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Topics - zammbi

Pages: [1] 2 3
Support / Gradle support
« on: April 08, 2021, 01:45:17 am »
Can we get Gradle support for JPCT-AE?
It would make things easier if you could install/update JPCT by Gradle. Also it would be nice to get notifications through Gradle when there are updates, so I don't have to keep manually checking :)

Bugs / ERROR: glAttachShader - vertex shader: glError 1280
« on: October 15, 2013, 11:26:28 pm »
I noticed in our crash logs we are getting a "vertex shader: glError 1280" crash. Looking this up the error it is a GL_INVALID_ENUM.

This happens on the HTC One, Sony Xperia L and the Samsung S4, which I don't have access too. I have now updated the latest JPCT version (did you fix such an error in the past?), so I guess I'll soon see if such an error goes away once we release it. But I thought I'll log it in here in the meantime in case someone knows more about it.


Code: [Select]
Version: 2594
Android: 4.1.2
Manufacturer: HTC
Model: HTC One
Date: Sun Oct 13 13:44:59 MST 2013

java.lang.RuntimeException: [ 1381697099906 ] - ERROR: glAttachShader - vertex shader: glError 1280
at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log(
at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.checkError(
at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.createProgram(
at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.loadProgram(
at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.preInit(
at com.threed.jpct.GL20.setShader(
at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setShader(
at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setLineShader(
at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.enableLineMode(
at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

DEBUG PhoneRank : Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory:      384 Mb
Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory:      1 Mb
Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory:      28 Mb
Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize:      50 Mb
Debug.getNativeHeapFreeSize:         0 Mb
Debug.getNativeHeapSize:            50 Mb
Debug.getThreadAllocSize:            0 Kb
Debug.getGlobalAllocSize:            0 Kb
Debug.getGlobalFreedSize:            0 Kb
memoryInfo.getTotalPss:            140 Mb
memoryInfo.getTotalPrivateDirty:      128 Mb
memoryInfo.getTotalSharedDirty:      39 Mb
memoryInfo.dalvikPss:               28 Mb
memoryInfo.dalvikPrivateDirty:         28 Mb
memoryInfo.nativePss:               0 Mb
memoryInfo.nativePrivateDirty:         0 Mb
JPCT texture usage:               1 Kb
Memory Left:                     307 Mb
Memory Left (based on Pss):         244 Mb
activityManager.getMemoryClass:      192 Mb
CPU Cores Free:                  2
DEBUG PhoneRank : Max Mem: 384 Mem Left:307
DEBUG PhoneRank : Very high ram free.
DEBUG WW : Turning on AA with transparency.
DEBUG WW : Using OpenGL 2.0
DEBUG GoogleAnalyticsActivity : Not a tracked activity
DEBUG OnlineViewWorld3dActivity : ON RUNNING
DEBUG PhoneRank : Checking Model: HTC One
DEBUG WWPollTask : RUNNING: true
DEBUG OnlineViewWorld3dActivity : URL:
DEBUG CricHQService : Http Response Code: 0
DEBUG 3d : World is null. Creating...
DEBUG PhoneRank : Using hardware renderer (Not PixelFlinger): Adreno (TM) 320
DEBUG PhoneRank : Max Mem: 384 Mem Left:300
DEBUG PhoneRank : Very high ram free.
DEBUG 3d : Change camera view to: PITCH_MAP
VERBOSE CricHQCrashManagerListener : Getting username for crash report...
DEBUG CricHQCrashManagerListener : Sending crash report to hockey...

Phone Stats:
Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory:      384 Mb
Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory:      7 Mb
Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory:      49 Mb
Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize:      49 Mb
Debug.getNativeHeapFreeSize:         5 Mb
Debug.getNativeHeapSize:            55 Mb
Debug.getThreadAllocSize:            0 Kb
Debug.getGlobalAllocSize:            0 Kb
Debug.getGlobalFreedSize:            0 Kb
memoryInfo.getTotalPss:            165 Mb
memoryInfo.getTotalPrivateDirty:      152 Mb
memoryInfo.getTotalSharedDirty:      39 Mb
memoryInfo.dalvikPss:               49 Mb
memoryInfo.dalvikPrivateDirty:         49 Mb
memoryInfo.nativePss:               0 Mb
memoryInfo.nativePrivateDirty:         0 Mb
JPCT texture usage:               8195 Kb
Memory Left:                     292 Mb
Memory Left (based on Pss):         219 Mb
activityManager.getMemoryClass:      192 Mb
CPU Cores Free:                  2

Support / Config.glTrilinear making transparent textures look weird
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:42:42 am »
Just letting you know that I tried Config.glTrilinear on the galaxy S2 and it messes up transparent textures.



