This maybe a problem of mine, but seems that the Galaxy S2 isn't drawing my lines for pitch maps.
-It draws the first part of the line but nothing else.
-It works fine on other phones around me.
-It fixes itself when I try OpenGL 1.1
-Lines are working fine on wagon wheels.
-AA on/off has no effect on this bug.
Any ideas why?
I'm going to hunt further for the cause of the bug, maybe get a test case going if needed. Annoying that it has to show up now when we have a release to give out in 2 hours
Seems it's something to do with how close the camera is.-Nothing to do with max polys.
-Nothing to do with clipping range.
Edit 2:
It looks like it has something to do with the pitch map grid itself. If I hide it:
, all things are good, but if I show it, it will break the lines(any). The grid itself is is just made up of small squares with each one having a transparent texture...
Is this some kind of JPCT bug?
This my code to create each square of the pitch map grid:
private static Object3D addPlane(final String string, final String textureName, final int i, final float width, final float height, final float x, final float y, final float z, final boolean horizontal ){
final Object3D plane = GraphicsHelper.createPlane(width, height, textureName);//Primitives.getPlane(4, 2);
plane.rotateX(-(float) Math.PI/2f);
plane.rotateY((float) Math.PI/2f);
// plane.clearTranslation();
plane.setAdditionalColor(new RGBColor(255, 255, 255));
plane.translate(x+PitchMaps.xoffset, y , z + PitchMaps.PITCH_OFFSET);
// plane.translateMesh();
plane.setName(string + i);
return plane;
public static Object3D createPlane(float width, float height, String texture){
SimpleVector upperLeftFront=new SimpleVector(-width/2f,-height/2f,0);
SimpleVector upperRightFront=new SimpleVector(width/2f,-height/2f,0);
SimpleVector lowerLeftFront=new SimpleVector(-width/2f, height/2f,0);
SimpleVector lowerRightFront=new SimpleVector(width/2f, height/2f,0);
int textID = TextureManager.getInstance().getTextureID(texture);
Object3D box = new Object3D(2);
box.addTriangle(upperLeftFront,0,0, lowerLeftFront,0,1, upperRightFront,1,0,textID);
box.addTriangle(upperRightFront,1,0, lowerLeftFront,0,1, lowerRightFront,1,1,textID);
return box;
Edit 3:
Looks like transparency is the problem, if I don't set the texture or transparency on the squares, the lines show fine.
Blah since I have no idea on fixing this further I will have to turn off OpenGL 2.0 and release it as I don't know how many other devices this will effect.