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Topics - auser

Pages: [1]
Support / Collision detection between two points?
« on: November 27, 2011, 09:14:48 pm »
Hi. Im trying to detect collision between two Points.
I have create a small AI turret how is looking for the player. But now the AI can see thought the walls.
So i need to check if there is walls between the AI and the player.

I was trying to use:
SimpleVector collideAtWall = AITurret.checkForCollisionSpherical(playerPosition, 10);

And creating a line between Turret and collideAtWall. But the line points at the player Always anyway. :(

Support / Door moving and push the player?
« on: November 16, 2011, 07:48:40 pm »
Hi. I have tried jpct-ae and like it alot! But now i am stuck with the collision.
I have created a player who collide with the World objects. And now i created a door wich act good with the
movement. But now, when the door moves and push the player, the door goes through the player. In some way i need to check when the door hits the player and push the player.
Is there some solution to do that in a good way? Thanks for help :)

Pages: [1]