Though I guess it might be because glTrilinear isn't ready to be used yet?

P.S: Seems texture colours is 8bit when using OpenGL 2.0 for the S2  ???

Support / Code uses OpenGL 1.0 instead of 2.0
« on: July 11, 2012, 05:43:06 am »
I'm suck on an interesting issue.

For inputting on CricHQ we need our the 3d to load as fast as possible so I have currently moved it to OpenGL 1.0 (the shaders were slowing resume on all devices too much).
Then for viewing the data I use OpenGL 2.0 so I have AA.

But I've found that turning on OpenGL 2.0 after 1.0 crashes (though opening 1.0 after 2.0 doesn't crash).
All the OpenGL 2.0 code runs without error which makes it hard to prevent the crash.

Code: [Select]
AAConfigChooser aa = new AAConfigChooser(mGLView, true);

07-11 15:35:15.725: I/jPCT-AE(9101): onCreate
07-11 15:35:16.319: I/jPCT-AE(9101): MSAA enabled with 2 samples!
07-11 15:35:16.319: I/jPCT-AE(9101): Unable to find a matching config...using default!
07-11 15:35:16.444: I/jPCT-AE(9101): Initializing GL20 render pipeline...
07-11 15:35:16.452: I/jPCT-AE(9101): Accessing shaders via JAR!
07-11 15:35:16.460: I/jPCT-AE(9101): [ 1341977716469 ] - ERROR: Shaders are not supported when using OpenGL ES 1.x!
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101): [ 1341977716495 ] - ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: [ 1341977716469 ] - ERROR: Shaders are not supported when using OpenGL ES 1.x!
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.check20(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GL20.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.init(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.init(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
07-11 15:35:16.483: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101): [ 1341977716506 ] - ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: [ 1341977716495 ] - ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: [ 1341977716469 ] - ERROR: Shaders are not supported when using OpenGL ES 1.x!
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.check20(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLSLShader.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GL20.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.init(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.init(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.Logger.log(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.init(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.init(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at com.threed.jpct.FrameBuffer.<init>(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
07-11 15:35:16.499: I/jPCT-AE(9101):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

Support / Better texture manger
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:21:37 am »
I've had a couple of out of memory issues(outside of JPCT) and doesn't help that I keep all my textures in memory for fast reloading. So was looking into this:

But wondering if JPCT should have more advance texture manager options built in.

-If the app runs low on memory it will use the new virtualizer class for textures.
-If it still is out of memory then resize the textures down(largest first) until there is enough free memory.
-If textures are too small and still out of memory then unload unused textures until memory enough memory free.

-Have priority options for which textures should be resized smaller first.
-No longer use virtualizer once you get enough free memory back.
-If the textures been resized to be smaller previously, resize them back up if there is enough free memory(maybe resume only).

Such options would help me so much and I believe would help everyone else too.

Bugs / JPCT crashed while debugging
« on: June 14, 2012, 05:24:00 am »
JPCT crashed when I resumed from debugging. Using the current stable version.

06-14 15:20:35.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(32289): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 4465
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 5, size is 5
        at java.util.ArrayList.throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(
        at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
        at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
        at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
        at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
06-14 15:20:35.022: WARN/ActivityManager(195): Force finishing activity

Edit: Actually this might be my fault. Looks like it might be a threading issue.

Support / Slow resume, need help speeding it up
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:04:46 am »
I'm trying to speed up resuming of a 3d world, something near the speeds of our iPhone version if possible.
Basically the 3d world is in an activity and I need to resume that activity as fast as possible.

Any other optimisations I try in code causes JPCT to crash. So looking for some suggestions.

