Author Topic: Pause, resume and restart  (Read 6038 times)

Offline AceGIS

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Pause, resume and restart
« on: February 24, 2013, 10:54:51 pm »
Hi Egon,

In your examples you have a function to copy a "master" activity if it does not exist and this is used to handle pause resume. I have extracted the renderer into a standalone class, therefore myActivityClass.this in your renderer does not work for me. Do you have another solution for handling pause and resume? Android activity and GLSurfaceView states are driving me crazy trying to work this out...

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 08:20:34 pm »
That actually doesn't matter, the basic idea stays the same. Just split the renderer from the game (which my examples don't do for the sake of simplicity) and only save the game instance. In my RPG project, the Activity still contains the renderer as an internal class, but it has only one other instance variable, which is the root of the game's object tree. Only that one is saved and all that onDrameFrame does is to call game.draw().

However, i've still no idea if this kind of state management is a good way to do it. It's the way i do it and it works pretty well for me, but on the other hand, it looks somehow hacky and i bet that there are other solutions.

Offline AceGIS

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 12:13:39 am »
Hi Egon,

I am still struggling with this. In my activity that contains the GLSurfaceView (and renderer) I have the snippet below;

Code: [Select]
// Used to handle pause and resume...
static CameraViewActivity master = null;

if (getMaster() != null) { // I have created getter and setter
      copy(getMaster()); // copy method from helloworld example

In my renderer class onSurfaceChanged I have the snippet below;
Code: [Select]
if (CameraViewActivity.getMaster() == null)
// create textures, load models......

if (CameraViewActivity.getMaster() == null) {
Logger.log("Saving master Activity!");

I just can't seem to work out what is going on here. DANG!! Any advice?

« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 12:22:11 am by AceGIS »

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 02:22:16 pm »
I'm not sure what the actual problem is now... ???

Offline AceGIS

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2013, 10:09:32 pm »
Sorry Egon,

Is the line "CameraViewActivity.setMaster(CameraViewActivity.master);" the correct way to do this. It compiles without error, but my app is still getting OOM. ??

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2013, 10:24:01 pm »
Looks ok to me. When are you getting these errors? At startup or only on resume? How much memory (of how much) are you actually using?

Offline AceGIS

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 10:49:07 pm »
Hi Egon,

Only on resume. How do I check how much memory the app is actually using? I can see the total memory allocated to the app but how do I see how much of that is being used?

Thanks again...

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 11:40:27 pm »
Call MemoryHelper.compact() to free unused memory and get some log messages.

Offline AceGIS

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 03:19:58 am »
Hi Egon,

OK. I have been using Eclipse MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool) all morning and have identified where all my memory is going. When the CameraViewActivity (which contains the GLSurfaceView and renderer) is finished, the app is still holding all my models (I am loading them in a loop within onSurfaceChanged) in memory. I have tried to force GC on them without success. When you are finished with your GLSurfaceView and renderer are you cleaning up memory somehow? I already have MemoryHelper.compact() at the end of onSurfaceChanged. A part of the HPROF dump displaying the leak suspects is shown below.

8 instances of "com.threed.jpct.Object3D", loaded by "dalvik.system.PathClassLoader @ 0x415e0220" occupy 22,664,552 (49.40%) bytes.

Biggest instances:

•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x429c77d0 - 2,867,056 (6.25%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x42fc2e00 - 2,841,936 (6.19%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x432bda28 - 2,841,936 (6.19%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x416fd5a0 - 2,841,568 (6.19%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x426c8508 - 2,841,568 (6.19%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x42cc4e38 - 2,841,568 (6.19%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x420e1f10 - 2,807,008 (6.12%) bytes.
•com.threed.jpct.Object3D @ 0x423cf208 - 2,781,912 (6.06%) bytes.
These instances are referenced from one instance of "com.threed.jpct.Object3D[]", loaded by "dalvik.system.PathClassLoader @ 0x415e0220"

Any ideas...?

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2013, 08:20:32 am »
I fail to see the 'leak'...objects use memory, large objects use more memory. Are you reloading the objects on resume? If so, you actually don't have to do that, but use the same instances as before.

Offline AceGIS

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2013, 01:21:50 am »
Hi Egon,

I am now trying to reuse the objects without success. Could you please take a look at the log and advise. I notice two things of interest. First is that after starting the activity the second time the Visiblity list is disposed, All tecture data is unloaded from the GPU, the VBO's are disposed and the renderer is also disposed?? The second interesting item (which I have not seen before) is the Creating new matrix cache.

