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Messages - AeroShark333

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
Support / Re: setUniform with int array ?
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:41:15 pm »
another question , can there be uniform short array?
You can't specify different integers (byte, short, integer, long, etc.) but you can set the overall integer precision (but this is device specific...).
As of OpenGLES 3.0, you can do more with integers such as bit manipulation. So I could imagine you could store two shorts in a 32-bit integer variable. (idea can be extended to arrays, of course)
You'll need to make sure your renderer supports OpenGLES3.0 and the device also supports it (as well as bit manipulation).

another question , can a uniform array be longer than 1024 elements?
From my experience this is very device specific. Modern devices usually have allow for more than 256 uniform values.
That means that you should take around 240 as your uniform array size limit. (as other uniform variables are also counted for the device limit).

Projects / Re: Neuro Tennis
« on: January 28, 2024, 02:23:59 pm »
It's a cool game but some things I noticed:

-> Is the game supposed to be played in landscape mode; I believe portrait mode might work as well
-> I found the controls a bit hard (on my Samsung Galaxy Note 9 (Android 11) the button hitboxes seem a bit too small that it doesn't always register my presses when I try to press a button)
-> Additionally, I think it would be nice to have gyroscope controls maybe for left and right movement (it would also reduce the amount of buttons on screen; or allow the remaining buttons to be enlarged)
-> Lastly, I am not sure about this but it feels like the ball speed does not reset to a slower speed once one of both players has scored... (this has lead to sometimes 3 goals in a row because there is not much time to react after a goal has been scored)
-> Another suggestion might be to let the ball start closer to the opponent instead of from the center of the screen (so that the ball travels a bit further and allows for a better reaction)

Support / Re: sphere model texture
« on: December 29, 2023, 07:07:09 am »
Personally, I use:
Code: [Select]

Alternatively, it is possible to use:
I don't think there is much of a difference...

Support / Re: Obtain normals to adjust vertex controller normals
« on: November 27, 2023, 07:58:18 pm »
I see. If you call refreshMeshData() on the controller, the newly calculated normals should be updated in the controller and you can obtain them from there.
Thank you, works perfectly! :D

Also, this might be a minor bug: I think the 'shininess' value is not seem to be passed to the fragment shader (while the other uniform variables from the default vertex shader seem accessible though in the fragment shader). I don't need this as I can put custom shader code anyway... But I thought it would be nice to know.

Support / Re: Obtain normals to adjust vertex controller normals
« on: November 24, 2023, 02:56:35 pm »
Hmmm, I'll try to explain better:

Currently, I have an animation where I deform the mesh (through its vertices).
I can't calculate the normals in the vertexcontroller because they depend on neighboring vertices.
However, if I use Object3D.calcNormals() after applying the vertexcontroller, then I suppose I will have the normals for the deformed mesh.
Is it possible to obtain these normals for future use, so in that case I could feed them into the vertexcontroller instead of having to call calcNormals() again.
Essentially, I am trying to create a cache of normals to avoid having to call calcNormals() during runtime.

I hope this makes sense...

Support / Obtain normals to adjust vertex controller normals
« on: November 21, 2023, 05:52:46 pm »

Currently I have an Object3D with a vertexcontroller attached to it. (Modify = false mode)
The vertexcontroller only changes the vertices positions of the mesh and doesn't touch the normals.
In the draw method I currently do the following three operations:
1. Apply vertexcontroller
2. Object3D#touch
3. Object3D#calcNormals

Is it possible to obtain the calculated normals so they could be fed into the vertexcontroller immediately? I wish to save calculation costs by not having to calculate the normals every frame.
In a sense I imagine I could pre-compute the normals with Object3D#calcNormals and then save the normals to be reused in the vertexcontroller. I looked at polygonmanager but no luck there...

Thanks in advance!

Support / Re: blitting - rotated ? subtractive ?
« on: August 28, 2023, 09:43:39 pm »
I think both are achievable using some workarounds.
The 90° rotated texture could be done using 3 ways:
1st: load the texture's bitmap 90° rotated
2nd: use Overlay to rotate the texture layer
3rd: use a blitting shader to draw your texture 90° rotated

For the subtractive color, I believe you'd need to use a blitting shader too

I'm not sure if a RenderTexture is needed for a blitting shader to work

I'm very sorry! The information was clear in the docs. I really don't know why I didn't understand it when I read it at first. TextureInfo objects can only receive 4 images. It just ignores the rest if you add more.  :'(

I think jPCT-AE supports more than 4 texture units (up to 8 max.) due to the suggestion I made last year or two years ago. ;)
I'm not sure about jPCT (PC) version, however... Might still be limited to 4 there


Support / Re: Disable cameraLookAt
« on: January 13, 2023, 07:19:15 pm »
I'd temporarily store/clone the RotationMatrix of the camera on the moment you enable the freecam. This means you'll have the last known camera rotation matrix which was used when the camera used #lookAt(...). Then instead of doing #lookAt(distantDummy), you do #setRotationMatrix(temporaryMatrix)

Support / Re: raspberry pi, orange pi, etc
« on: December 04, 2022, 03:00:18 pm »
Afaik, you can even run Android on a Raspberry Pi which has proper OpenGLES support. In that case jPCT-AE could be used.
But then again, I would argue that you can make jPCT work on a Linux distro too (Raspbian or such). I would believe that there should be some sort of OpenGL support available as for how popular the Raspberry Pi is. It might not work as seamlessly as on Windows but I wouldn't know for sure until someone tried :D

Support / Re: How to display 2D image to 3D screen
« on: November 22, 2022, 03:05:15 pm »
Thank you, its working, i didn't have the perfect texture though  ::) ::)
Glad to hear!

For a joystick, I'd recommend a PNG file as texture (where the outside is transparent), otherwise a JPG texture (where the outside is black).
Make sure to use the constructors in Texture that have 'useAlpha' (which you should then set to true):

Support / Re: How to display 2D image to 3D screen
« on: November 21, 2022, 10:27:21 pm »
Hello welcome!

Hello friends. How to display 2D Image to the camera?
I'am trying to make a Joystick
I'd recommend the blitting functions of the FrameBuffer:

I hope this helps :)

Support / Re: Bug with diffuse lighting
« on: November 13, 2022, 03:49:43 am »
I tried to modify the test case to something similar as what I had but it seems to be working fine...

I tried to look again at my own situation too but it seems fine now...  ???
I think I just made a mistake myself along the way
Sorry for bringing this up, I guess it was an error on my side after all
I think I forgot to set the intensities for some lights and they showed the wrong color (white by default...)

I'll report back if there was something fishy going on still but I suppose it is not the case; so... case closed for now

Support / Re: Bug with diffuse lighting
« on: November 09, 2022, 04:00:05 pm »
Thank you!

News / Re: Maintainability
« on: November 09, 2022, 02:35:28 am »

I'm thinking adding some more ExtendedPrimitives as Polyhedron shapes. But regarding your license this is not possible.

You could always implement such extension of general primitive Object3D's (in a new seperate class) yourself (and share them here for others) ;)

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