Here is the basics of my code:
Code: [Select]
    protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        synchronized (InputWorld3dActivity.masterLock) {
            if (InputWorld3dActivity.inputInstance != null) {
                ReflectionHelper.copy(InputWorld3dActivity.inputInstance, this,1); //Copies all activity data across to this one.
                if (this != InputWorld3dActivity.inputInstance) {
            InputWorld3dActivity.inputInstance = this;
        boolean isOpenGl2 = false;

        mGLView = (GLSurfaceView) findViewById(;


        if (PhoneRank.isSafeForOpenGL2WithAA(this)) {
            try {
                if (GraphicsHelper.turnOnOpenGL2(mGLView)) {
                    final AAConfigChooser aa;
                    if (PhoneRank.getMaxAndFreeMemRank() == MemRank.VERY_HIGH) {// Most likely a top phone.
                        aa = new AAConfigChooser(mGLView, true);
                        Log.d("WW", "Turning on AA with transparency.");
                    } else {
                        aa = new AAConfigChooser(mGLView);
                        Log.d("WW", "Turning on AA without transparency.");

                    isOpenGl2 = true;
                    Log.d("WW", "Using OpenGL 2.0");
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                //No OpenGL2 support.

        if (!isOpenGl2) {
            Log.d("WW", "Using OpenGL 1.1");
            mGLView.setEGLConfigChooser(new EGLOpenGL1Chooser());

        if (renderer == null) {
            renderer = new World3dBase(); //World3dBase is the GLSurfaceView.Renderer


Here are the current logs:

05-23 16:46:25.135: INFO/ActivityManager(202): START { (has extras)} from pid 15374
05-23 16:46:25.244: DEBUG/dalvikvm(202): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 538K, 13% free 22056K/25223K, paused 79ms
05-23 16:46:25.260: INFO/Database(15374): Saved over to database, total time taken: 7 ms.
05-23 16:46:25.275: DEBUG/ Copying data from object.
05-23 16:46:25.275: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): onCreate
05-23 16:46:25.283: DEBUG/PhoneRank(15374): Max mem:128 Mem Left:124 Allocated:4 Free Mem:2 CPU cores free:2
05-23 16:46:25.291: DEBUG/PhoneRank(15374): Max Mem: 128 Mem Left:124
05-23 16:46:25.291: DEBUG/PhoneRank(15374): Very high ram free.
05-23 16:46:25.291: DEBUG/WW(15374): Turning on AA with transparency.
05-23 16:46:25.291: DEBUG/WW(15374): Using OpenGL 2.0
05-23 16:46:25.299: VERBOSE/PhoneStatusBar(282): setLightsOn(true)
05-23 16:46:25.299: DEBUG/PhoneStatusBar(282): showing the MENU button
05-23 16:46:25.361: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): MSAA enabled with 2 samples!
05-23 16:46:25.361: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Unable to find a matching config...using default!
05-23 16:46:25.369: INFO/ActivityManager(202): Displayed +107ms
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Visibility lists disposed!
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): All texture data unloaded from gpu!
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Disposing VBOs!
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Renderer disposed!
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Initializing GL20 render pipeline...
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders !
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...2008 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...3897 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 210003: 4/36
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (Tex0)!
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.432: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.440: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.440: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...201 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.440: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.440: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.455: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...3421 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.455: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.455: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 420006: 1/33
05-23 16:46:25.455: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (Tex1)!
05-23 16:46:25.455: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.455: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.463: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.463: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...871 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.463: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.463: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.463: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...3791 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.463: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 630009: 2/36
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (Tex0Light0)!
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...201 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.471: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...1200 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 840012: 1/10
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (Fog)!
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.479: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.494: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_CONCURRENT freed 10078K, 29% free 31389K/43975K, paused 2ms+4ms
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...328 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...3668 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 1050015: 1/36
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (FogLight0)!
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...328 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...1516 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 1260018: 1/14
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (Tex0Amb)!
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.494: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.502: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.502: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...199 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.502: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.502: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.502: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...757 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.502: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 1470021: 1/5
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading default shaders (Depth)!
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 0 shaders in replacement map!
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...745 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Loading file from InputStream
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Text file from InputStream loaded...248 bytes
05-23 16:46:25.518: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 1680024: 1/1
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): GL20 render pipeline initialized!
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL vendor:     Imagination Technologies
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL renderer:   PowerVR SGX 540
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL version:    OpenGL ES 2.0 build 1.8@785978
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL renderer initialized (using 2 texture stages)
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 23fps
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:25.525: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:25.549: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 197K, 29% free 31386K/43975K, paused 24ms
05-23 16:46:25.557: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(15374): Grow heap (frag case) to 34.740MB for 4194320-byte allocation
05-23 16:46:25.588: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3K, 20% free 35478K/43975K, paused 1ms+3ms
05-23 16:46:25.611: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 20% free 35478K/43975K, paused 23ms
05-23 16:46:25.619: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(15374): Grow heap (frag case) to 38.737MB for 4194320-byte allocation
05-23 16:46:26.041: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 11% free 39574K/43975K, paused 23ms
05-23 16:46:26.494: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 8% free 40599K/43975K, paused 23ms
05-23 16:46:26.650: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:26.650: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:26.729: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 10925K, 29% free 31383K/43975K, paused 23ms
05-23 16:46:26.729: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(15374): Grow heap (frag case) to 34.737MB for 4194320-byte allocation
05-23 16:46:26.752: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 20% free 35479K/43975K, paused 23ms
05-23 16:46:26.775: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 20% free 35479K/43975K, paused 22ms
05-23 16:46:26.775: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(15374): Grow heap (frag case) to 38.737MB for 4194320-byte allocation
05-23 16:46:26.822: DEBUG/dalvikvm(15374): GC_CONCURRENT freed 0K, 11% free 39575K/43975K, paused 2ms+4ms
05-23 16:46:27.244: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.244: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.307: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.315: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.330: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.330: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Creating buffers...
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Compiling shader program!
05-23 16:46:27.338: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): Handles of 1890027: 0/2
05-23 16:46:27.346: DEBUG/3d(15374): Change camera view to: BOTH
05-23 16:46:27.377: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 1fps
05-23 16:46:28.393: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 31fps
05-23 16:46:29.408: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 30fps
05-23 16:46:30.424: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 30fps
05-23 16:46:31.440: INFO/jPCT-AE(15374): 30fps