Code: [Select]
04-02 08:56:00.233: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:00.233: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c3a7000 size:614400 offset:0 fd:58
04-02 08:56:00.254: E/(13027): Can't open file for reading
04-02 08:56:00.254: E/(13027): Can't open file for reading
04-02 08:56:00.304: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:00.304: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c59b000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:62
04-02 08:56:00.434: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c91c000 size:614400 offset:0 fd:65
04-02 08:56:00.564: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5cf91000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:68
04-02 08:56:01.345: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d208000 size:614400 offset:0 fd:71
04-02 08:56:01.775: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c3a7000 size:614400
04-02 08:56:01.775: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c91c000 size:614400
04-02 08:56:01.775: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d208000 size:614400
04-02 08:56:01.805: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d2a0000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:52
04-02 08:56:01.805: D/CLIPBOARD(13027): Hide Clipboard dialog at Starting input: finished by someone else... !
04-02 08:56:03.987: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:03.997: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d517000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:58
04-02 08:56:04.027: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d68e000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:71
04-02 08:56:04.037: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c59b000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:04.037: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5cf91000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:04.037: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d2a0000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:04.638: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c49b000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:52
04-02 08:56:04.788: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:04.788: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5cf91000 size:860160 offset:0 fd:62
04-02 08:56:04.848: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d2a0000 size:860160 offset:0 fd:74
04-02 08:56:05.609: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d805000 size:860160 offset:0 fd:77
04-02 08:56:05.739: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5cf91000 size:860160
04-02 08:56:05.739: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d2a0000 size:860160
04-02 08:56:05.739: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d805000 size:860160
04-02 08:56:05.739: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:05.739: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c91c000 size:552960 offset:0 fd:62
04-02 08:56:05.749: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5cf91000 size:552960 offset:0 fd:74
04-02 08:56:05.969: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d018000 size:552960 offset:0 fd:77
04-02 08:56:06.450: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c91c000 size:552960
04-02 08:56:06.450: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5cf91000 size:552960
04-02 08:56:06.450: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d018000 size:552960
04-02 08:56:06.470: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c612000 size:245760 offset:0 fd:62
04-02 08:56:07.200: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:07.210: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d2a0000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:68
04-02 08:56:07.230: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d805000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:74
04-02 08:56:07.250: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d517000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:07.250: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d68e000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:07.250: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c49b000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:07.881: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c49b000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:52
04-02 08:56:07.881: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c612000 size:245760
04-02 08:56:08.241: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 1
04-02 08:56:08.241: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 2
04-02 08:56:08.241: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 3
04-02 08:56:08.241: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 4
04-02 08:56:08.241: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 5
04-02 08:56:08.241: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 6
04-02 08:56:08.251: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 7
04-02 08:56:08.251: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 8
04-02 08:56:08.251: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 9
04-02 08:56:08.251: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 10
04-02 08:56:08.251: D/SensorManager(13027): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 0
04-02 08:56:08.251: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Cleaned up cache (1 files): true
04-02 08:56:08.301: I/jPCT-AE(13027): onStart: CameraViewActivity
04-02 08:56:08.301: I/jPCT-AE(13027): onResume: CameraViewActivity
04-02 08:56:08.311: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d2a0000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:08.311: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d805000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:08.311: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c49b000 size:1536000
04-02 08:56:08.331: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:08.341: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c91c000 size:557056 offset:0 fd:52
04-02 08:56:08.351: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:08.361: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d2a0000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:58
04-02 08:56:08.401: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:56:08.401: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d5bb000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:68
04-02 08:56:08.411: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d208000 size:557056 offset:0 fd:71
04-02 08:56:08.421: I/jPCT-AE(13027): MyRenderer surface created
04-02 08:56:08.431: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d8ae000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:74
04-02 08:56:08.442: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Initializing GL20 render pipeline...
04-02 08:56:08.442: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Accessing shaders via JAR!
04-02 08:56:08.442: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders !
04-02 08:56:08.442: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:08.442: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:08.482: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:08.492: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...2008 bytes
04-02 08:56:08.492: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:08.492: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:08.492: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4496 bytes
04-02 08:56:08.492: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:08.512: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5da25000 size:557056 offset:0 fd:78
04-02 08:56:09.823: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 3: 2/36
04-02 08:56:09.823: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex0)!
04-02 08:56:09.823: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:09.823: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:09.833: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:09.833: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...201 bytes
