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Messages - EgonOlsen

Pages: 1 ... 788 789 [790] 791 792 ... 823
Bugs / NPE in world.renderScene()
« on: June 20, 2005, 10:15:00 am »
Well, jPCT is not thread safe, so i wouldn't consider this behaviour as a bug. You'll most likely run into trouble like that whenever you are manipulating the world or objects while rendering them.
I suggest to use a kind of queue and process it in the "render"-thread or do the synchronization between your threads yourself (i.e. wait with manipulating the world until the renderScene() has finished).

Support / Background Images
« on: June 16, 2005, 05:44:13 pm »
Well, it still works this way. Just try it. But i agree that the docs are a bit confusing. Must be a relic from the times where MemoryImageSource was the only kind of frame buffer that jPCT supported. What it actually meant was, that the blitting has to be applied after the newPixels()-call for the rendered image if the blitted content should lay on top of it. I'll remove or reword the front buffer part from the docs in the next version to avoid this confusion in the future.

News / Version 1.06 has been released!
« on: June 09, 2005, 08:18:50 pm »
This version is very similar to the last pre-release version (1.06a2) except one additional bug fix and it's bundled with LWJGL 0.97 instead of 0.96.

Changes can be found here:

Have fun!

Support / I need a help :-)
« on: June 05, 2005, 05:41:08 pm »
While that may work, it's actually a workaround and i don't recommend it. It will bite you sooner or later. Your actual problem is, that you are calling Config.tuneForIndoor(), which itself enables portal rendering. But you are not using portal rendering and i don't recommend on doing so, so the best solution is to turn it off after calling tuneFor... To do this, simply set Config.doPortalHsr to false. You can then remove the call to setMainObjectId() and it should work fine.

Support / Diffuse coloring
« on: June 03, 2005, 06:50:03 pm »
setAdditionalColor(...) in Object3D should do the job.

German corner / Grundlage Animation?
« on: June 03, 2005, 06:48:36 pm »
"North and South" war klasse! Haben wir viel gespielt damals. Ein Remake wäre wirklich eine schöne Sache. MD2 ist primär ein Format für keyframebasierte Animationen. Du kannst damit machen, was du willst (in bestimmten Grenzen natürlich)...wenn du die Modelle selber machst oder halt jemanden findest, der dies tut. Wenn du fertige Modelle nutzen/modifizieren willst, dann sind die natürlich meistens für den Einsatz in Quake2 gemacht, d.h. sie halten die Arme so, dass eine Waffe dort Platz findet usw. Kann ok aussehen, muss aber nicht. Ob von unten, oben, links rechts oder schräg ist aber kein Problem.

German corner / Grundlage Animation?
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:34:08 am »
Ja, die Figur würde natürlich aus Polygonen bestehen. Wie genau du das machst, ist dir überlassen. Du kannst sie komplett aus Einzeldreiecken zusammen setzen (nicht sehr empfehlenswert, aber möglich), aus einzelnen Teilmodellen (also Arme, Beine, Rumpf, Kopf usw), die du in einem Editor erstellt (rolz tut das in Projects-Bereich ist ein Thread über Technopolis, wo man das sehen kann) oder du nimmst das in jPCT eingebaute MD2-Format (Quake2-Format) mit all seinen Vor- und Nachteilen. Dafür bekommst du jede Menge fertige Modelle. An Code wäre eine Animation dieser Art Modelle grob gesagt eine Zeile.

Support / Axis problem
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:30:25 am »
The plane will appear at (0,0,0). Maybe your camera is at (0,0,0) too, so that you can't see it. Try to move back the camera or translate the plane into the screen and see if you can see it. You may also need to rotate it (-)90 degrees around X. Depends on how the terascene is actually build...i can't remember that exactly.

Projects / Re: Multitexturing
« on: June 02, 2005, 12:00:35 am »
Quote from: "rolz"
Would it be possible to assign multiple textures to a polygon ?
Currently not, i'm afraid. It's mainly a tribute to the software renderer that there is no kind of multi texturing in jPCT (not entirely true...the software renderer has this blended bump mapping, but that's all there is about it). If you want something like this, i suggest to use geometry instead or at least place some polygons with the needed texture on top of the landscape. That's something that you may have to do anyway, even if jPCT would allow for normal multi texturing, because what you want may not be normal multi texturing (i.e. multiplicative blending).

Hope this helps.

Support / Re: still not working
« on: June 01, 2005, 11:51:48 pm »
Quote from: "manumoi"

Do you see where my mistake is?
Looks quite ok to me...but...there is a rotateY(...) in placeModel(). Maybe that causes the wrong orientation? If that's not the problem: Are you sure that you are using 1.06pr and not 1.05 of jPCT? The code won't work correct with 1.05.

Projects / Technopolies
« on: June 01, 2005, 05:12:50 pm »
What a nice idea to simply use Visio as a level editor. That's something that i have to keep in mind...

Support / Axis problem
« on: June 01, 2005, 08:51:48 am »
But don't forget to reset the rotation matrix afterwards (setRotationMatrix(new Matrix()); However, you'll have to download the 1.06 preview release (look at the news section for it) to get this working. Versions prior to 1.06 don't affect the animation when calling rotateMesh();

Feedback / Re: The future
« on: May 26, 2005, 03:40:50 pm »
Quote from: "Remo"
How about a demo show. Some of us could write a little app using jPCT :). Something little that shows the strenght and capabilities of jPCT, nothing HUGE.
Feel free to contribute in any way you like. I will gladly host and/or link to any good demo you are throwing at me.

Support / Md2 and Texture
« on: May 26, 2005, 09:07:04 am »
Bonjour,   :wink:

jPCT doesn't handle textures for MD2 files. You have to assign the texture yourself to the loaded object. Usually, MD2s already come with a texture (sometimes in PCX format, which needs to be converted first). After loading the model into an Object3D, you just load the texture and assign it to the loaded object. That's all. If you are making the models yourself, then there are no restrictions on how the texture should be build/look.
To animate models imported from 3DS, you have the same options that apply to all the other formats: You can manipulate the mesh itself, use rotations and translations and build a keyframed mesh animation from the model. In the projects section, there is a thread about technopolis, which discusses some of this aspects at the end of the thread. Maybe that helps to make things clearer.

Support / Physics / animations engine bindings for JPCT
« on: May 26, 2005, 08:59:58 am »
I don't know much about ODE (i.e. i've never used it), but i think it should already be possible to use it in combination with jPCT due to the way it works. Maybe i'll do something with it in the future, but i somehow dislike to use another native binding in addition to LWJGL. That's even more true for Cal3D. I would like to write my own skeletal animation stuff instead, but that is something that is not very high on my priority list either.

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