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Messages - MoonHelp

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Support / Re: Shader's Hell !
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:13:38 pm »
I will try.


Support / Re: Shader's Hell !
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:02:41 pm »

I loaded a new instance of the HelloShader eclipse project
and deleted all code in the 2 shaders files (res/raw) and copy/paste
code from the Shaders Generator Devel apk (Android Market)

And now I have a beautiful  ERROR: Missing attribute 'position' in vertex shader
OK OPENGL ES2.0 is now enable !

BTW : why shaders devel generate wrong code ? (I imported the same 3D object (a simply cube) in shader devel)

Thank you

Support / Re: Shader's Hell !
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:21:26 am »
Hi,Egon !

I mean :
My scene was ok at the begining !
A spinning cube with a grey jpeg bitmap texture

My test :
I deleted all the code in these 2 files (now I have 2 empty files)  :


and I unpacked the jar > deleted  all the 16 shaders file .src
I repacked the jar

I updated the eclipse project with this new jar without .src files
and lauched again...

My scene is identical : my 3D object seems a bit more opaque...

My question : now what is the process who's support the non existing GLSLshaders informations
and return a default value ?


Support / Shader's Hell !
« on: February 11, 2012, 09:08:54 pm »
Shader's Hell...

Hi, Everybody !! (Hello Egon) [I read your forum everyday]

My test : The HelloShader Eclipse data

I'am playing with JPCT-AE and I tried some test.

I keep the GLSLShader Method on my cube.

I removed all shaders files into the jar
and I expected an Eclipse bug : but nothing wrong...
My scene is the same. (nothing change).

Could you tell me why ?


Olivier (France)
Graphic Designer (print publishing) ==>15 years skill BUT JAVA noob
Bad english inside ? sorry !! : -) I'am French  and I don't speak every days your language !
Rights ?

Pages: [1]