04-02 08:56:09.833: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:09.833: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:09.833: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4020 bytes
04-02 08:56:09.833: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:11.174: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 6: 2/29
04-02 08:56:11.174: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex1)!
04-02 08:56:11.174: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:11.174: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:11.184: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:11.184: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...871 bytes
04-02 08:56:11.184: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:11.184: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:11.184: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4390 bytes
04-02 08:56:11.184: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 9: 2/34
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex0Light0)!
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...201 bytes
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...1293 bytes
04-02 08:56:12.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 12: 2/7
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Fog)!
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...328 bytes
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4267 bytes
04-02 08:56:12.425: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 15: 2/32
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (FogLight0)!
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...328 bytes
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:13.637: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...1608 bytes
04-02 08:56:13.647: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 18: 2/10
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex0Amb)!
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...199 bytes
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...757 bytes
04-02 08:56:13.677: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:13.707: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 21: 2/3
04-02 08:56:13.707: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Depth)!
04-02 08:56:13.707: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:56:13.707: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:56:13.717: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:13.717: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...745 bytes
04-02 08:56:13.717: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:56:13.717: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:56:13.717: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...248 bytes
04-02 08:56:13.717: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:56:13.737: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 24: 0/0
04-02 08:56:13.737: I/jPCT-AE(13027): GL20 render pipeline initialized!
04-02 08:56:13.747: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL vendor:     Qualcomm
04-02 08:56:13.747: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL renderer:   Adreno (TM) 220
04-02 08:56:13.747: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL version:    OpenGL ES 2.0 2184622
04-02 08:56:13.747: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL renderer initialized (using 2 texture stages)
04-02 08:56:13.747: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading Texture...
04-02 08:56:13.747: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Texture loaded...65536 bytes/128*128 pixels!
04-02 08:56:13.827: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Stored texture data on disk!
04-02 08:56:13.827: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 0: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_7.ser
04-02 08:56:14.267: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 1: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_0.ser
04-02 08:56:14.658: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 2: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_1.ser
04-02 08:56:15.068: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 3: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_2.ser
04-02 08:56:15.508: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 4: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_3.ser
04-02 08:56:15.929: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 5: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_4.ser
04-02 08:56:16.389: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 6: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_5.ser
04-02 08:56:16.980: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Model file # 7: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Terrain Models/JCU_project/jcu_lidar_dem_multi8_6.ser
04-02 08:57:08.670: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading Texture...
04-02 08:57:08.670: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Texture loaded...4096 bytes/64*16 pixels!
04-02 08:57:08.860: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Adding Lightsource: 0
04-02 08:57:08.860: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Memory usage before compacting: 40256 KB used out of 42631 KB. Max. memory available to the VM is 65536 KB.
04-02 08:57:09.271: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Memory usage after compacting: 39718 KB used out of 42631 KB. Max. memory available to the VM is 65536 KB.
04-02 08:57:09.271: D/SensorManager(13027): registerListener :: handle = 0  name= K3DH Acceleration Sensor delay= 20000 Listener= com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer@420681c0
04-02 08:57:09.271: E/SensorManager(13027): thread start
04-02 08:57:09.271: E/SensorManager(13027): =======>>> Sensor Thread Running <<<========
04-02 08:57:09.271: D/SensorManager(13027): registerListener :: handle = 1  name= AK8975 Magnetic field Sensor delay= 20000 Listener= com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer@420681c0
04-02 08:57:09.271: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Saving master Activity!
04-02 08:57:09.291: D/SensorManager(13027): onAccuracyChanged :: accuracy = 3
04-02 08:57:10.792: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 0/object2 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4218 vertices in 629ms!
04-02 08:57:11.343: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 0/object2 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 544ms!
04-02 08:57:11.994: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 0/object2 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 647ms!
04-02 08:57:12.504: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 0/object2 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 509ms!
04-02 08:57:12.634: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 0/object2 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 9753/1742 vertices in 134ms!
04-02 08:57:12.634: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 0/object2 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3356ms!
04-02 08:57:14.116: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 1/object3 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4176 vertices in 648ms!
04-02 08:57:14.616: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 1/object3 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4176 vertices in 497ms!
04-02 08:57:15.257: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 1/object3 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4176 vertices in 642ms!
04-02 08:57:15.767: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 1/object3 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4176 vertices in 514ms!
04-02 08:57:15.897: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 1/object3 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 8628/1531 vertices in 128ms!
04-02 08:57:15.897: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 1/object3 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3260ms!
04-02 08:57:17.379: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 2/object4 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4219 vertices in 643ms!
