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Messages - rolz

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Support / Applying multitexture to single poly in object
« on: January 04, 2006, 08:59:23 pm »
Thanks for the great update, it was really just what i needed !

I've got multitexturing working properly, here is the quick shot:

A couple of questions/ requests:

1. removing unused textures
 I am going to generate shadows for ground objects from their silhouette. It makes sense to remove unused texture from TextureManager when the object is no longer visible (e.g. object has been removed).
 Currently i will have to implement a pool of "shadow" textures and replace unused textures with newly generated, but i dont feel like this is better than just removing unused textures from videocard's memory. What would you suggest ?

2. TextureInfo.MODE_ADD transparency ?
I am using TextureInfo.MODE_ADD when placing additional texture over the base texture. I have noticed that the second texture is ~50% transparent. Is it possible to adjust transparency value when placing one texture over another ? (e.g. put a bloodstain on the ground and make it almost opaque, like with object3d.setTransparency(255)

3. alpha channel for textures
 is there a way to use PNG as texture ? basicly, what i want is a semi-transparent texture which fades away from the center to borders ( smooth shadow)

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 29, 2005, 12:53:43 pm »
Yes, creatures travel in small groups, following the leader (creature with highest level). There is no limit for number of creatures in the group, so yes, these groups can be quite huge.
 The good thing is that marines who patrol the camp - also gather in groups ;) and they are fair more effective with ranged weapons so they should handle creatures on camp territory easily.

Current AI is all about walking in groups and wandering around - without any clear task. I'd say it is ~10% of what AI is expected to be.

For the next version (January,15-25th) i'll try to make a "lifestyle" for bots - e.g. some constant action that should bring life to the game world. For example, marines patrol the camp, mutons launch coordinated attacks, couriers running and delivering packages, people wander on the streets, etc. Here is the list of TODOs for the next major release (0.97):

- Living Quarters. Players will be given a room where they could store items or rest.
- add Factions.
- add Karma. Karma will affect player's relations with othe factions.
- add capability of switching between attack modes for some weapons.
- add more objects
- improve bots' AI to behave in more "intelligent manner"

btw. regarding your problem with hordes of aliens:

 You can talk to Corp. Johnson at the coalition bunker and ask him to give you teammates - they will follow and protect you.

  btw, Corp. Johnson also gives you first real quest for muton heads. It appears on Quests page (press'Q') when you receive it - and after you bring him back 2+ muton heads it will be completed.

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 29, 2005, 11:33:43 am »
Webstart version here:

Projects / 0.96 is out
« on: December 28, 2005, 06:16:31 pm »
Available at
i'll send additional notification when webstart version is ready.

New features:

- relief and texture maps has been redesigned to be stored on server and transfered to client when player enters new location (~3kb per location). This will give ability to add new levels to server "on the fly" without storing anything on client.

- added Coalition Bunker location
- added passages. You have to click on passage to go to another location
- added doors
- player can now open / close doors
- added "key-locked" doors, which can be opened/locked with proper key
- added plastic keycards
- added NPC which gives you plastic key on Coalition Base location -
- switched to faster server in Moscow
- improved bot pathfinding AI
- network code has been redesigned to use combination of TCP and UDP
- changed hit/damage calculation for ranged weapons to follow D&D rules
- player's state is now saved on server after logout
- added quests ('Q' button)
- added tables
- added hospital beds
- added infusion drip stands
- added Terminals
- added Bulletin boards

Support / Applying multitexture to single poly in object
« on: December 27, 2005, 07:28:49 pm »
Well, let's say i have a small texture i want to place over a polygon - a blood stain, a shadow - it is expected that texture image is smaller than the polygon to which i plan to apply it.  
After applying the texture, it is tiled all over the polygon - repeated several times. I thought it would be great to have a way to somehow handle tiling, as per this case.

p.s. another example - the "shadow" texture could occupy more than 1 polygon -  let's say it occupies 1 entire polygon and partially several adjacent polygons. With tiling, "shadow" is placed fine on one polygod and is tiled across these "partially occupied" polygons.

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 27, 2005, 07:21:48 pm »
- added tables
- added hospital beds
- added infusion drip stands

Projects / Project Tyr
« on: December 27, 2005, 10:50:25 am »
Good luck folks, i wish you patience and good motivation ;)

A few things i learned from my own mistakes:

- make first working version as soon as possible
- keep game working during all changes, apply changes by small pieces.
- stay simple - don't try to cover everything in first beta, you can add it later
- stay agile - don't add unnecessary complexity when it is not required
- dont bother doing premature optimization

And again, good luck. Hope to see your game's preview soon.

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 26, 2005, 07:19:54 pm »
Cinergy, regarding the tool - i doubt there is anything better than 3dMax. It is commercial, expensive but it is also the best tool available for 3d modelling.

Projects / new features
« on: December 26, 2005, 07:18:26 pm »
- improved bot pathfinding AI
- network code has been redesigned to use combination of TCP and UDP
- changed hit/damage calculation for ranged weapons to follow D&D rules
- player's state is now saved on server after logout
- added quests

Support / Applying multitexture to single poly in object
« on: December 26, 2005, 05:49:25 pm »
Ok, thanks.  

Helge, another quick thing - is there a way to disable tiling for specific layer in TextureInfo ?

Support / Applying multitexture to single poly in object
« on: December 26, 2005, 05:01:16 pm »

We've got object3d.setTexture(TextureInfo) method that works just fine, but is it by any way possible to apply multitexture to a single poly ? like
PolygonManager.setPolygonTexture(polyId, textureInfo) ?

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:59:43 pm »
I am not sure if JPCT supports .OBJ
What are benefits of using OBJ over 3DS ?

Support / error loading in Linux
« on: December 19, 2005, 12:25:00 pm »
Try using new LWJGL 0.99 - i saw there were lots of bugfixes, some of them related to awtgl. I also have problems with awtgl on some videocards, and i hope to check out if 0.99 helped to solve them today

News / Link to JPCT on
« on: December 19, 2005, 11:51:10 am »
I've noticed that JPCT wasnt mentioned in "engines using LWJGL" section on LWJGL site. I've contacted matzon and asked if he would agree to to add it there.

A small update:
- link to JPCT was added in LWJGL development resources section
- link to technopolies was added in LWJGL projects section.

Helge, it will be good idea to post information about paradroidz there.

Projects / Technopolies
« on: December 16, 2005, 10:33:18 am »
Thanks folks, I hope the site will give a push to the JPCT community and attract new people.

2Cinergy: yes, that's paid hosting, i plan to move JNLP and downloads there once all changes scheduled for the next version are done.

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