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Messages - lui1000

Pages: [1]
Support / Tilt an Object3D as reaction to a collision
« on: March 07, 2013, 07:46:38 pm »
Hi guys,
I am new to jPCT and to this forum and have encountered a problem.

I have created a cube and put it into my World. I have also imported another Object3D from an extern .obj file, what should represent the floor. The cube's movement is controlable like in the collision example in the Wiki.
Basically, I just want to rotate that Cube when it moves across the bumpy floor. It should be rotated depending on how the surface of the floor is.
I tried it through setting up a CollisionListener for my Cube, but I really don't know how to continue. Or is there an even better method to do this?

Regards, lui.

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