04-02 08:57:17.829: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 2/object4 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4221 vertices in 456ms!
04-02 08:57:18.500: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 2/object4 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4221 vertices in 665ms!
04-02 08:57:18.960: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 2/object4 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4221 vertices in 465ms!
04-02 08:57:19.201: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 2/object4 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 7503/1352 vertices in 241ms!
04-02 08:57:19.211: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 2/object4 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3313ms!
04-02 08:57:20.792: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 3/object5 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4218 vertices in 717ms!
04-02 08:57:21.423: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 3/object5 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 630ms!
04-02 08:57:21.923: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 3/object5 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 502ms!
04-02 08:57:22.404: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 3/object5 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 473ms!
04-02 08:57:22.694: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 3/object5 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 9753/1742 vertices in 296ms!
04-02 08:57:22.694: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 3/object5 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3486ms!
04-02 08:57:24.205: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 4/object6 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4175 vertices in 644ms!
04-02 08:57:24.786: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 4/object6 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4175 vertices in 584ms!
04-02 08:57:25.417: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 4/object6 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4175 vertices in 628ms!
04-02 08:57:25.947: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 4/object6 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4175 vertices in 528ms!
04-02 08:57:26.097: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 4/object6 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 10878/1919 vertices in 149ms!
04-02 08:57:26.097: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 4/object6 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3397ms!
04-02 08:57:27.589: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 5/object7 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4218 vertices in 510ms!
04-02 08:57:28.219: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 5/object7 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 634ms!
04-02 08:57:28.890: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 5/object7 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 666ms!
04-02 08:57:29.360: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 5/object7 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 469ms!
04-02 08:57:29.621: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 5/object7 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 9753/1742 vertices in 265ms!
04-02 08:57:29.631: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 5/object7 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3534ms!
04-02 08:57:31.212: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 6/object8 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4218 vertices in 735ms!
04-02 08:57:32.033: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 6/object8 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 819ms!
04-02 08:57:32.664: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 6/object8 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 627ms!
04-02 08:57:33.134: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 6/object8 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 464ms!
04-02 08:57:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 6/object8 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 9753/1742 vertices in 292ms!
04-02 08:57:33.424: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 6/object8 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3793ms!
04-02 08:57:34.826: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 7/object9 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 23997/4218 vertices in 520ms!
04-02 08:57:35.536: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 7/object9 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 717ms!
04-02 08:57:36.177: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 7/object9 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 636ms!
04-02 08:57:36.658: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 7/object9 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 24000/4218 vertices in 481ms!
04-02 08:57:36.958: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Subobject of object 7/object9 compiled to indexed fixed point data using 9753/1742 vertices in 293ms!
04-02 08:57:36.958: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Object 7/object9 compiled to 5 subobjects in 3525ms!
04-02 08:57:36.958: I/jPCT-AE(13027): [ 1364857056960 ] - WARNING: Texture's size is 64/16, but textures should be square for OpenGL ES2.0! This may result in a black texture!
04-02 08:57:36.958: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c91c000 size:557056
04-02 08:57:36.958: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d208000 size:557056
04-02 08:57:36.958: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5da25000 size:557056
04-02 08:57:36.988: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5dbad000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:57
04-02 08:57:37.018: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Retrieved texture data from disk!
04-02 08:57:37.048: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.048: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object4'
04-02 08:57:37.068: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.078: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object4'
04-02 08:57:37.088: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.098: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object4'
04-02 08:57:37.118: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.128: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object4'
04-02 08:57:37.138: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.148: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object4'
04-02 08:57:37.148: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.158: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object7'
04-02 08:57:37.168: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.178: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object7'
04-02 08:57:37.188: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.198: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object7'
04-02 08:57:37.218: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.228: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object7'
04-02 08:57:37.238: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.248: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object7'
04-02 08:57:37.248: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.258: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object8'
04-02 08:57:37.268: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.268: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object8'
04-02 08:57:37.278: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.288: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object8'
04-02 08:57:37.298: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.308: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object8'
04-02 08:57:37.308: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.318: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object8'
04-02 08:57:37.328: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.338: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object9'