Looks like getting stuck on "OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 1/0!" and shader compiling.

Support / Touch to 3d point on plane
« on: May 11, 2012, 12:49:18 am »
I'm porting some Objective C code over to android and a little stuck on this piece of code:

Code: [Select]
CC3Vector4 intsectionPoint = [self.activeCamera unprojectPoint:CGPointMake(x, y) ontoPlane:CC3PlaneMake(0, 1, 0, 0)];
Which basically you pass the x, y of the touch and the method converts it to a point on the plane in the world. Any method like unprojectPoint?

Support / Lines not drawing correctly for S2
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:29:17 am »
This maybe a problem of mine, but seems that the Galaxy S2 isn't drawing my lines for pitch maps.

-It draws the first part of the line but nothing else.
-It works fine on other phones around me.
-It fixes itself when I try OpenGL 1.1
-Lines are working fine on wagon wheels.
-AA on/off has no effect on this bug.

Any ideas why?

I'm going to hunt further for the cause of the bug, maybe get a test case going if needed. Annoying that it has to show up now when we have a release to give out in 2 hours  :-\

Seems it's something to do with how close the camera is.
-Nothing to do with max polys.
-Nothing to do with clipping range.

Edit 2:

It looks like it has something to do with the pitch map grid itself. If I hide it:
Code: [Select]
obj.setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_INVISIBLE);, all things are good, but if I show it, it will break the lines(any). The grid itself is is just made up of small squares with each one having a transparent texture...

Is this some kind of JPCT bug?

