles  the rendered pixels in x- and y-direction. Maybe scaling is faster because it can benefit from hardware support, but i somehow doubt it, because it's a non-accelerated BufferedImage.

Quote from: "raft"
btw, assuming all others the same, can we say rendering time is proportional to FrameBuffer's area ?
Yes, roughly.

Projects / aptal karga (foolish crow)
« on: October 24, 2005, 05:30:23 pm »
Quote from: "raft"
i believe, using transient fields in cooperation with readObject and writeObject methods may significantly lower the necessary space for serialized meshes or other jpct objects. helge are you with us ?
What can be made transient in Object3D without much hassle already is transient. I don't see how to improve this further without adding more internal complexity to Object3D. For example, it would be possible to not serialize the vertex normals...but only if you haven't changed them in your code by using an IVertexController on the Mesh. Sure i could check for this somehow (or simply ignore it) but i don't think that it's worth it ATM.

Projects / ¿how much pleople still using jpct?
« on: October 22, 2005, 12:18:23 pm »
Quote from: "Melssj5"

I remeber when I just discovered this engine on google,I entered and I found that this forums comunity was nice, nowaday almost nobody cames here.
I don't think that this is actually the case. Forum traffic and posting frequency hasn't changed much in the last few month.
The problem that people are getting bored by their projects is a common one. It's not jPCT specific. From reading the first few post on a new project on other forums, you can usually tell if it's going to dry out after a few weeks or not...most times, it does.

Projects / ¿how much pleople still using jpct?
« on: October 21, 2005, 11:11:45 pm »
I'm using it...does that count?  :wink: I don't know exactly how many people are actually using it, because not all of them are giving feedback by mail or in the forum. Sometimes i find some stuff done with jPCT just by accident (like a simulator for theme park stuff or a modified car example that allows to steer the car via voice commands).

The tutorial stuff is still on my todo list... :roll:

BTW: I got mail from acorn98 some days ago who is still using jPCT (that means +1 for the list). I hope he'll post something about his new project soon. I had the chance to take a look at a small preview version and it looks really cool IMHO.

Support / lightmaps
« on: October 20, 2005, 04:54:27 pm »
Quote from: "rolz"
I see the thread is way too old, but can you please add support for these features, at least for hardware renderer  ?
Hardware only support for multi texturing? I'll see if it fits somehow into jPCT...

Projects / Technopolies
« on: October 18, 2005, 06:53:50 pm »
Quote from: "rolz"

-improved performance for precise Z coordinate calculation on ground.
( adjustable by parameter in techno properties)

Code: [Select]
object3d.calcMinDistance(v1, v2) (2000ms)
Code: [Select]
object3d.calcMinDistance(v1, v2, n) (500ms)

still it is not as efficient as accessing avg heights data (<10ms)

Are you using an octree on the terrain?  calcMinDistance may benefit from it (apart from the rendering itself).

Projects / Technopolies
« on: October 11, 2005, 11:47:50 pm »
Your progress is astonishing... :shock: But what about gameplay? I think it's looking very nice now as it is and it seems to be time to add some more gameplay. What do you have in mind gameplay wise?

German corner / Will nen Gästebuch oder spam Topic :-)
« on: October 07, 2005, 02:05:24 pm »
Quote from: "General is back"
wenn das der gute Huuck noch mitbekommen würde....  :wink:
Tja, der ist nun im Ruhestand:

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