04-02 08:57:37.338: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.348: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object9'
04-02 08:57:37.358: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.368: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object9'
04-02 08:57:37.378: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.378: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object9'
04-02 08:57:37.388: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating buffers...
04-02 08:57:37.398: I/jPCT-AE(13027): VBO created for object 'object9'
04-02 08:57:37.418: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5e368000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:62
04-02 08:57:50.201: I/jPCT-AE(13027): onPause: CameraViewActivity
04-02 08:57:50.221: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d5bb000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:50.221: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5dbad000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:50.221: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5e368000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:50.521: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:57:50.531: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d417000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:57
04-02 08:57:50.551: W/SurfaceView(13027): CHECK surface infomation creating=false formatChanged=false sizeChanged=false visible=false visibleChanged=true surfaceChanged=true realSizeChanged=false redrawNeeded=false left=false top=false
04-02 08:57:50.551: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d2a0000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:50.551: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d8ae000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:50.631: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5cf91000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:58
04-02 08:57:50.641: I/jPCT-AE(13027): onStop: CameraViewActivity
04-02 08:57:58.329: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c59b000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:63
04-02 08:57:58.809: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Copying data from master Activity!
04-02 08:57:58.819: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Cleaned up cache (1 files): true
04-02 08:57:58.859: I/jPCT-AE(13027): onStart: CameraViewActivity
04-02 08:57:58.859: I/jPCT-AE(13027): onResume: CameraViewActivity
04-02 08:57:58.859: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5d417000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:58.859: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5cf91000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:58.859: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Unmapping buffer  base:0x5c59b000 size:1536000
04-02 08:57:58.889: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:57:58.889: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c59b000 size:557056 offset:0 fd:57
04-02 08:57:58.899: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:57:58.909: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d3a0000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:61
04-02 08:57:58.929: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13027): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:57:58.929: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d617000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:64
04-02 08:57:58.939: I/jPCT-AE(13027): MyRenderer surface created
[b]04-02 08:57:58.939: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Visibility lists disposed![/b]
04-02 08:57:58.949: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d84a000 size:557056 offset:0 fd:67
[b]04-02 08:57:58.959: I/jPCT-AE(13027): All texture data unloaded from gpu![/b]
[b]04-02 08:57:58.959: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Disposing VBOs![/b]
[b]04-02 08:57:58.969: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Renderer disposed![/b]
04-02 08:57:58.969: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Initializing GL20 render pipeline...
04-02 08:57:58.969: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders !
04-02 08:57:58.969: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:57:58.969: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:57:58.969: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:57:58.969: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d8d2000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:76
04-02 08:57:58.979: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...2008 bytes
04-02 08:57:58.979: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:57:58.979: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:57:58.979: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4496 bytes
04-02 08:57:58.989: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:57:58.989: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5dbad000 size:557056 offset:0 fd:80
04-02 08:58:00.621: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 3: 2/36
04-02 08:58:00.621: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex0)!
04-02 08:58:00.621: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:00.621: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:00.621: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:00.631: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...201 bytes
04-02 08:58:00.631: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:00.631: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:00.631: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4020 bytes
04-02 08:58:00.631: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:02.513: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 6: 2/29
04-02 08:58:02.513: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex1)!
04-02 08:58:02.513: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:02.513: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:02.513: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:02.523: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...871 bytes
04-02 08:58:02.523: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:02.523: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:02.523: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4390 bytes
04-02 08:58:02.523: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:04.335: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 9: 2/34
04-02 08:58:04.335: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex0Light0)!
04-02 08:58:04.335: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:04.335: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:04.335: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:04.345: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...201 bytes
04-02 08:58:04.345: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:04.345: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:04.345: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...1293 bytes
04-02 08:58:04.345: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:04.385: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 12: 2/7
04-02 08:58:04.385: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Fog)!
04-02 08:58:04.385: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:04.385: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:04.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:04.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...328 bytes
04-02 08:58:04.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:04.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:04.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...4267 bytes
04-02 08:58:04.395: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:06.186: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 15: 2/32
04-02 08:58:06.186: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (FogLight0)!
04-02 08:58:06.186: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:06.186: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:06.196: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:06.196: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...328 bytes