This my code to create each square of the pitch map grid:

Code: [Select]
private static Object3D addPlane(final String string, final String textureName, final int i, final float width, final float height, final float x, final float y, final float z, final boolean horizontal ){
final Object3D plane = GraphicsHelper.createPlane(width, height, textureName);//Primitives.getPlane(4, 2);


plane.rotateX(-(float) Math.PI/2f);
plane.rotateY((float) Math.PI/2f);
// plane.clearTranslation();
plane.setAdditionalColor(new RGBColor(255, 255, 255));
plane.translate(x+PitchMaps.xoffset, y , z + PitchMaps.PITCH_OFFSET);

// plane.translateMesh();
plane.setName(string + i);

return plane;
public static Object3D createPlane(float width, float height, String texture){

SimpleVector upperLeftFront=new SimpleVector(-width/2f,-height/2f,0);
SimpleVector upperRightFront=new SimpleVector(width/2f,-height/2f,0);
SimpleVector lowerLeftFront=new SimpleVector(-width/2f, height/2f,0);
SimpleVector lowerRightFront=new SimpleVector(width/2f, height/2f,0);

int textID = TextureManager.getInstance().getTextureID(texture);

    Object3D box = new Object3D(2);
    box.addTriangle(upperLeftFront,0,0, lowerLeftFront,0,1, upperRightFront,1,0,textID);
    box.addTriangle(upperRightFront,1,0, lowerLeftFront,0,1, lowerRightFront,1,1,textID);
return box;

Edit 3:
Looks like transparency is the problem, if I don't set the texture or transparency on the squares, the lines show fine.

Blah since I have no idea on fixing this further I will have to turn off OpenGL 2.0 and release it as I don't know how many other devices this will effect.

Feedback / Porting to GWT
« on: March 20, 2012, 12:40:07 pm »
I thought up an interesting idea which I would see to be popular is a port to GWT.
Though probably quite a bit of work but I thought I will put the idea out there just in case.

I was studying PlayN (, and read that they were starting to support 3d. For those that don't know PlayN is built on top of GWT and allows you to compile your Java code into flash/objective C/WebGL/browser canvas/android/etc. It has some smooth examples of using the jBullet library. So I wondered if JPCT could do something similar to bring 3d to the web using WebGl.

I searched around and it seems there is a library ( for a near 1:1 mapping of the WebGL API for GWT.

Which the 3d engine (Ethereal Engine) is based on GWTGL: Interesting to find that it seems to use some jMonkey classes.

Also found this low level library too:

So it seems possible you could port JPCT and use the GWTGL library. Not sure what the performance of GWT would be like but the basic demos run well in the above libraries. I have seen some impressive stuff with plain JavaScript and WebGL.

WebGL is based on OpenGL ES 2.0.
Browsers that currently support WebGL: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Opera mini.
Looks like it does quite fine in mobile browsers too:

Support / Error code 1000 and black screen issue
« on: March 13, 2012, 03:52:32 am »
When the application sleeps when jpct is loaded, I'm getting messages in logcat "Error code 1000" from jpct.

When I woke up the app (pressed the power button and unlocked) I got a out of memory error, which I found odd as it had ~20 megs free before the event.

But now it seems to be a blank screen. Is this a bug or something in my code? None of the other phones seem to have this problem.

Its a LG Optimus 2x.

03-13 15:45:55.431: I/jPCT-AE(12643): OpenGL vendor:     NVIDIA Corporation
03-13 15:45:55.431: I/jPCT-AE(12643): OpenGL renderer:   NVIDIA AP
03-13 15:45:55.431: I/jPCT-AE(12643): OpenGL version:    OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
03-13 15:45:55.431: I/jPCT-AE(12643): OpenGL renderer initialized (using 2 texture stages)

Edit: Here is the memory crash, that seems repeatable:

