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Messages - zammbi

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 25
Feedback / WebP new image type
« on: October 02, 2010, 05:20:55 am »
So Google has made a new open source image type called WebP which seems like a nice option over jpeg. Seems they got a better compression rate (40% or so better) with the same quality.
It would be nice to see this format supported in JPCT or as a separate library. Anyone up for the challenge?  :)

Projects / Re: Alpha version of Benchmark, was: GUI example anyone?
« on: October 02, 2010, 04:38:09 am »
I downloaded the latest from the market.

Im using a Milestone 2.1, with beta JIT, and overclocked to 800(though It doesn't seem to be staying at that speed when running the test). One day I hope to get 2.2 (Next year for the Milestone)
It doesn't show the resolution any more, so I'm guessing its using my full 854x480?

16bit/VBO off:

Fillrate ST/MT: 10.35/9.54 MP/sec.
High object count: 21.25 fps
Multiple lights: 43.90 fps
High polygon count: 15.44 fps
Keyframe animation: 61.39 fps
Game level: 25.16 fps
Total Score: 4661

16bit/VBO on:

Fillrate ST/MT: 10.23/9.60 MP/sec.
High object count: 20.95 fps
Multiple lights: 43.27 fps
High polygon count: 21.88 fps
Keyframe animation: 61.47 fps
Game level: 32.85 fps
Total Score: 5008

Support / Re: Broken light in software mode
« on: October 02, 2010, 03:09:17 am »
Sorry for the delay. Have too much to do lately.

Here's the files.

Support / Re: Broken light in software mode
« on: September 27, 2010, 10:44:14 pm »
Sorry I been busy, been meaning too. I'll upload it after work today.

Support / Re: Broken light in software mode
« on: September 26, 2010, 11:20:38 am »
Just black. I seem to found the issue. It only happens when I turn on mipmapping.
No unusual messages that I can see.

I could send over the model if that helps you solve it.

Support / Broken light in software mode
« on: September 26, 2010, 06:51:17 am »
So I was trying out my new obj cave model but when I loaded the textures, things really got messy. But when I used hardware mode everything was fine again. Bug? solutions?

Software mode:

Hardware mode:

There is a box demo in the examples which is basically what you want. Just modify the box to a flat plane, and give it the textures you want.
If you get stuck, post what code you have and Ill see if I can help.

Projects / Re: Quake III (player) model support for jPCT
« on: September 16, 2010, 04:47:33 pm »
Awesome stuff. I may have to add this into my project later on.

How much you going to support?

Is the loader just as easy to use like the default ones?

There isn't any legal issues using this model format? Aka used in commercial software?

News / Re: Moved some downloads...
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:34:09 pm »
I've use for one of my games. Saves us 90% bandwidth.

Support / Re: Server collision triggers
« on: September 08, 2010, 12:48:57 pm »
Oh I understand how you did your formula now. So you checked the box against a point, which could be a point by the characters feet. I guess I don't need to check the whole character and could cheat a little too.

Thanks for sharing.

Support / Re: Server collision triggers
« on: September 08, 2010, 09:21:10 am »
Is your trigger boxes object3D objects? or just a made up object

I think I'll have a list of trigger boxes(basic object just holding location and size) in a zone, every time the user moves I'll check if he walks into/out of a trigger. Setting a flag if needed.

How do I get a width, depth and height of a model?

I guess this should be fast enough, though I just wouldn't want too many in one zone or it could slow things down. Unless someone wants to help me work out a efficient array for this kind of thing.

Support / Re: Server collision triggers
« on: September 07, 2010, 11:57:56 pm »
Well a trigger would be a set area which something can happen. Say for the door example, you would have one around the door so that when the character walks on it the door would open.

I have written the event system on my game, but I need help in setting up triggers that would fire these events.

What does everyone else do for doors? switches, etc in there games?

Support / Server collision triggers
« on: September 07, 2010, 03:42:12 pm »
I'm stuck a little trying to work out how I will do collision triggers on my server.

So a simple example would be someone walking in a door and warping the user.

Another example would be a user walking in through one aka, to open a door.

Then I will also need to support room size triggers aka security or lava. Which I could have many triggers inside that large trigger.

The triggers will only need to fire once, but some cases I'll need to check if I'm still inside one.

I'm quite lost on how I would tackle this problem. So any help on the subject would be great.

Support / Rain effect
« on: September 01, 2010, 09:08:49 am »
Just wondering what everyone else has done for their rain effect? I don't want to reinvent the wheel when I don't have too.
Or any suggestions on creating ok looking rain which is quick enough for the software renderer?

Support / Re: blitting not showing texture on quality change
« on: August 28, 2010, 12:36:27 pm »
blit to the front buffer if possible (i.e. after the update()-call)
Ah cool, that worked. Its perfect now  :D

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