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Messages - Tornado7

Pages: [1] 2 3
Support / Relationship between Object3D & texture
« on: October 13, 2004, 03:10:58 pm »
Hi Egon,

I'm writing a rapport about my simulator and I'm writing the chapter about jPCT structure... in your notes you draw, using a solid line, that an Object3D has to have a texture.... but, I've used objs in my applet in which I've applied just simple material without textures, so I'm not pretty sure to understand this necessary relation.....

Bye and thanks

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 16, 2004, 05:24:57 pm »
Hi Egon,

finally I did it  :D I solved all my problems, and I accomplished (I hope) all my tasks.... Thanks again for all your help, without I should still be in a swamp  :D

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 14, 2004, 06:16:20 pm »
Hi Egon,

firstable thanks for your code :) . I'm not an expert of php so I need some explanation... The script stands in a stand-alone file, sucha as script.php? The statement
Code: [Select]
dir("."); opens the current dir (if it is so I've to place the php script in to the textures dir). Using which class and method I can run the script from my applet? At the end, I've to pass the "running script method" as input for the getTextFile()? i.e:

Code: [Select]
BufferedReader in = getTextFile(runScript(script.php));

bye and thanks a lot for your help and patience :oops:

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 10, 2004, 04:14:16 pm »
Here my html code where load the applet:

Code: [Select]

<table width="101%" height="100%">
    <td width="48%"> <br><br>
      <div align="center"><font size="5" face="arial">Area Incidente</font></div><br>
      <applet name="ThreeDSim"  code="ThreeDSimApplet" width="98%" height="72%"></applet>

and here the exception that I've got:

Code: [Select] access denied ( textures read)



at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(

at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(


at ThreeDSimApplet.init(



that is still a security one.... what is pretty odd to me is why, when I give to it an absolute path to the dir, does it work fine, instead, when I give to it a relative path, does it produce an security exception?

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 09, 2004, 04:45:43 pm »
Using simply:

Code: [Select]
File dir_texture=new File("textures");

it doesn't work  :( . What do you exacty mean with: "You maybe have to set the codebase in the applet-tag"?

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 09, 2004, 03:41:46 pm »
Do not consider for the moment the web server context, and let's think locally... in the current implementation, having an absolute path:

Code: [Select]

File dir_texture=new File("c:/programs/java_sdk/bin/textures");

my applet works only if I place my applet and the texture dir in
Code: [Select]
c:/programs/java_sdk/bin/ .

If I'd move my applet and his dirs to another path (i.e. c:/myapplet/), I've to change my applet code in this way:

Code: [Select]

File dir_texture=new File("c:/myapplet/textures");

and so on, whenever I decide to move it in another place or another pc. If I could express in my code a relative path (i.e. /textures) I could move my applet and his dirs everywhere without changing my code everytime.

Hope I've been clear di time  :)

Bye and thanks again

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 09, 2004, 02:34:01 pm »
Let's try to consider the problem from another point of view... Basically my problem is that now I express an absolute path that points to the textures directory:

Code: [Select]

File dir_texture=new File("c:/programs/java_sdk/bin/textures");

so, if I've to move my applet (and his related directory) to another working directory or I copy the applet to a pc that hasn't this path I've to change every the path in the code.... I'd solve my problem if I could express a relative path (i.e. something like /textures) instead of expressing an absolute one that I've to change every time I move the applet in another place.

Bye and thanks

Support / Loading textures problem in a web server context
« on: September 08, 2004, 12:35:27 pm »
Hi Egon,

I've to move my jPCT applet in a web server (EasyPHP) context; in my current version I load my textures giving to it a path in my local drive:

Code: [Select]

File dir_texture=new File("C:/Programmi/Java_SDK/bin/textures");        String[] files_texture=dir_texture.list();
       for (int i=0; i<files_texture.length; i++) {
            String name_texture=files_texture[i];          
            if (name_texture.endsWith(".jpg")) {          
                texMan.addTexture(name_texture, new Texture(getDocumentBase(),"textures/"+name_texture));             }

Running the applet with the web server the Java Console obviously says:

Code: [Select] access denied ( textures read)



at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(

at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(


at ThreeDSimApplet.init(



exist a way to load the textures in this new context considering that I've to load them automatically, I mean, loading them using a loop as in the current version?