03-13 16:05:28.981: I/jPCT-AE(14132): GL20 render pipeline initialized!
03-13 16:05:28.981: I/jPCT-AE(14132): OpenGL vendor:     NVIDIA Corporation
03-13 16:05:28.981: I/jPCT-AE(14132): OpenGL renderer:   NVIDIA Tegra
03-13 16:05:28.981: I/jPCT-AE(14132): OpenGL version:    OpenGL ES 2.0
03-13 16:05:28.981: I/jPCT-AE(14132): OpenGL renderer initialized (using 2 texture stages)
03-13 16:05:28.981: I/jPCT-AE(14132): 1fps
03-13 16:05:29.191: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 10794K, 62% free 11431K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 25ms
03-13 16:05:29.191: I/dalvikvm-heap(14132): Grow heap (frag case) to 30.569MB for 4194320-byte allocation
03-13 16:05:29.231: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 65K, 49% free 15462K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 23ms
03-13 16:05:29.271: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_CONCURRENT freed 0K, 49% free 15462K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 2ms+3ms
03-13 16:05:29.291: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 49% free 15461K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 23ms
03-13 16:05:29.301: I/dalvikvm-heap(14132): Grow heap (frag case) to 34.504MB for 4194320-byte allocation
03-13 16:05:29.341: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K, 35% free 19557K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 23ms
03-13 16:05:29.521: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 35% free 19557K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 2ms+3ms
03-13 16:05:29.551: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 8435K, 63% free 11122K/29959K, external 13400K/15441K, paused 30ms
03-13 16:05:29.711: I/jPCT-AE(14132): OpenGL context has changed(2)...recovering for renderer 3/2!
03-13 16:05:29.711: I/jPCT-AE(14132): Creating buffers...
03-13 16:05:29.981: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9562K, 66% free 10218K/29959K, external 14759K/15441K, paused 23ms
03-13 16:05:29.981: I/dalvikvm-heap(14132): Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 6536076-byte allocation
03-13 16:05:30.001: D/dalvikvm(14132): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 8K, 66% free 10210K/29959K, external 14759K/15441K, paused 22ms
03-13 16:05:30.001: E/dalvikvm-heap(14132): Out of memory on a 6536076-byte allocation.
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132): "GLThread 24" prio=5 tid=21 RUNNABLE
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x405758a0 self=0x5b2688
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   | sysTid=14516 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=6389416
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   | schedstat=( 19215072000 17495376000 22424 )
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at com.threed.jpct.ZipHelper.unzip(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at$1.onDrawFrame(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
03-13 16:05:30.001: I/dalvikvm(14132):   at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
03-13 16:05:30.011: W/dalvikvm(14132): threadid=21: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d560)
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 24
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at com.threed.jpct.ZipHelper.unzip(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at$1.onDrawFrame(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
03-13 16:05:30.011: E/AndroidRuntime(14132):    at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

Bugs / Weird errors in Samsung Y logcat
« on: March 12, 2012, 03:54:28 am »
Not sure if its anything to worry about but I keep getting such errors in the logcat:

03-12 15:48:20.453: D/BRCM_EGL(9668): eglDestroyContext() context: 0x4be3f0, VC context: 1, Thread 9752
03-12 15:48:20.460: E/EGL_SERVER(9668): pid mem_get_free_space before =  5fffa0
03-12 15:48:20.460: E/EGL_SERVER(9668): pid mem_get_free_space =  5fffa0
03-12 15:48:20.468: I/GLThread(9668): releasing EGL context because paused tid=30
03-12 15:48:20.593: I/GLThread(9668): noticed surfaceView surface lost tid=30

Also had my logcat spammed full pages of "Unable to Find Phys Addr for 0" as errors, though forgot to copy the log. I'll post it again when it happens.

Thought I'll let you know just in case it leads to a bug/crash.

Repeatable and just spams the whole logcat when JPCT is loaded. Can't be good :S
03-12 15:59:20.023: E/(10035): Unable to Find Phys Addr for 0

Support / Couple of questions
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:10:24 am »
1) I just noticed in the javadoc for setMipmap on Textures that it gives a warning: "Default is false, because most Android hardware doesn't support it anyway, which results in white polygons all over the place."
Is this still the case? Is there a way to see which ones support it which ones don't? Otherwise am I safe if I just turn it on for the latest devices? (say only 2+ cores for cpu).

2) Is setFiltering method on Textures set to on or off for default?

3) For collisions, how one visualise the collision box itself? I'm having collision bugs.
Otherwise can we get a ellipsoid method for Primitives class that accepts the same values you use to do the collision (vector)?

Projects / CricHQ Android verison
« on: March 08, 2012, 12:15:13 am »
I thought I'll share what what was built using JPCT in the CricHQ android version.

CricHQ is a leading cricket scoring and viewing cricket application on iphone, website and soon android.

No public release for the android version yet. But I'll share once it's out.

Image showing live wagon wheels using JPCT attached. The screen shot was taken on a galaxy nexus.

3d Pitch maps are the next thing to build.

Pitch map screen shot below.

Next is to build wagon wheel and pitch map input.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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