04-02 08:58:06.196: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:06.196: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:06.196: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...1608 bytes
04-02 08:58:06.196: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:06.236: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 18: 2/10
04-02 08:58:06.236: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Tex0Amb)!
04-02 08:58:06.236: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...199 bytes
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...757 bytes
04-02 08:58:06.246: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:06.266: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 21: 2/3
04-02 08:58:06.266: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading default shaders (Depth)!
04-02 08:58:06.266: I/jPCT-AE(13027): 0 shaders in replacement map!
04-02 08:58:06.266: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default fragment shader is: /defaultFragmentShader.src
04-02 08:58:06.276: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:06.276: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...745 bytes
04-02 08:58:06.276: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Default vertex shader is: /defaultVertexShader.src
04-02 08:58:06.276: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Loading file from InputStream
04-02 08:58:06.276: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Text file from InputStream loaded...248 bytes
04-02 08:58:06.276: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Compiling shader program!
04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Handles of 24: 0/0
04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): GL20 render pipeline initialized!
04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL vendor:     Qualcomm
04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL renderer:   Adreno (TM) 220
04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL version:    OpenGL ES 2.0 2184622
04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): OpenGL renderer initialized (using 2 texture stages)
[b]04-02 08:58:06.296: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Creating new matrix cache![/b]
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.rescale16(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.buildMipmap(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
[b]04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer.onDrawFrame( = (world.draw(fb);) [/b]
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
04-02 08:58:06.306: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
04-02 08:58:06.306: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Drawing thread terminated!
04-02 08:58:06.327: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5dc35000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:85
04-02 08:58:07.267: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Additional visibility list (2) created with size: 100000
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.rescale16(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.buildMipmap(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer.onDrawFrame(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
04-02 08:58:07.277: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
04-02 08:58:07.277: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Drawing thread terminated!
04-02 08:58:07.287: D/memalloc(13027): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5ddac000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:88
04-02 08:58:08.459: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Additional visibility list (3) created with size: 100000
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.rescale16(
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.buildMipmap(
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:08.459: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:08.469: W/System.err(13027): at com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer.onDrawFrame(
04-02 08:58:08.469: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
04-02 08:58:08.469: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
04-02 08:58:08.469: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Drawing thread terminated!
04-02 08:58:09.480: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Additional visibility list (4) created with size: 100000
04-02 08:58:09.480: W/System.err(13027): java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 08:58:09.480: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.rescale16(
04-02 08:58:09.480: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.buildMipmap(
04-02 08:58:09.480: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer.onDrawFrame(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
04-02 08:58:09.490: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
04-02 08:58:09.490: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Drawing thread terminated!
04-02 08:58:10.731: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Additional visibility list (5) created with size: 100000
04-02 08:58:10.731: W/System.err(13027): java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 08:58:10.731: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.rescale16(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.buildMipmap(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer.onDrawFrame(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
04-02 08:58:10.741: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
04-02 08:58:10.741: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Drawing thread terminated!
04-02 08:58:11.762: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Additional visibility list (6) created with size: 100000
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.rescale16(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.buildMipmap(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.convertTexture(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.setTextures(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.GLRenderer.drawVertexArray(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.threed.jpct.World.draw(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at com.allenja.eleviewer.CameraViewActivity$MyRenderer.onDrawFrame(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
04-02 08:58:11.772: W/System.err(13027): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
04-02 08:58:11.782: I/jPCT-AE(13027): Drawing thread terminated!
04-02 08:58:12.923: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13507): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:58:12.923: D/memalloc(13507): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c3a7000 size:614400 offset:0 fd:58
04-02 08:58:12.923: E/(13507): Can't open file for reading
04-02 08:58:12.923: E/(13507): Can't open file for reading
04-02 08:58:12.943: I/Adreno200-EGLSUB(13507): <ConfigWindowMatch:2078>: Format RGBA_8888.
04-02 08:58:12.953: D/memalloc(13507): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c59b000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:62
04-02 08:58:13.013: D/memalloc(13507): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5c91c000 size:614400 offset:0 fd:65
04-02 08:58:13.063: D/memalloc(13507): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5cf91000 size:1536000 offset:0 fd:68
04-02 08:58:14.104: D/memalloc(13507): ion: Mapped buffer base:0x5d208000 size:614400 offset:0 fd:71

Any advice??

Offline EgonOlsen

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 07:22:15 am »
Looks like as if there's no pixel data available in the texture instances when uploading them again. Are you using Texture.keepPixelData(...) or Texture.defaultToKeepPixels(...) somewhere in your code?

Offline AceGIS

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Re: Pause, resume and restart
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2013, 12:56:30 am »
Hi Egon,

You (of course) are the man!! Set my textures to keepPixelData and it solved all my problems. Thanks for your help (again). New project for your projects page coming soon...