Bye and thanks

Support / Two little questions
« on: July 16, 2004, 12:06:16 pm »
Ok, now it works  :D

Bye and thanks a lot for your help :wink:

Support / Retriving obj’s position value
« on: July 07, 2004, 11:35:40 am »
No, it has no effect.....but, doing a better collision detection calibration I've got a good behaviour.... Bye and thanks :D

Support / Retriving obj’s position value
« on: July 05, 2004, 07:13:16 pm »
ok, now collision detecyion works but, you guess..... I've still some problem.....  :D I'm experimenting using check types: checkForCollisionSpherical isn't good enough in my situation; I've tried checkForCollisionEllipsoid and I've an odd behaviuor; I've defined the following:
Code: [Select]

if ((obj_bw) && (!feritoID.equals("none"))){
    Object3D oggetto=theWorld.getObjectByName(feritoID);
    SimpleVector collision= new SimpleVector(44f,15f,10f);
    SimpleVector translate= new SimpleVector(-5f,0f,0f);
    translate=oggetto.checkForCollisionEllipsoid(translate, collision, 5);

using collision with the above SimpleVector's values the obj compenetrate a bit in the wall; if I change the collision values into:
Code: [Select]

SimpleVector collision= new SimpleVector(45f,15f,10f);

it's too much off the wall: why changing by just 1 unit I've a so different result?
I've even tried to use checkForCollision method:
Code: [Select]

if ((obj_bw) && (!feritoID.equals("none"))){
    Object3D oggetto=theWorld.getObjectByName(feritoID);
    SimpleVector direction= new SimpleVector(1,0,0);
    SimpleVector translate= new SimpleVector(-5f,0f,0f);
    translate=oggetto.checkForCollision(direction, 10);

but the compiler says:
Code: [Select] incompatible types
found   : int
required: com.threed.jpct.SimpleVector
    translate=oggetto.checkForCollision(direction, 10);
Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
1 error

any explaination. Bye and thanks  :)

Support / Retriving obj’s position value
« on: July 02, 2004, 01:54:33 pm »
Ok, now it moves as I wish  :D , but I've still problems with collision detection :( : I've setted the "moving obj" using this code:

Code: [Select]


and the world's objs with the following:

Code: [Select]


but, even using your code, it still compenetrates the world's objs  :?:

Support / Retriving obj’s position value
« on: July 01, 2004, 01:54:33 pm »
Ok, I've got it, but I'm experimenting two new problems; here follows the code used for to load the moving objs:

Code: [Select]

Object3D[] miscArray=Loader.load3DS(getDocumentBase(),"3ds/oggetti/"+name_obj, 20f);
         Object3D miscObj=miscArray[0];
            miscObj.translate (-462, -30, -186);
            miscObj.setRotationMatrix(new Matrix());

When I select it using the following in Main():

Code: [Select]

if (clicked) {
                         SimpleVector ray=Interact2D.reproject2D3D(camera, buffer, mouseX, mouseY);
                         int[] res=Interact2D.pickPolygon(theWorld.getVisibilityList(), ray);

                         if (res!=null) {
                             Object3D pickedObjs=theWorld.getObject(Interact2D.getObjectID(res));
                             feritoID = pickedObjs.getName();

and press 'w' key, the obj has to move on his x axis; so, I've used the following code in timer():

Code: [Select]

if ((obj_up) && (feritoID != "none")){
                Object3D oggetto;
                SimpleVector coordinate = oggetto.getTranslation();

even if I've changed the x value with a small value (0.1) it covers a long distance in the applet; another problem is collision detection doesn't work and the obj compenetrate the others. Any suggestion?  :?

Bye and thanks

Support / 3D Objects & IDs
« on: June 29, 2004, 02:08:20 pm »
Ok Egon, thanx :)

Support / 3D Objects & IDs
« on: June 28, 2004, 11:17:50 am »
Hi Egon,

I'm here again... I'd ask you in which way, if it's possible, I can express a 3D Object using is ID instead of is name; i.e.:

something like Object3D(ID).animate instead of animateMe.animate

It's possible to force a 3D Object to get a specific id (I've just find out a method to set the id of the next obj)?

Bye and thanks

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